

中文摘要 細懸浮微粒PM2.5污染為目前空氣不良情形所關注的主要議題之一。根據行政院環境保護署統計資料顯示國內各類污染源對PM2.5濃度影響,移動污染源佔整體PM2.5總量30~37%,細分各類污染源則以柴油大貨車佔11.2~16.8%最高。而嘉義市之幅員狹小,主要人口集中市區內,而柴油車輛主要排放物為PM2.5,也是市區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一。本計畫以透過未來將嘉義市區劃設為空氣品質維護區為大前提的方向下,透過指定特定區域主要出入口裝設車牌辨識系統有效掌握行駛於嘉義市區行駛之柴油車輛,並針對未有檢測合格紀錄之車輛寄發通知到檢,逐步養成經常行駛於嘉義市區之柴油車輛每年檢測排煙之習慣,並在空氣品質維護區正式施行前,先以劃設空氣品質維護區示範區先行運作,初期先以主動到檢通知而後逐步評估規劃加強管制強度,有效降低市區內的柴油車污染,提高嘉義市空氣品質,進而未來達成劃設嘉義市區空氣品質維護區之目標。 計畫自107年9月25日至107年12月15日止執行成果如下: 一、已完成世賢路一段~四段共計12組車牌辨識系統安裝設置作業並正常運作。 二、車牌辨識系統接收與處理作業中心建置完成。 三、稽查車輛經比對後寄發宣導通知主動到檢5,180件。 四、完成空氣品質維護區宣導單張設計及印製20,000份。 五、完成先期交通轉運中心空氣品質維護區示範區及蘭潭風景區空氣品質維護區示範區規劃書並已完成告示牌及標示牌設置。 六、提交未來嘉義市管制分析及嘉義市空品維護區劃設時衝擊對象評估與未來嘉義市柴油車輛管制稽查配套措施評估規劃書1份。 七、相關宣導新聞稿協助撰寫發佈3則。 八、完成辦理技術轉移1場次。
中文關鍵字 柴油車、空氣品質維護區


專案計畫編號 1070761 經費年度 107 計畫經費 7400 千元
專案開始日期 2018/09/25 專案結束日期 2018/12/15 專案主持人 劉柏宏
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王怡評 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年空品區計畫期末報告定稿(全).pdf 8MB 期末報告

Diesel Vehicle Control Plan for Air Quality Maintenance Zone in Urban Chiayi City, 2018

英文摘要 The pollution of PM2.5 particulate matters has caught much of the public attention in terms of poor air quality. According to the data of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan for the influence of PM2.5 level on the pollution sources in Taiwan, mobile pollution sources account for 30~70% of the total PM2.5 quantity. Further investigation reveals that diesel-fueled trucks contribute the most at 11.2~16.8%. Chiayi City is a small city where most of the population concentrates at downtown. The majority of pollutants produced by diesel-fueled vehicles is PM2.5 particles, which is also one of the main causes of deteriorated air quality. In the context of establishing urban Chiayi City as an air quality maintenance zone, this plan was developed to stay on top of diesel-fueled vehicles running within Chiayi City by installing license plate ID system as major access portals to specified areas. Vehicle inspection notices were sent to the owners of vehicles identified with failed inspection records as an encouragement for the owners to develop a good habit of keeping their vehicles well maintained and inspected for emission. Before the air quality maintenance zone is officially on line, several smaller air quality zones will be established for demonstration. Initially, inspection notices are issued before the control intensity is increased. The overall purpose is to reduce the pollution generated by diesel-fueled vehicles in urban areas, improve the air quality of Chiayi City and, ultimately, establish successfully the air quality maintenance zone at downtown Chiayi City. The plan started from Sep 25th 2018 to Dec 15th 2018, with the following results: 1.12 license plate ID systems were installed along Sections 1 through 4, Shixian Road and are operating as expected. 2.The receiving and processing center was established for the license plate ID systems installed. 3.5,180 vehicles reported for inspection in response to the notices issued after license plates were identified. 4.The brochure of air quality maintenance zone was designed and 20,000 copies were printed. 5.The downtown transportation hub and Lantan Scenic Area were selected for the demonstrational air quality maintenance zones as a part of the preliminary plan and signs and bulletins were erected. 6.An evaluation plan was proposed covering the control and analysis measures for Chiayi City, the evaluation of those who impacted by the establishment of the air quality maintenance zone and the future control and auditing measures for diesel-fueled vehicles in Chiayi City. 7.3 news articles were produced for publicity. 8.A technology transfer workshop was organized and completed.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicles, Air quality maintenance zone