

中文摘要 107年屏東縣空氣品質預警及嚴重惡化應變暨潮州空品維護區管制計畫執行主要冀望在空品不良季節期間,除了現有管制規範外可以有更落實公私場所執行空品惡化緊急應變防制作為,控制與削減在地污染源,並且為了提升各應變單位於空品惡化期間應變任務熟悉度。執行作業包含:本計畫開發因地制宜開發一覽式介面屏東空品通報即時通APP,給所需民眾即時當地空氣品質現況,也提供空品趨勢預報資訊,做好健康保健的防護措施與外出應變防護。建置公私場所空品應變回報系統,透過線上填報系統作為各廠依據空氣品質惡化防制計畫進行各項防制與減量工作回報,統計至108年3月底止共504家次線上審查,合計應變削減量共削減TSP 76.58公噸、SOx 6.67公噸、NOx 10.71公噸、NMHC 15.25公噸。另依區域空品惡化防制措施執行應變任務,針對各計畫空品惡化應變回報資料審核確認作業進行100次審核確認資料正確性與完整性,以確實減少當地污染負荷。合計應變削減量包括露天燃燒計畫計算共削減TSP 0.83公噸、SOx 0.01公噸、NOx 0.22公噸、NMHC 1.05公噸;洗掃計畫共洗掃街約9,506公里,計算共削減TSP 131.18公噸;營建計畫計算共削減TSP 41.8公噸。本計畫召開各相關單位及跨局處之空品惡化演練會前會,向各應變參與單位說明本年度應變方式、行政程序以及演練情境說明、扮演角色、任務等,應變演練腳本設計除了視訊作業外,增加利用通訊軟體群組進行,備妥佈置空品應變中心環境所需相關設備舉辦應變演練預演及正式演練,邀請相關局處與境內主要工業區管理中心等20單位參與,另外亦邀請環保署空保處科長與技正蒞臨指導,以及邀請專家學者教授指點講評。本計畫完成2篇執行成果新聞稿,並於空品不良季節透過新聞媒體管道宣導11天次空品應變執及加強空品不良訊息傳遞,同時,也請多加搭乘大眾運輸工具,減少使用私人運具,共同減少污染物的產生。 為推動潮州地區邁向空品維護區,擬訂九大減量措施目標,優先管制潮州地區各種污染排放削減措施,加強提升空氣品質。包括一.校園推動反怠速、反油煙與不燒金、二.公部門管制措施推動、三.二行程機車汰換電動機車、四.老舊柴油車汰舊與加裝濾煙器、五.推動廟宇減少炮竹燃放、減燒金紙與香支、六.推動餐飲環保示範區、七.推動行人徒步區、八.推動裸露地綠美化、九.掌握空品資訊、落實基層教育等。為落實推動減量措施,分別與各級單位等召開多場協商會議,包含兩場次跨局處橫向聯繫會、六場次各主題協商會議與兩場次公聽會讓與會民眾認同推動各項環保政策。另外召開五場次種子教師訓練會議,統計有高達教育322人以上參與活潑生動、淺顯易懂的教學,會中教育教師、志工、里長與長者等等正確空品判斷與健康防護觀念。各項減量措施成果包含於3間校園設立怠速熄火示範區與架設停車怠速熄火告示牌,再配合學校與師長、里長、志工及民眾宣導,期有效減少校園空氣污染,攜手維護學童健康。汰換老舊髒車、推廣低污運具方面,創造更友善低污染運具環境架設7處充電柱,讓使用者可以無後顧之憂享受馳程樂趣,以及督促交通旅遊處催生「108年度公路公共運輸多元推升計畫」,以潮州火車站為軸心串聯起潮州鎮周邊大眾綠色運輸措施計畫;搭配車牌辨識系統,提高潮州地區高污染車輛的汰換率,分析結果潮州鎮上二行程機車通過量及2~3期柴油車有明顯減少,4~5期柴油車顯著增加,顯示環保局推動各項移動污染源管制措施已見成效;削減量以設籍潮州鎮車輛進行分析柴油車管制成效,TSP削減11.84公克、PM2.5削減7.4公克、NOx削減53.88公克、CO削減51.67公克、THC削減6.48公克。成立潮州鎮優質廟宇宣導小組推動地方環保廟宇繞境祭祀活動前動宣導,成效為紙錢集中統計360公斤,配合減燒紙錢預估達1000公斤,可得總削減排放量為TSP 7公斤、NOx1.4公斤、CO 60.6公斤。潮州圓環方圓50公尺內劃設為環保餐飲示範區,成效為油煙防制設備裝設率達100%,有效提升業者之環保形象,同時宣導自主性改善餐飲環境及減低污染,另持續請衛生局配合宣導餐飲油煙管制並推裝設油煙防制,維護環保健康用餐環境,總削減排放量為TSP 1.966公噸、PM10 1.887公噸、PM2.5 1.767公噸、NMHC 3.095公噸。積極推廣與協商裸露地綠美化,統計各意願單位申請後植栽面積可達3.7公頃,預估40年生命週期推估固碳量約740.6公噸CO2。階段性完成上述各項執行成果後舉辦一場成果發表會,共邀請各項措施單位與長官等共339單位參與,會中多數委員給予意見、建議以及肯定環保局及團隊執行上的努力。
中文關鍵字 空品不良、空品惡化緊急應變、潮州地區、減量措施


專案計畫編號 1070717 經費年度 107 計畫經費 7866 千元
專案開始日期 2018/09/15 專案結束日期 2019/04/14 專案主持人 賴宏志
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 馬子評 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 107年屏東縣空氣品質預警及嚴重惡化應變暨潮州空品維護區管制計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 19MB

Pingtung County Air Quality Warning and Severe Deterioration and Chaozhou Air Quality Maintenance Area Control Plan

英文摘要 The 2018 Pingtung County Air Quality Warning and Severe Deterioration of strain and Chaozhou Air Quality Maintenance Area Control Plan includes developing Pingtung Air quality bulletin APP software. That APP Provide real-time local airs quality status to the people you need, as well as air trend forecast information. And designing Emergency Preparedness and Return System for use in factories. As each plant for the Prevention and Reduction of return based on the work of air quality deterioration prevention and control program through the Online Declaration System, a total of 504 statistical ending March 2018 of online censorship. And review plant return data 100 times using Emergency response plans for designated area plan. To really reduce the local pollution load. Total strain reductions particulate matter emission reduction 250.39ton, sulfur dioxide emission reduction 6.68ton, nitrogen oxides emission reduction 10.93ton, NMHC emission reduction 16.3ton. This program was held Air quality deteriorated emergency response drills, and uses video and uses the communications software cluster to decorate the emergency response Centre. In order for the Chaozhou area to become an air quality maintenance area. This project developed Target of nine pollution reduction measures. The scheme has held a number of consultative meetings with various units, including two sub-offices, six consultative meetings and two public hearings to enable the public to identify with the promotion of environmental policies. The results of the implementation resulted in the establishment of No idling demonstration of 3 school parks and set to prohibit idling signages. Promotion of Low Pollution vehicles, set up 7 charging columns so that users can have fun without worries. Using License Plate Recognition System to Improve Vehicle Elimination Rate of High Pollution in Chaozhou Area. Chaozhou results of the two-stroke motorcycle through the town as well as the amount of old diesel engine car has significantly reduced a significant increase in new diesel engine cars Shows that the Pingtung Environmental Protection Agency has been effective against promoting mobile pollution source controls measures over the years. Total reductions Particulate matter emission reduction 11.84g, Nitrogen oxides emission reduction 53.88g, PM2.5 emission reduction 7.4g, Carbon monoxide emission reduction 51.67g, THC emission reduction 6.48g. Promotion of old diesel engine car to install soot filters. Save temple burning incense sticks and joss paper. Establishment of Eco-friendly Temple Advocacy Group to promote environmental advocacy for local temples worships activities. The result is a total burn of 360 kg of joss paper centralized, and joss paper reduces total combustion by 1000 kg. Total reductions particulate matter emission reduction 7 Kg, nitrogen oxides emission reduction 1.4 Kg, carbon monoxide emission reduction 60.6 Kg. Establishment of environmentally friendly restaurants demonstration area. Installation rate of Lampblack controls equipment in the region to 100%. Total reductions particulate matter emission reduction 1.966ton, PM10 emission reduction 1.887ton, PM2.5 emission reduction 1.767ton, NMHC emission reduction 3.095ton. Five training sessions for seed teachers, with a statistical participation of 322 participants. Actively promote and negotiate bare green beautification. The planting area can reach 3.7 hectares after statistical application, and the estimated carbon sequestration in 40-year life cycle are about 740.6 metric tons of CO2. After the completion of plans to hold a result presentation. A total of 339 units, including civil society organizations, professors and officers, was invited to participate, with the majority of the members giving advice and commending the EPA and the team for their implementation efforts.
英文關鍵字 Air quality, emergency response, Chaozhou area, reduction measures