

中文摘要 為什麼化學局需要傳播計畫專案?  回應國人對「化學議題」的知識需求  打穩食安議題的知識根基 近年來無論是食安或是關於生活中化學物質的事件、謠言層出不窮,嚴重影響民眾對於環境及政府的信任,造成恐慌。無論這些化學物質的危害是否為真實、是否需要視為災害進行緊急應變處理,皆需要於事件開始傳播時便即時、快速給予民眾正確的資訊,並且平時建立相關知識傳遞,以及讓民眾瞭解機關的職掌以及作為,提升信任。 為加深民眾對於日常生活使用化學物質之印象,並運用媒體通路,觸及較未關注化學物質使用之族群。本計畫以新媒體溝通原則出發,全年完成:營運「生活中的化學物質」臉書286則貼文(需求為260則)、52週週報、規劃撰寫15篇文章(11個議題)、並從文章延伸規劃繪製5則懶人包、規劃執行6次互動行銷活動,其中文章及懶人包均在泛科學相關頻道推廣,而粉絲按讚數自開案時32,399至結案報告43,328,已超過原需求增加10,929(需求為增加10,000),追蹤人數高達45,176,每月貼文互動率平均為10.93%,成效顯著。 檢視本案執行:在規定經費下,已達各項工作成果最大化及最佳化。而在議題行銷效果中,得知搭配行銷活動,可明顯提升該項議題的傳播效果。 同時,本案工作項目:專文撰寫、懶人包製作、行銷活動問答圖文等工作成果,均可配合施政計畫延續使用,不定時作為文宣設計或網路媒體宣傳使用,以圖文方式提升民眾對化學局相關業務閱知度,並讓本年度支出效益最大化。 未來,在考量化學局業務特性(以化學毒物相關政策知識奠基為主、較無需直接回應突發狀況)、本年已完成之工作成果,及直播潮流三項因素後,建議:持續營運「生活中的化學物質」臉書專頁,內容素材數量建議為: 1.撰寫8~9篇專文及延伸繪製5~6組懶人包。 2.搭配3~4次深度行銷活動。 3.可供社群之宣傳素材9~10個。 4.評估2次首長對話直播(指定長官與知識網紅軟性對話,就化學局議題相關書籍、或電影或趨勢分享,每次不超過25分鐘)。
中文關鍵字 媒體整合、政策溝通、化學物質安全


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-CP01-02-E008 經費年度 107 計畫經費 960 千元
專案開始日期 2017/12/29 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 馮瑞麒
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 邱啓隆 執行單位 泛科知識股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 TCSB-106-CP01-02-E008.pdf 28MB 「我國化學物質安全媒體傳播計畫」成果報告

Media Communication Program Of R.O.C. Chemical Substances Safety.

英文摘要 In recent years, many incidents and false rumors regarding food safety or chemical substances in our daily lives have seriously tested the trust of the pubic to the government, and have created certain panics. Whether the chemical substance is really harming or not, or actions should be taken to prevent its harm, the government should provide correct information to the public instantly and rapidly right at the beginning of the incident. Such information platform could also provide information and knowledge related to the subject routinely to allow the public to familiarize with the responsibilities and performances of the organization to raise credibility. In order to establish an official and smooth communication channel, The Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau has presented “R.O.C. Chemical Substances Safety Media Integration Program” this year (2018) in the hope that through different platforms and new media, it could convey correct information and knowledge. The public hence could increase their knowledge and ability to adapt while facing news regarding chemical substances; in the long term, the public should obtain certain basic sense and literacy toward such news stories through the platforms. In order to deepen the public's impression of the use of chemical substances in daily life, and use the media channel to reach the ethnic groups that are less concerned about the use of chemical substances. The project starts with the principle of new media communication and is completed throughout the year: the operation of "chemlife" fans page, planning and writing 15 articles (11 topics), drawing 5 sets of infographics and 6 times of interactive marketing activities. After all, the fans have exceeded 10,928 from the opening of the case(32,399) to the closing report (43,328).
英文關鍵字 Media integration, Policy communication, Chemical safety