

中文摘要 隨著毒性及關注化學物質管理法中管制的化學物質種類增加,為及早因應檢測量能不足的窘境,本計畫旨在盤點國內現有及潛在檢測量能,包括檢測方法、潛在檢測機構、標準品可得性等,並經由輔訪應關注之事業對象,瞭解化學物質的運作型態並採樣檢測,同時建立初快篩技術,逐步完備毒性及關注化學物質的檢測能量。 經蒐集國內環保署、經濟部、衛福部及勞動部等標準公告方法,與毒性化學物質相關者皆已完成分類,並建立毒化物分析方法資料庫;國內檢測量能部分則建立優先潛在量能名單,名單上的機構在品質系統與儀器設備上已有適當基礎,可作為事件發生時的篩測支援量能;同時,為輔助毒化物認證實驗室,以提供具法律效力之檢測報告,制定合約實驗室輔導訪視程序,並完成2個實驗室的試運行,以加速推動認證實驗室。 另外,為能夠主動且有系統性的輔導或稽查國內化學品使用狀況,以公告的340種毒化物作為篩選的母群體,依據對民眾健康安全影響的嚴重程度,建立多項篩選原則,並利用不同原則權重評分結果,決定關注的優先順序;對於應優先受到關注的毒化物,考量輔訪或稽查上有快篩檢測的需求,故針對該些毒化物已完成蒐集可應用在現地的初篩或快篩技術,並完成20家廠家輔導訪查及採樣分析。訪查結果顯示,毒化物的運作樣態多元,有些成品混合不均,或是低純度的毒化物原料存在其他雜質干擾,可能導致廠家配方與檢測結果不符。本年度已完成20種毒性化學物質的輔導訪視檢測,建議未來應持續經由廠家訪視瞭解業者使用化學物質的樣態,以及評估現有檢測方法可能遇到的問題。
中文關鍵字 毒化物、快篩技術、檢測量能


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-EM03-02-A038 經費年度 107 計畫經費 8900 千元
專案開始日期 2018/10/02 專案結束日期 2019/11/30 專案主持人 許心蘭
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 潘郁采 執行單位 工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告_定稿本_公開Final.pdf 25MB 期末報告定稿本_公開版

Analytical Capability Inventory and Support of Toxic and Chemical Substances

英文摘要 There is a growing need for chemical analysis in order to support the administrative actions under the amended Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act. This project aims to evaluate the current analytical methods, the potential capabilities for chemical analysis, and the availability of certified reference materials. Meanwhile, visiting certain industries was to investigate the patterns of chemical substances in use and to develop the screening methods as well as the laboratory analytical methods for the associated chemical substances in the samples taken from chemical facilities. The evaluated analytical methods include those of the Environmental Protection Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Ministry of Health and Welfare. It was categorized into chemical substances and further classified by matrices, analytical instruments, and pretreatment methods, all together serving as a database of analytical methods for the toxic chemical substances. The potential capabilities for chemical analysis was evaluated based on the readiness of the quality assurance and quality control system along with the possession of the appropriate analytical instruments. A priority list of laboratories was suggested, which potentially can support sample screening. To promote more laboratories to get accredited, a review procedure towards a contract laboratory was drafted and pre-run by two laboratories. The review was designed to enhance the competency of the contract laboratory and speed up the process of getting accredited by the Environmental Protection Administration. Twenty facilities selected for visit were among those that handle toxic chemicals in processes associated daily commodities and thus was concerned in this project. During the visits, raw materials, products, or wastes were sampled as long as they were susceptible of the chemicals of concern. These concerned chemicals were such as phthalates, melamine, and a variety of pigments that are illegal food additives. Ten different methods of portable screening methods or test kits where available and twenty-four analytical methods were developed for the 250 samples. Results showed that heterogeneity of products containing toxic chemical substances may cause localized concentrations exceeding the regulatory levels while it should be right under the level in average. On the other hand, the concentrations were found to be underestimated by two orders of magnitude due to a low recovery in the pretreatment in some raw materials of a low purity of toxic chemicals, while they were supposed to be over the regulatory level. The visit of the factories was very informative and was recommended to conduct more in the future in order to get more practical insights that we should be aware of.
英文關鍵字 toxic substance, screening method, analytical capability inventory