

中文摘要 本計畫藉由舉辦「107年全國環保志(義)工群英會」,提升全民環境素養,藉由具環境教育意涵的競賽,展現全國環保志(義)工的活力及向心力,達到全民環保之目的。本次活動於10月6日在國立體育大學綜合體育館舉辦,全國共計22縣市,共計1,678名志義工參加,加上桃園市特色美食攤位工作人員、桃園市政府環保局現場支援志(義)工、貴賓、媒體及工作人員等,總參與人數達2,202人。 今年度特別融入環境知識於多項競賽項目中,透過參賽者在競賽過程中,以環境知識問答進行互動,達到寓教於樂的目的!為使活動更加豐富且更多人參與,於場外設置了「環境教育趣味闖關」活動,凡完成闖關者,即可獲得實用小贈品,增加活動現場的趣味性及知識性。 本活動共有4項趣味競賽,包括環保啦啦隊、環保金頭腦、環境保衛戰、資源分類王,相關賽程設計皆以環保為出發點,並落實於競賽項目、競賽道具與參與人員等,如所有參加者都需自備環保碗、筷、袋,避免使用免洗餐具製造垃圾,藉此呼應本次的活動精神。   當天由環保啦啦隊比賽熱情揭開序幕,蔡英文總統、環保署李應元署長、桃園市李憲明秘書長親臨會場,感謝全國環保志(義)工並給予支持鼓勵。經過整天的賽程,共產生59個優勝團隊,並於活動最後,在全國環保志(義)工的見證下,進行會旗交接,由桃園市政府環保局沈志修局長代表將大會旗交棒給明年主辦的雲林縣環保局張喬維 代理局長,希望全國環保志(義)工群英會年年延續、細水長流,提供全國環保志(義)工一個每年相聚交流的平台。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、志工、知識競賽


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-EA04-03-A169 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4507 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/29 專案結束日期 2018/11/30 專案主持人 翁銘隆
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 謝佰芳 執行單位 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107Knowledge Contest.pdf 7MB

107 years of China (Taiwan) Centenary national Environmental Protection Voluntary Environmental Knowledge Contest.

英文摘要 The target of holding the “107 years of China(Taiwan)National Environmental Protection Voluntary Environmental Knowledge Contest.” is to show the vitality and to encourage the sense of honor of the volunteers; through the event, the government would like to increase the number of environmental protection works and to encourage exercise habits. This event was held on October 6th in National Taiwan Sport University Gym. During the event, 1,678 environmental protection volunteers from 22 counties were participated; include the Taoyuan County Traditional Food vendors, staffs and press, the total participants were added up to 2,202.   more environmental knowledge was blended into the interactive sports game in this year; hoping to spread out more education knowledge through interesting games, make the whole event more meaningful. Also, the managing team created a “3 Stages Environmental Knowledge Tournament,” any volunteer completed all stages will received a gift. 4 interactive games were designed for the event, such as: cheerleading competition, question game, bingo game and Garbage classification game. All games were designed based on the concept of being “green;” therefore, all volunteers brought their own dinning utensils, to reduce the usage of disposable tableware.   The opening performance was performed by a Traditional Dance team, then the president Tsai,EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) Director Lee, Taoyuan City Secretary general Lee, arrived and thanked all the environmental protection volunteers. At the end of the event, the T Taoyuan County Environmental Protection Bureau Director Shen hand over the flag of the event to next year’s host, Yunlin County Environmental Protection Bureau Director Zhang. The “National Environmental Protection Volunteers Sports Games” conformed to be environmental friendly, interesting, educational, and supportive to the local businesses; therefore, we hope by holding this meaningful annual event will bring positive influences to our people, which will bring everyone a better living environment.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education,Volunteers,Knowledge Contest