

中文摘要 本計畫蒐集歐美國家有關井源保護、流域環境管理及環境責任等實務作法,以及以全國十大地下水區相關資料,評析水文地質特性、地下水劣化情形及污染源特性等因子,完成地下水污染源管理策略之研擬。針對地下水補注明顯、使用量大、地下水品質較差之區域,如濁水溪沖積扇、屏東平原、嘉南平原等水區,篩選出濁水溪沖積扇為優先管理目標水區,透過掌握主要補注源之影響及高機率傳輸流徑,建立特定區域污染源之管理策略;有關供公眾飲用地下水井源保護策略,關注方向包括井源保護半徑範圍內污染源之關切清單建立、潛勢評估及監測強化。本計畫透過5處試辦樣區現場實地調查及污染模式模擬,研判濁水溪沖積扇補注敏感區之供公眾飲用地下水井源預警範圍為半徑300公尺,並探討地下水分別受農業源及工業源之影響現況,歸納研提「建立通透性佳區域地下水傳輸特徵及水質劣化潛勢長期資訊」、「高污染潛勢事業監管資訊揭露」、「建立農業源污染潛勢關聯性評估方法」等3方面建議事項。 經研析全國工業區生命週期評估成果,建議現行工業區管理應強化監測效益、燈號制度評價管理作為能力、異常通報應變權責分工以及地下水污染行為人不明群聚型場址等作為。本計畫建立工業區土壤及地下水管理量化指標,透過預警監測覆蓋率、污染物濃度下降趨勢及技術訓練輔導投入程度,評比管理行為之積極性;經研析18處紅、橘燈工業區預警監測效率,提出精進建議方案,可提昇監測覆蓋率,並應依循修訂後之「工業區檢測異常通報及應變程序」,落實應變時機及權責分工。本計畫透過污染來源、污染現況及權責機關等分析因子,評估污染來源調查之完整性,並針對8處群聚型污染研提4項釐清相關場址責任歸屬之管理建議。經歸納上述管理措施及使用者回饋經驗,已擴充「工業區土水品質管理專區」必要之6種報表功能,以因應量化指標擴充系統問卷功能,符合後續線上填報及系統性分析之推動方向,並有助於掌握工業區申報備查及污染場址等變動歷程資訊。
中文關鍵字 地下水污染、污染源管理、產業聚落管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 13960 千元
專案開始日期 2018/11/28 專案結束日期 2020/02/27 專案主持人 郭綉娟
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 詹萬芳 執行單位 霖昌工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 地下水污染源管理策略推動計畫期末報告(定稿本).pdf 21MB

Strategic Management Implementation Plan for Groundwater Pollution Source

英文摘要 This project collects European and American case studies of well head protection, watershed management, and environmental risk management, and also collects the basic data of ten major groundwater zones in Taiwan to interpret many facts such as hydrogeological characteristics, groundwater quality deterioration, pollution resource, and then to accomplish the groundwater pollution source management strategies. For groundwater zones (Alluvial Fan of Zhuoshui River, Pingtung plain, and Chianan plain) with large quantity of groundwater recharge and usage, and poor groundwater quality, the Alluvial fan of Zhuoshui River was preferentially selected to establish the pollution source management strategies of specific areas by simulating the influence of the recharge areas and high practical flow migration. As for the protection of public drinking water well, the management strategies such as the list creation of pollution sources within Zone of Influence, pollution potential assessment and monitoring enhancement were also proposed. Five groundwater recharge areas at alluvial fan of Zhuoshui River were conducted to investigate the groundwater pollution and simulate the pollution range. The results showed that the Zone of Influence was 300 meters and also came to suggest three management guidelines for agricultural and industrial sources including “long–term monitoring on the transport characteristics and deterioration potential of groundwater quality in recharge areas with good permeability”, “disclosing monitoring data of high pollution potential industries”, and “building the method for evaluating the correlation between pollution potential and agricultural sources”. After evaluating the life-cycle periods of industrial park from establishment to disbandment, this project proposes intensified soil and groundwater quality management works in industrial parks including effective monitoring management, light indicator of pollution management, responsibility of emergency response, and cluster pollution sites with unknown polluter. Quantitative indicators such as the monitoring efficiency ratio of high pollution potential factories, the downtrend of groundwater pollution and the technical training investment were proposed to evaluate the motivation of soil and groundwater management in industrial parks. After analyzing the monitoring efficiency ratio in 18 industrial parks with red and orange light pollution indicators, the advanced management plan were proposed to increase the monitoring efficiency in industrial parks. The regulation, “notification and response procedures to abnormal monitoring results in industrial parks”, was revised to strengthen the responsibility of emergency response. The integrity of pollution source investigation was evaluated by assessing facts such as pollution sources, pollution condition and authority. Four management measures were proposed to clarify the attribution of responsibility of eight cluster pollution sites. In considering the proposed management measures and user feedback, six printing reports were implemented to extend the soil and groundwater management system of industrial parks. The implemented reports comply with the requirement of questionnaire function with quantitative indicators and future online reporting with systematic analysis to effectively track the pollution declarations and site history in industrial parks.
英文關鍵字 Groundwater Pollution, Pollution Source Management, Management of Industrial Parks