

中文摘要 環境用藥係指使用於環境衛生、污染防治用藥等,依其所使用之濃度及使用方式分為環境用藥原體、一般環境用藥與特殊環境用藥。由於環境用藥施用地點包括公共場所如社區、公園、學校與居家室內場所,與民眾活動範圍十分接近,造成民眾暴露機會增加,其施作安全與環境殘留成為公共衛生重要議題。 本計畫配合台北市清潔隊、高雄市及台南市代噴業者之噴藥作業,於內湖、北投、台南、新莊以及高雄共5個地區進行登革熱噴藥防疫工作之環境介質(空氣、水體、底泥、土壤、植物)採樣,分噴藥前、中、後3小時、後1天與後1週,與噴藥後噴藥工人尿液樣本採樣。選取24種環境用藥,包括除蟲菊(共13種)、有機磷(共5種)、胺基甲酸鹽(安丹)、新類尼古丁(益達胺)與其他等,完成環境介質前處理技術開發與UPLC-MS/MS、GC-MS/MS分析方法建立,以及噴藥危害風險評估。 分析結果顯示各介質合計檢出17種環境用藥有效成分;現場環境各環境介質五個時段隨著噴藥方式與藥劑、氣象條件不同,濃度變異大。以本計畫檢測的空氣中濃度以及土壤中濃度,再以國人生理與暴露參數估計環境暴露量,噴藥工人與一般民眾之環藥慢性暴露安全評估(Margin of Safety, MOS)皆大於100,且危害指數<1(施藥人員從1.19*E-05到6.73*E-03;孩童從8.26*E-06到4.15*E-03),表示若只考慮噴藥造成兩途徑的額外暴露尚未達到顯著健康風險。在環境用藥管理政策方面,本研究發現,環境介質有多種環藥同時存在,且多種環藥並非來自噴藥用藥成分,推測噴藥附近農田、蔬果園、社區住宅活動均可能是各次檢出環藥的來源;本研究建立環境用藥殘留量環境採樣及檢驗標準作業流程,可供計畫委託單位參考。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、環境殘留、環境介質


專案計畫編號 TCSB-107-HC01-02-A039 經費年度 107 計畫經費 4200 千元
專案開始日期 2018/10/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳美蓮 特聘教授
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 張雅筑 執行單位 國立陽明大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107-108年度環境用藥之環境殘留量調查研究計畫.pdf 15MB

Investigation of environmental agent residues in multiple media 2018-2019

英文摘要 “Environmental agents” means the following types of chemical agents or microbial preparations used for environmental sanitation, and which are distinguished as technical grade environmental agents, general use environmental agents, and restricted use environmental agents. The application safety and environmental residues of environmental agents has become an important public healthissue because of the vicinityto the public places such as community, parks, schools and indoor places. We collected sample of air, water, sediment, soil,and vegetation duringtheenvironmental agent application for dengueprevention in five areas, includingNeihu, Beitou, Tainan, Xinzhuang and Kaohsiung. The sampling time included before-, during-,3 hoursafter-, 1 dayafter-and 1 week-afterthe spray. The exposed workers provided urine samples one day after the sprayshift. This study developed pretreatment methods for the sample media and detected 24 environmental agents, including 13 pyrethroids, 5 organophosphates, 1 carbamate (propoxur), 1 neonicotinoid (imidacloprid) andothers, by using ultra-performance liquid-and gas chromatography-coupling with tandem mass spectrometry, respectively (UPLC-MS/MS & GC-MS/MS). This study indicated that 17 environmental agents were detected among the environmental media. The temporal and spatial concentrations varied because of the different spraying parameters and weather conditions. The margin of safety (MOS) and hazard indexbased on the estimation of air and soil exposure for both workers and general population were higher than 100and less than 1.Thefindings showed the common presence ofmultiple environmental agents in the parks. Except the spraying application, nearby farmland, orchard and community activities might also lead to the unexpected residues in the environment.Nevertheless, the estimated risk of exposure is not significant. In terms of environmental agentsmanagement, analyzing frocontinuing monitoring the residue of environmental agents in different settings, such as primary school, community, and public places ae warranted. This study has establishedthe draft of standard operating procedureofenvironmental sampling, pretreatmentand analysisfor environmental agents residuesin the air, water, soil, vegetation and sediment. It could serve as referencemethodsfor the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau, Environmental Protection Administration.
英文關鍵字 Environmental agents, Environmental residues, Environmental media