

中文摘要 本調查目的為推估政府及產業部門之污染防治支出,藉以瞭解環境與經濟間關係及整體污染防治支出規模,供環保政策釐訂與編算綠色國民所得帳參考。以資本支出加經常支出扣除污染防治附帶收入,分別計算政府部門與產業部門污染防治支出,106年(資料時間)主要調查結果如下: 一、106年整體污染防治支出1,655.3億元,以廢棄物處理642.6億元最多 106年整體污染防治支出1,655.3億元,含資本支出424.1億元、經常支出1,275.6億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入44.4億元;就部門別分,產業部門882.0億元(占53.3%),大於政府部門773.4億元(占46.7%);就用途別言,以廢棄物處理642.6億元(占38.8%)居首,水污染防治438.0億元(占26.5%)次之,空氣污染防制371.4億元(占22.4%)第三。 二、106年政府部門污染防治支出773.4億元,以廢棄物處理410.6億元居首 106年政府部門污染防治支出773.4億元,其中資本支出186.0億元,經常支出616.5億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入29.1億元。 依支出用途觀察,政府部門污染防治支出以廢棄物處理410.6億元(占政府部門53.1%)居首。就政府級別而言,地方機關及所屬531.4億元,大於中央機關之242.0億元。 三、106年產業部門污染防治支出882.0億元,以空氣污染防制及水污染防治為主,各占三成四及三成三 106年產業部門污染防治支出882.0億元,其中資本支出238.2億元,經常支出659.1億元,並扣除污染防治附帶收入15.3億元。就用途別言,以空氣污染防制301.7億元(占34.2%)居首,水污染防治288.3億元(占32.7%)次之;就經資支出觀察,資本支出以新購設備231.2億元(占資本支出97.1%)為主;經常支出以操作維護費433.7億元(占經常支出65.8%)最高;按行業別分,以電子零組件製造業337.6億元(占38.3%)居冠,化學原材料、肥料、氮化合物等製造業131.7億元(占14.9%)次之,基本金屬製造業110.1億元(占12.5%)再次之。
中文關鍵字 污染防治支出、資本支出、經常支出


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-MI03-02-130 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1264 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/22 專案結束日期 2018/11/30 專案主持人 林玲舟
主辦單位 統計室 承辦人 姜仁智 執行單位 異視行銷市場調查股份有限公司


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2018 Survey of Pollution Prevention Expenditures

英文摘要 The objectives of this survey were to estimate the pollution abatement and control (PAC) expenditures by the government sector and the industry sector, and to understand the relationship between the environment and economic development. Its findings were used for measuring the Green GNP and as a source of reference for the government in drawing up its environmental protection policies. The disbursement of the funds by both the government and industry sectors for PAC was estimated by subtracting the accompanying revenue of PAC from the capital expenditures and current expenditures. Major findings of the survey conducted in 2017 are as follows: 1. Total expenditures for PAC were NT$165.53billion in 2017, with an exorbitant amount going to waste treatment (NT$64.26 billion). Total expenditures in 2017 for PAC were NT$165.53billion, which consisted of NT$42.41 billion in capital expenditures and NT$127.56 billion in current expenditures, with the accompanying revenue of PAC amounting to NT$4.44 billion being deducted. Section-wise, the industry sector allocated NT$88.20 billion, or 53.3%, while the government granted NT$77.34, or 46.7%. As for usage, NT$64.26 billion was spent on waste treatment, or the largest amount at 38.8%, followed by NT$43.80 billion on water pollution abatement and control (26.5%) and NT$37.14 billion on air pollution abatement and control (22.4%). 2. Expenditures for PAC by the government sector totaled NT$77.34 billion in 2017, with 53.1% of the amount spent on waste treatment. Total expenditures in 2017 by the government sector for PAC were NT$77.34 billion, which comprised NT$18.60 billion in capital expenditures and NT$61.65 billion in current expenditures, with the accompanying revenue of PAC amounting to NT$2.91 billion being deducted. As for usage, more than half of the total spending, NT$41.06 billion or 53.1%, went to waste treatment. Local governments shelled out NT$53.14 billion, an amount larger than that (NT$24.20 billion) paid out by the central government. 3. Total expenditures in 2017 for PAC by the industry sector were NT$88.20 billion, with 34.2% and 32.7% going to the abatement and control of air pollution and water pollution , respectively. Total expenditures in 2017 by the industry sector for PAC were NT$88.20 billion, which was composed of NT$23.82 billion in capital expenditures and NT$65.91 billion in current expenditures, with the accompanying revenue of PAC amounting to NT$1.53 billion being deducted. As for usage, 34.2% of the total, or NT$30.17 billion was allocated for air pollution abatement and control, followed by 32.7%, or NT$28.83 billion, for water pollution abatement and control. Speaking of capital expenditures, 97.1% of the total at NT$23.12 billion was used for purchasing new equipment; 65.8% of the current expenditures were used for operation and maintenance. In terms of industries, 38.3% of the total, or NT$33.76 billion, was spent on electronic parts and components manufacturing, followed by 14.9%, or NT$13.17 billion, on chemical material, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastic and rubber materials, man-made fibres manufacturing and 12.5%, or NT$11.01 billion, on basic metal manufacturing.
英文關鍵字 Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditures, Capital Expenditures, Current Expenditures