

中文摘要 為提升廢電子電器及資訊物品回收處理體系運作成效,本計畫執行並完成下列工作:(1)評估擴大回收列管項目之可行性,針對擬擴大回收列管之項目,研議列管對象、規模及回收處理模式。(2)結合物流通路及回收處理業者,推動責任業者自主回收試點計畫,並分析責任業者自主回收之可行性及提出相關推動策略。(3)研議大型廢家電回收聯單電子化方案,並探討以產品序號應用在追蹤廢物品流向管理可行性。(4)為確保廢物品回收處理品質,瞭解自動化處理技術流程,並在維護環境及資源再利用品質下,針對設施標準、作業準則及補貼政策提出評估及建議。另檢討不符允收標準廢物品補貼試辦作業成效,透過實地作業訪查,掌握現況及問題,提出作業調整建議。(5)辦理臺美環保技術合作協定之電子廢棄物國際合作發展交流工作,工作內容包含修訂電子廢棄物資源回收訓練教材、蒐集國際組織及夥伴國家所發表之電子廢棄物資訊、協助網路平台進行管理及回覆各國相關問題及辦理國際電子廢棄物回收管理夥伴會議。(6)協助支援辦理資源回收費率審議委員會議召開。
中文關鍵字 廢電子電器、廢資訊物品、廢電子電器及資訊物品回收處理技術、廢電子電器及資訊物品管理制度、國際電子廢棄物回收管理夥伴會議


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-HA14-03-A040 經費年度 107 計畫經費 9443.876 千元
專案開始日期 2018/02/12 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 林俊旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 劉倩 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-107-HA14-03-A040.pdf(公開版).pdf 14MB

Project on improvement of waste home appliance and IT equipment treatment technology and material cycling.

英文摘要 To strengthen the performance of e-waste recycling management, in this project, we completed the tasks as follows: 1) Feasibility study on the expansion of the mandatory recycling items list in the aspects of targets, scales and take-back models. 2) Collaboration among shipping companies, recyclers and producers to conduct self-operating take-back programs. 3) Study on the improvement of the take-back e-document system for large home appliances and the investigation on using serial numbers as a tracking tool for e-waste. 4) Investigation on auto-processing procedure and mechanisms for e-waste as well as the suggestion for the standards of facilities and operations, subsidy policies etc. Suggestions for the qualification criteria for eligible take-back items. 5) Taiwan-US collaboration on holding the International E-Waste Management Network Meeting in the Philippines.Editing training materials for e-waste management personnel, compilation of the e-waste management status in member countries of IEMN, and, maintenance of the IEMN website. 6) Support to the meetings of the RFMB recycling-fee reviewing committee.
英文關鍵字 Waste home appliances, Waste IT equipment, E-waste Recycling technology, E-waste management system, International E-waste management Network