

中文摘要 本計畫目的係藉由農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽巡查管制作業及紙錢集中焚燒處理減量輔導作業,以改善農業廢棄物露天燃燒及紙錢焚燒的情況,進而維護本縣空氣品質。「107年度屏東縣加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理計畫」自107年3月27日開始執行至107年12月31日止,成果統計至11月30日,在農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽巡查管制作業方面,完成露天燃燒巡查件數共452件,其中露天燃燒案件前四名鄉鎮為枋寮鄉119件、佳冬鄉82件、林邊鄉64件及南州鄉63件,佔總巡查件數72.56%,而查獲物種主要以蓮霧廢枝葉佔大宗。另運用GPS定位配合地理資訊系統(ArcGIS),進行屏東縣農業廢棄物露天燃燒位置資料建檔工作,以掌控露天燃燒的行為及動態,完成5,101筆農民資料庫之建檔工作。除了稽巡查管制以外,亦需執行妥善處理輔導作業,針對易燃燒之果樹枝葉提供代工破碎處理輔導,透過輔導及補助18個代工班執行破碎作業,完成1,107公頃;提供多元化處理,包含集中處理、代清運處理及覆土膠布回收等,完成174.01公頃;推動台糖出租農地自主管理,收集農地資料1,066.47公頃,並抽選303.36公頃出租農地進行查核,查核時皆未發現露天燃燒情事,顯示以租賃契約來約束承租人頗具成效;完成輔導5個產銷班加入環保農園;推動「屏東縣推動農業廢棄物妥善處理輔導方案」,並於本年度召開2次工作會議;於南州鄉、枋寮鄉、佳冬鄉、林邊鄉及枋寮鄉辦理完成5場露天燃燒宣導會。 另外在紙錢集中焚燒處理減量輔導作業方面,今年度清明節及中元節紙錢集中收運量達164.92公噸;篩選轄內廟宇進行親訪輔導紙錢減量,共有20家廟宇配合執行減量措施,且於中元節前夕完成2場次紙錢集中焚燒及減量宣導說明會,亦針對東港東隆宮於10月辦理1場次說明優質廟宇遵守事項等,避免廟會活動期間造成的污染。宣導作業包括製作禁止露天燃燒、紙錢集中焚燒與減量相關活動中發送宣傳單、海報、宣導品,共完成1,000份。整體計畫工作進度均達100%以上,相關成果詳見摘表一、二所示。
中文關鍵字 加強農業廢棄物露天燃燒稽查管制及紙錢減量焚燒處理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6307 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/27 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 陳滄欣
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王妙津 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿本.pdf 16MB

107 Project on the Inspection and Control of Open-Air Agricultural Waste Burning, and Reduction and Handling of Paper Money Incineration in Pingtung County

英文摘要 The objective of this project was to reduce the open burning of agricultural wastes and joss paper to maintain the air quality of Pingtung County by inspecting the opening burning of agricultural waste and reducing the collective burning of joss paper. The 2018 Project of Enhancing Inspection and Control of Agricultural Waste Opening Burning and Reduction of Joss Paper Burning was implemented from March 27, 2018 to December 31, 2018, and the outcome data were collected by November 30, 2018. Regarding the inspection and control of opening burning of agricultural wastes, a total of 452 opening burning activities were inspected. The top four townships that had the largest number of opening burning activities were Fangliao Township (N = 119), Jiadong Township (N = 82), Linbian Township (N = 64), and Nanzhou Township (N = 63), accounting for 72.56% of the total inspected activities. The agricultural waste most frequently found to be burned was the branches and leaves of wax apples. Furthermore, GPS was employed in conjunction with ArcGIS to establish a database for the agricultural waste opening burning locations in Pingtung County to control open burning activities. Consequently, a total of 5,101 data were collected in the database. In addition to inspection and control, assistance should also be provided regarding the appropriate disposal of agricultural wastes. For the fruit, branch, and leaf wastes that are easily burned, the Pingtung Government assisted in the formation of 18 agricultural waste crushing teams and subsidized the waste crushers. During the implementation period of this project, the teams helped farmers crush agricultural wastes for a total area of 1,107 ha. In addition, diverse waste disposal methods were provided, such as centralized disposal, waste removal by the Environmental Protection Bureau, and the recycling of soil coverage plastic paper; these methods were applied for waste disposal in an area of 174.01 ha. The self-management of farmland leased by Taiwan Sugar Corporation was also promoted. Specifically, data of 1066.47 ha farmland were collected, and 303.36-ha farmland was randomly selected for inspection. No open burning activities were found during the inspection, showing that using a lease contract to restrict tenants was effective. During the project, the Pingtung Government assisted five agricultural production and marketing groups to obtain the certification of eco-friendly farms. The Assistance Project for the Promotion of Adequate Agricultural Waste Disposal in Pingtung County was also implemented, and two work meetings were held in 2018. Additionally, five promotion meetings for open burning reduction were held in Nanzhou, Fangliao, Jiadong, Linbian, and Donggang Townships. Regarding the collective burning and reduction of joss paper, the amount of joss paper collected for burning was 164.92 tons in Qingming and Ghost Festival in 2018. Project personnel visited temples in Pingtung County personally to assist in joss paper reduction, and a total of 20 temples were willing to adopt the joss paper reduction measure. Moreover, two meetings for explaining and promoting the reduction of joss paper collective burning were held before the Ghost Festival, and one meeting was held in October in Donglong Temple, Donggang Township to explain rules that a high-quality temple should comply with to prevent pollution caused during temple fairs. A total of 1,000 leaflets, posters, and other information materials regarding the prohibition of open burning and the reduction of collective burning joss paper were produced and distributed in related events. The overall project completion rate was 100%, and the implementation outcomes are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
英文關鍵字 the Inspection and Control of Open-Air Agricultural Waste Burning, and Reduction and Handling of Paper Money Incineration