

中文摘要 噪音陳情案件為目前主要公害陳情項目之一,民國103年計8萬6千餘件至106年已減少至7萬4千餘件。為解決民眾困擾,本計畫主要目標包括:彙整及分析噪音陳情案件、檢視噪音陳情稽查紀錄單、協助推動營建工程噪音管制計畫、檢討強化低頻噪音管制範圍、彙整各縣市交通噪音改善計畫辦理情形及績效考評相關工作。 所完成工作內容包括: (1)針對102年至106年噪音陳情案件及重複陳情案件依陳情型態、處理過程、處理結果進行彙整及分析。 (2)抽樣及檢視噪音稽查單共計628件,稽查紀錄單結果以查無噪音357件為主。 (3)針對106年度「營建工程噪音管制專案計畫」推動情形及辦理結果,據以修正本年度計畫內容,並協助研擬審查環評說明書噪音及振動項目確認清單。 (4)統計民國107年第一季至第三季營建工程噪音陳情案件數,其六都為陳情件數最多之前六個縣市,並以第二季及第三季進行比較共減少603件。 (5)蒐集國際上低頻噪音量測指標、評估方法及頻率特性,包含中國、德國、丹麥、瑞典、波蘭、日本等國家,以及近年相關研究文獻之作法。 (6)分析歷年123筆資料及針對37處低頻噪音測量結果,進行不同加權計算分別為不加權、C加權及A加權之噪音值,並分析頻譜。 (7)彙整各縣市提報交通噪音改善計畫,及協助環保署研擬108年度環保機關績效考核指標。
中文關鍵字 噪音陳情案件、低頻噪音、噪音管制


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-F000-00-000 經費年度 107 計畫經費 1874 千元
專案開始日期 2018/09/05 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 余忠和
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 強化噪音陳情案件稽查及低頻噪音管制計畫(公開版).pdf 11MB 強化噪音陳情案件稽查及低頻噪音(公開版)

The project of strengthen repeatedly noise cases complaint inspection and low frequency noise control

英文摘要 The noise is one of the major cases environmental pollutions. The number of noise complaint were approximately 86,000 cases in 2014. In 2017, the number went down to 74,000. In order to solve the noise annoyance, the objective of this project was to compile and analyze of noise complaint cases, review the noise inspection records, promote ”Noise control plan of construction sites”, strengthen the scope of low frequency noise control, collect the traffic noise improvement plan data processing and performance appraisal work in various counties and cities. The abstract is as following. 1.Compiled and analyzed the complaint and repeatedly petitioned cases by types, processes, and results for the last five years. 2.A total of 628 samples of noise inspections were sampled and reviewed. 3.In accordance with the result of “Noise control plan of construction sites for 2017”, this study revised the detail of the plan for 2018, and assisted in the development of a check list of noise and vibration items for reviewing the EIA manual. 4.The number of noise complaint in construction projects from January to September, 2018 was collected. The number of noise complaint was the highest in six municipality, and a total of 603 were reduced by Q2 and Q3. 5.Collected international low-frequency noise measurement indicators, evaluation methods and frequency characteristics, including China, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Japan and other countries, as well as relevant research literature in recent years. 6.Analyzed of 123 data over the years and 37 low-frequency noise measurements, calculations of different weighting are unweighted, A-weighted and C-weighted noise values, and analyzed spectrum. 7.Consolidated traffic noise improvement plans for all counties and cities, The number of repeated reports submitted by the counties and cities was 139 and assisted the EPA in researching the performance appraisal indicators of the 2019 EPB.
英文關鍵字 Noise complaint case, Low frequency noise, Noise control