

中文摘要 本計畫協助環保局新建高雄市土壤及地下水污染整治資訊網,並依契約工作內容,自107年1月份起,每月5日前進行「土壤及地下水污染資訊網頁」更新維護,民眾可定期接收新的相關資訊,了解高雄市環保局在土壤及地下水污染方面所執行的相關工作成效,在土壤及地下水監督查核及驗證採樣工作部份,本計畫共完成查核及驗證採樣分析247組土壤採樣及256口地下水採樣,並依地下水監測井污染物特性,執行分析466項次污染物(含揮發性有機物、半揮發性有機物、重金屬及總石油碳氫化合物共四項擇一)及252組次一般項目;此外,以緊急應變經費配合執行場址查證及驗證作業,緊急應變實際執行金額總計為80.385萬元。本年度共完成14處場址污染改善完成查證、9處場址污染查證、7處定期監測及6處工業區地下水水質監測。 地下水監測井部份,上下半年度井外觀巡查共完成件數為1045口次,除部份巡查缺失於現場立即完成改善外,針對外觀有異樣之監測井共完成441口監測井外觀維護、4口監測井井體修復、24口井況評估、12口再次完井、5口異物排除、17口標準監測井廢井、2口簡易井設置與廢井及4口標準監測井設置。 本工作團隊聘請合法登記或立案之法律事務機構專業律師,共協助完成8件律師諮詢服務。另針對局內舉行18小時教育訓練,針對轄區內列管場址污染行為人、地下儲槽業者及公告事業單位業者等辦理3場法規宣導說明會及16場國小學童宣導會。此外,協助環保局配合環保署辦理1場跨縣市業務聯繫會報會議。 計畫執行期間內,本市列管場址每月至少均巡查一次以上,此外,協助審查各污染場址所提報與土壤及地下水污染整治法相關資料並提供書面審查意見計有225件。另協助加油站業者網路申報,106年第3次、107年第1次、107年第2次申報率達100 %。協助審核加油站設備計畫書或完工報告書審核23件次,完成本市加油站現場查核31站及預防性體檢42站,並針對環保署查核缺失加油站之複查。 協助辦理11場次業務工作檢討會、52場次推動小組會議及1場次專家諮詢會議。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、地下儲槽系統、監測井


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 18512 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/20 專案主持人 賴映方
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊佳琦 執行單位 中環科技事業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 結案報告.pdf 49MB 結案報告

Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution of Kaohsiung City in 2018

英文摘要 This project was contracted by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government (Kaohsiung EPB) to control the soil and groundwater contamination in Kaohsiung. The scope of this project was to investigate and identify the soil and groundwater contamination in Kaohsiung, prevent the expansion of any contamination, and to conduct oversight and verification of gas station standard operating procedures. All of the work specified in the contract has been completed. In accordance with the contract, starting from January 2018, we reconstructed the soil and groundwater contamination webpage of Kaohsiung EPB and updated on the 5th of each month, so that the public can regularly receive new information and understand the effectiveness of the work performed. In addition, we continuously updated project content in the soil and groundwater information management system to reflect the status of every monitored site. In overseeing ongoing decontamination programs and verifying completed decontamination programs, we completed 247 sets of soil sampling and 256 groundwater sampling, as well as 466 additional groundwater samples for volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, heavy metals or TPH. In addition, 252 groundwater samples for analysis of general items. All of the emergency response plans cost totally 803.85 thousand dollars. During this calendar year, we completed 14 site contamination verifications, 9 site contamination investigations, 7 sites regular monitor, and monitored the groundwater early warning systems at 6 industrial parks. During this year, we inspected the external appearance of 1045 groundwater monitoring wells; any minor defects were immediately corrected on-site after the inspection. 441 wells with external damage were repaired. 4 wells had structural damage and were also repaired. Well condition assessment was performed on 24 wells. 12 standard monitoring wells were rebuilt. 5 standard monitoring wells were eliminated foreign substance. 17 standard monitoring wells were found unusable and removed from the monitoring list. 2 temporary wells were installed and abrogated. 4 standard monitoring wells were installed. We hired a registered, qualified lawyer with the relevant expertise to provide legal consulting services in eight cases. 18 hours in soil and groundwater pollution and remediation issues were held for EPB personnel. 19 regulatory guidance meetings were also held to the polluter of contaminate sites, gas station owners, elementary school students about legally mandated soil and groundwater remediation practices. In addition, we helped handle a soil and groundwater business contact meeting. We inspected all sites once a month and assisted in the review of the various contaminated sites report, and provided a total of 225 review comments. We assisted the gas stations with their quarterly reporting, achieving a reporting rate of 100 % for the third season of 2017 and firs, second seasons of 2018, and also assisted in the review of 23 gas station equipment plans or completion reports. We completed 31 gas station inspections, and detected soil vapor monitoring well and cathodic protection at 42 gas stations. We also in progressed to the improvement reviewing of deficiency gas stations by Environmental Protection Agency. We assisted with 11 work review conferences, 52 soil and groundwater contaminated sites improvements initiative committees, and 1expert advisory committee conference.
英文關鍵字 Soil, Groundwater, Gas stations, Standard monitoring wells