

中文摘要 本計畫執行工作項目包括(一)執行破袋檢查及辦理相關會議、(二)限塑宣導與稽查、(三)宣導與配合辦理事項。依合約規定,工作執行期間自107年8月2日至107年12月31日,共執行5個月,各項工作執行成果摘要如下: (一)執行破袋檢查及辦理相關會議 已辦理4場次破袋檢查相關會議,含2場研商會、1場執行人員教育訓練與1場清潔隊教育訓練;針對垃圾清運路線及定點查核已查核132次,破袋檢查1,300個垃圾包,有532個垃圾包夾雜資源收物,所夾雜的材質以塑膠類為多。 (二)限塑宣導與稽查 依所有限塑政策列管場所,已查核635家次,均無違規。 (三)宣導與配合辦理事項 1.以嘉義市景點為背景,融合「住(店)家周圍2公尺內為責任清掃區」、「垃圾源頭減量」等宣導元素,完成製作環保議題宣傳影片,片長1分25秒。 2.結合世界清潔日辦理1場次垃圾減量宣導活動,本活動之規劃書已經機關同意並於9月15日辦理完成,參與人數達1,097人次, 3.需載運判定之大型廢棄物清運服務案件,已協助214件資料收集與改善追蹤。
中文關鍵字 破袋檢查、限塑宣導與稽查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 915 千元
專案開始日期 2018/08/02 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 王志文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林春如 執行單位 創境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年度營造友善暨環境改善暨垃圾減量工作計畫(擴充)期末報告定稿.pdf 6MB

英文摘要 The work items to be implemented in this project include the following: (1) performing inspection of broken bags and holding related meetings; (2) publicity and inspection on the restricted use of plastic bags; (3) propagation and related matters. According to contract stipulations, the period of work implementation will start on August 2, 2007 and end on December 31, 2007, for a total of 5 months. The implementation results of each work are summarized below: (1) Implement inspection of broken bags and hold related meetings Four sessions of related meetings have already been held on broken bags, including two sessions of research and consultation meetings, one session of educational training for execution personnel, and one session of educational training for the cleaning crew. With a focus on garbage cleaning and removal routes, as well as fixed-point inspection, 132 inspections have already been carried out, with 1,300 broken garbage bags discovered and 532 garbage bags found mixed with recycling resources; the incorrect materials were mostly plastic. (2) Propagation and inspection on the restricted use of plastic bags Based on the enlisted sites for the restricted use of plastic bags, a total of 635 establishments were inspected, all of which were found without violation. (3) Propagation and matters to be coordinated by the administration 1. With the background of the scenic attractions of Chiayi City, the propagation has combined the publicity elements as the "responsible cleaning area of 2 meters within the periphery of your house (commercial establishment)" and the "reduction of waste sources" and also completed the production of an environmental protection promotion film, which is 1 minute and 25 seconds long. 2. In conjunction with World Cleansing Day, one garbage reduction and publicity activity has already been carried out. The planning of this activity was agreed by the authorities and took place on September 15, with a total of 1,097 participants. 3. Cases that required large-scale waste removal transportation were determined, and 214 cases of data collection and improvement tracking have been assisted.
英文關鍵字 performing inspection of broken bags and holding related meetings, Propagation and inspection on the restricted use of plastic bags