

中文摘要 政府鼓勵民眾加速淘汰老舊之機動車輛及將民眾報廢之廢機動車輛導入合法體系並妥善處理,有效降低廢機動車輛處理不當衍生的環境問題。環保署於88年開始以申請獎勵金方式獎勵車主將報廢車體送入環保署稽核認證核定之合法回收體系,希望掌握與提昇廢機動車輛回收及妥善處理之數量,在基管會努力的宣導推動下,自92年迄今,統計經由本項政策導入合法回收體系的廢機動車輛約為600萬輛。 本計畫主要為受理及審核民眾申請廢機動車輛申請獎勵金作業,同時負責輔導回收商的聯繫工作,並提供民眾相關事項之諮詢服務等,截至12月17日止,共完成699,432筆案件審驗作業,每月與回收商輔導通聯500通以上,以及80,573通次電話撥進/出服務,本專案經逾12年以上的工作經驗,建立起獎勵金發放之標準作業方式,以符合民眾申請期望及達成政策推動方向。 將民眾誤寄至審驗單位之二行程案件,造冊並移交348件至環保署、更正疑似車牌重複申請件之車牌號碼179件、針對支票退回及退匯辦理重寄或重匯共計14,796件。
中文關鍵字 廢機動車輛,回收獎勵金,審核,收件量,清冊


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-HA14-03-A034 經費年度 107 計畫經費 9380 千元
專案開始日期 2018/01/01 專案結束日期 2018/12/17 專案主持人 陳恬恬
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 陳芳美 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107機回成果內文_V2.pdf 22MB 107成果報告

Waste Vehicles Recycle Awards Application Review and approval project.

英文摘要 EPA setup the incentive policy to encourage people do the right way for their wasted vehicles. In 1999, the incentive policy had addressed that people could get the award only if they applied the waste vehicle into the certified recycling plants. Accumulated from 2003 up the now there were 6.0 million wasted vehicles had been received by the certified plants and properly recycled and treated. This project was aimed to review the awards application document and qualification to fulfill the policy. Also performed to communicate with the applicants and recycling plants. Up to Dec.17 this year, accomplished 699,432 applications, the 500/month communication phone calls to recycling plants and applicants were 80,753 respectively. This project performed high accuracy and efficiency to meet people’s expectation. This project also makes 348 lists of two-stroke motorcycle application and send to EPA, revise 179 license plate number, resend or refund 14,796 rejections of check and remittance.
英文關鍵字 Waste vehicle, recycle award, review and approval, application, approval checklist