

中文摘要 (一)環境負荷及變化趨勢 107年臺南市人口數188.4萬,密度860人/km2,人口數每年呈現微幅成長,至107年出現下降趨勢,在六都直轄市中排名第六;本市工廠登記家數約9,390家,密度約為4.3家/km2;列管工廠家數2,295家,以塑膠製品製造業所列管的392家為最多(約占總列管家數17.1%),其次為金屬工業320家(約占總列管家數13.9%),再則為加油站業281家(約占總列管家數12.2%)及金屬表面處理業204家(約占總列管家數8.9%);本市營建工地數107年與106年差異不大,約為1萬2千處,107年一級工地4,965處,二級工地為6,199處。 本市總車輛數為198.3萬輛,每人擁有車輛數為1.05輛/人,其中小客車數約58萬輛(29.2%)、機車數約130萬輛(65.5%),柴油大小貨車分別約為1.3萬輛(0.7%)及8.56萬輛(4.3%),近十年整體車輛數呈現成長之趨勢,但機車數在100年起呈現負成長。本市發油量呈上升之趨勢,發油量自98年約121萬公秉上升至107年131萬公秉,近十年來上升7.6%。 (二)空氣品質現況及問題分析 107年臺南市空氣品質指標AQI >100比率為23.7%,不良比率呈現逐年改善趨勢,自103年40.4%下降至107年23.7%,改善率達41.3%;其中達對敏感族群不健康等級(AQI 101~150)自103年29.2%,下降至19.86%;對所有族群不健康等級(AQI 151~200)則自103年11%下降至107年3.8%,達非常不健康等級(AQI 201~300)則自103年0.3%改善至107年0%。 各項空氣污染物濃度,整體來說近十年(98~107年)大致呈現改善趨勢,其中PM10日平均值改善率達27.3%,年平均值改善率達39.9%,且104年~107年年平均值及日平均值皆符合空氣品質標準;臭氧(O3) 小時平均值與八小時平均值,改善率分別為19.6%及13.4%;二氧化硫年平均值及小時平均值改善率分別為29.5%、50%;二氧化氮年平均值及小時平均值,改善率達22%、42%;一氧化碳(CO)小時平均值改善率為22.2%,八小時平均值改善率18.6%;NMHC小時平均值及八小時平均值則改善23.5%、26.6%。 (三)環保署自102年進行細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動監測,5年來其濃度亦呈現改善,年平均值自102年31.1μg/m3下降至22.9μg/m3,改善率達26.4%;日平均值自102年82.0μg/m3下降至61.5μg/m3改善率達25.0%;另103年起自動測站PM2.5濃度採用經調校後數據,其5年來PM2.5年平均值及日平均值同樣呈現改善趨勢,年平均值自103年29.3μg/m3下降至107年23.8μg/m3,改善率達18.8%;日平均值自103年71.1μg/m3下降至107年55.6μg/m3,改善率達21.8%。 (四)分析各類排放源結構 依據TEDS 9.0排放量資料庫及本計畫檢討更新結果,本市102年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各污染物總排放量分別為(公噸/年) TSP:27,803、PM10:12,300、PM2.5:5,573、SOx:3,973、NOx:23,334、NMHC:42,025 (五)檢討修正本市空氣污染管制策略 本計畫針對107年空氣污染管制目標,包含固定、移動、逸散污染源等共計63項管制工作進行追蹤及檢討,大致來說各計畫達成度良好。 臺南市自103年起擬定「亮麗晴空-懸浮微粒削減管制行動計畫」,整合市府18個局處,針對本市懸浮微粒及細懸浮微粒的污染來源,確立管制策略與執行目標,本計畫協助擬定九大管制面項50項行動管制方案,並滾動式檢討執行成效,以改善臺南市空氣品質。 本計畫協助修正臺南市空氣污染防制計畫書,規劃104-108年之空氣污染管制目標包括1.108年PM2.5達紅色警戒比例減少50%、2.108年PM10達二級防制區、3.PM2.5濃度持續朝法規標準邁進、4.臭氧維持在二級防制區等四項目標。另研擬本市空氣品質管制策略,包含固定、移動、逸散污染源等21項管制策略63項工作目標進行管制。 (六)空氣品質惡化通報應變成果 本計畫依環保署監資處每小時提供之空氣品質資訊,於空氣品質不良(AQI>100)時,以LINE群組及手機簡訊通知各委辦計畫及其他10個本市局處執行應變作為並回報執行成果;當本市空氣品質預報過二分之一測站達一級預警等級(AQI>150)時,環保局即成立環保局防制指揮中心;當空氣品質預報或任一測站達到三級嚴重惡化以上(AQI>200)等級。將開設市政府防制指揮中心,並透過LINE通知相關局處進駐本市災害應變中心。 107年執行空氣品質AQI>100通報系統,共有175日發出通報,其中共成立27次防制指揮中心,比對當日最終實際空氣品質AQI值,對所有族群不健康等級(AQI>150)為14日、對敏感族群不健康等級(AQI 101~150)為111日、普通~良好(AQI<100)為50日。 (七)管理空氣污染防制計畫辦理品質及成效 1.環保署於107年4月公布106年度各縣市執行空氣品質維護及改善工作績效考評結果,獲得諮詢小組委員及環保署肯定,在六都評等中獲得「空氣品質規劃管理拔尖」,特色包括本市首創跨局處管制計畫(「亮麗晴空計畫」)已邁入第4年,共45項管制方案,透過跨局處合作與應變,源頭減少污染源;首創公共工程環保專案,要求公共工程逐項編列環保經費,裸露地覆蓋、認養周邊道路、合約納入懲罰性條款;並要求施工車輛使用四、五期車;獲得市府首長支持各項空氣污染管制工作,且市府投入經費執行空氣污染防制工作,值得肯定。 2.計畫初期擬訂「107年度臺南市空氣品質改善維護措施管控作業」,對各計畫執行品質與成效進行評估。 3.107年度各委辦計畫考評結果:在執行性重點計畫中以「柴油車動力計排煙檢測及污染管制計畫」得分最高,考核成績較低為「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」,係因亮麗晴空管制成效及污防書管制目標達成項目期程落後等因素,致整體考評成績不佳。 (八)空氣品質淨化區維護管理 1.空品淨化區基地數自100年(192處)起逐年增加107年達231處,增加39處,包含環保公園24處、環保林園大道52處、社區綠帶/學區種樹155處,總面積達79.26公頃、長度74.25公里。 2.107年設置補助申請共計7件,經審查後全數核定,面積達0.2948公頃;另淨化區維護補助經費共130處基地提出,經審核後全數予以補助共計231萬4,705元。 3.本市231處空品淨化區,經維護管理單位自主管理及本計畫每處基地進行1次自行考核後,評比出12處基地入圍專家學者年終考評,包括學區種樹及社區綠帶組3處;環保公園績優2處;環保林園大道績優1處,於107年11月15日接受市長及環保局長表揚。 4.積極推動村里、社區及企業認養淨化區共同維護,認養單位逐年增加,107年已有192處基地由民間單位認養。 5.本市為六都唯一連續五年獲得環保署「空氣品質淨化區優良認養單位甄選及獎勵活動」推動認養績優單位獎,107年提報五個基地全數獲獎,包括新營區太子社區發展協會首次參賽獲得「優勝獎」、山上社區發展協會105年及107年獲得「優勝獎」,學甲光華里里辦公處106年及107年獲得「優勝獎」、善化嘉北里辦公處首次參賽獲得「優勝獎」,而七股竹橋里辦公處,連續4年(104~107)獲獎,今年獲頒最高榮譽「銀質貢獻獎」。
中文關鍵字 空品管制、PM2.5、排放量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 9380 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/24 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭秀雯 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 107年度臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫-定稿.pdf 40MB 107年度臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫-定稿

2018 Tainan City Air Quality Assessment & Management Plan

英文摘要 (1) Environmental background and Trend of change The amount of population in Tainan City is 1.884 million, and the density is 860 people/km2 which continues to grow every year. It is ranked sixth in six municipalities. The amount of factory in Tainan City is 9,390, and the density is 4.3 factories/km2. The amount of controlled list factory is 2,295 in which the plastic products industry is 392(17.1%), followed by the metal industry is 320 (13.9%), and then the gas station industry is 281 (12.2%) and metal surface treatment industry is 204 (8.9%). The amount of construction site in 2018 is 12,000, of which 4,965 at first class and 6,199 at the second class. The amount of vehicles in Tainan is 1.983 million, and every person has 1.05 vehicles, of which the number of automobiles is 580,000 (29.2%), the scooter is 1,300,000 (65.5%) and diesel truck and minivan are 13,000 (0.7%) and 85,600 (4.3%), respectively. The number of vehicles in Tainan are continued growth in this decade, however, the scooter is negative growth from 2011. In the amount of fuel supply and gas stations were increase. The fuel supply is from 1,210,000 kiloliter in 2009 to 1,310,000 kiloliter in 2018, incline 7.6% in the past decade. (2) Air Quality Status and Analysis The percentage of bad air quality (AQI>100) in Tainan City was 23.7% and declined from 40.4% in 2014 to 23.7 in 2018, that improvement rate is 41.3%. In which, unhealthy for sensitive groups (AQI 101~105) was declined from 29.2% in 2014 to 19.86% in 2018; unhealthy for all group (AQI 151~200) was declined from 11% in 2014 to 3.8% in 2018; very unhealthy (AQI 201~300) was declines from 0.3% in 2014 to 0% in 2018 as well. The concentration of air pollutants showed the improved trend in the past decade, in which the PM10 improvement rate in daily average is 27.3% and year average is 39.9%. At the meantime, both daily and year average from 2015 to 2018 were reached air quality standard; O3 hour average improvement rate was 19.6%, eight hours average improvement rate was 13.4%; SO2 annual average improvement rate was 29.5%, hour average improvement was 50%; NO2 annual average improvement rate of 22%, the hour average improvement rate was 52%; CO hour average improvement rate was 22.2%, eight hours average improvement rate was 18.6%; NMHC hour average improvement rate was 23.5%, eight hours average improvement rate was 26.6%. (3)Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan using manual monitoring of PM2.5 from 2013, and the concentration is showing an improved trend in the past 5 years; PM2.5 annual average concentration was declined from 31.1μg/m3 in 2013 to 22.9 μg/m3 in 2018 that improvement rate was 26.4%. further, a 24-hour average concentration was declined from 82.0 μg/m3 in 2013 to 61.5 μg/m3 in 2018, the improvement rate was 25%. On the other hand, the automatic monitoring data of PM2.5 using the number which adjustment by the formula. The annual and 24-hour average concentrations in recent 5 years displayed the same improvement trend, annual average concentration was declined from 29.3μg/m3 in 2013 to 23.8 μg/m3 in 2018 that improvement rate was 18.8%; a 24-hour average concentration was declined from 71.1 μg/m3 in 2013 to 55.6 μg/m3 in 2018 that improvement rate was 21.8%. (4)Analysis of emission source structure According to the TEDS 9.0 emissions database and the results of this review update, each category of emission sources are TSP:27,803、PM10:12,300、PM2.5:5,573、SOx:3,973、NOx:23,334、NMHC:42,025(tons/year). (5)Reviewing and revising the Tainan Air Pollution Control Strategy Air pollution control targets in total with 63 items which including point, mobile, volatility sources and convenience measures. Overall, there is a good achievement rate in each project. Meanwhile, Particulate Matters Reduction and Control Plan for Clear & Bright Sky that integrate eighteen bureaus to build the source control strategy and targets. This project assisted in the nine major prospects with 50 control schemes to improve the air quality of Tainan City. SIP assisted to revise the air pollution control plans in 2018 in Tainan and planning of air pollution control targets and management strategy for 2015 to 2019. The target including (1) Reduce 50 proportion of PM2.5 in the concentration that above 35 μg/m3 in 2019; (2) Reach the secondary prevention zone in PM10 in 2019; (3) PM2.5 concentration continues to improve towards standards; 4.maintain Ozone in the secondary control zone. While the strategies in Tainan including point, mobile and volatility sources that total of 21 strategies and 63 control targets. (6)The results of Air quality deterioration notification According to the air quality information provided by the EPA every hour that when the air quality deteriorates (AQI>100) the message will be sent to LINE group and mobile phone text message to notify all projects and 10 government bureaus. The projects and 10 government bureaus have to respond to the prevention actions. When EPA forecast half monitor site in Tainan will over 150 (AQI>150) that the EPB needs to establish a command center. When the air quality deteriorates to AQI>200 that established command center by Tainan government and notify bureaus to stay in Emergency Response Center. In 2018, the notification system sent 175 times in total for air quality AQI>100 and establish the command center 27 times. Comparison of the real AQI that unhealthy for all group is 14 days, unhealthy for the sensitive group is 111 days and between normal and good is 50 days. (7)Manage the quality and effectiveness in each air quality control project 1.EPA published “the implementation results of air quality maintenance and improved performance in all counties and cities in 2017” in April 2018. According to the result that received "Top Quality Management in Air Quality Management" in the sixth municipalities. Noteworthy, the Particulate Matters Reduction and Control Plan for Clear & Bright Sky Plan include the city's first cross-border control scheme has entered its fourth year, a total of 45 control schemes, through sources of cooperation and response, reducing sources of pollution. The originate public engineering project of environmental protection project that requires public works to be provided with environmental protection funds, bare cover, de responsible for cleaning the roads, and contractual inclusion of punitive clauses. It also requires construction vehicles to use stage four and five of the vehicle; mayor supports various air pollution control projects and has invested in the implementation of air pollution prevention and control, which is worthy of recognition. 2. At the beginning of the project, the "2018 Tainan City Air Quality Improvement Maintenance Measures Control Operation" was prepared to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of each project. 3.The results of each project in 2018: In the implementation of the key project, in which the "Diesel Vehicle Power Meter Exhaust Smoke Detection and Pollution Control Project" with highest scores. On the other hand, the "Strengthening the Street Dust Cleaning Project" with lowest scores, because, backward the targets. (8)Maintenance and management of air quality purification zone 1. The number of air quality purification zone sites increased from 192 in 2011 to 231 in 2018, including 24 green parks, 52 green roads, 155 community green area, with a total area of 79.26 hectares and 74.25 km. 2. In 2018, the total of applications for subsidies was 7 places. After evaluate, all the applications were approved which covering an area of 0.2948 hectares. In addition, the total maintenance subsidies for purification areas was 130. After the review, all the subsidies was 2.31 million in total. 3. There is 231 air quality purification zone in Tainan. Each air quality purification zone have to self-management and maintenance the zone that evaluates by this project. The result was according to the evaluation of experts and scholars at the end of the year. Including 3 community green area, 2 green parks and 1 green road that reward from the mayor and head of EPB on 15 November of 2018. 4. Increasing the maintenance of the village, community, and enterprise to adoption and purification the areas. The air quality purification zone occupy by corporations have increased every year. In 2018, 192 air quality purification zone occupied by the corporations. 5. Tainan has won the EPA's “Excellent Approved Units for Air Quality Purification Areas and Awards” reward for five years. Five of air quality purification zone which applies were have awarded a prize.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Management , PM2.5, Emission