

中文摘要 嚴峻的氣候變遷正逐漸加速且加大力道,在各國均飽受全球暖化連帶的極端氣候所造成的衝擊之下,全球對於減緩氣候變遷的腳步刻不容緩;遂全球開始有共識與作為,共同減少溫室氣體的排放量,手段之一是透過市場機制。 2005年生效的「京都議定書」(Kyoto Protocol)提出第一個市場彈性機制,奠定了未來碳市場機制的運作基礎,隨後的歐盟、加州、紐西蘭、魁北克、韓國、中國大陸也都陸續成立國內的碳市場。此外,2016年正式生效的《巴黎協定》,也提出新的市場機制。 但市場機制的建立並非一蹴即成,需多年法規的討論與擬定、利害關係者的能力建構、國際與國內專家學者的投入研討,始能建構出一個穩定運作的碳市場機制;國際上有多項合作經驗案例可供我國作為未來施政和國際合作交流參考,例如歐盟協助南韓與中國大陸、世界銀行協助越南、泰國與印尼、國際排放交易協會協助哈薩克和國際企業。 遂我國在2015年公告「溫室氣體減量及管理法」之後,便積極建置我國的總量管制與排放交易機制,草擬並修正相關法規;但此一同時,我國也保持密切的國際合作以進行我國碳市場相關的利害關係者之能力建構。 因此本計畫的目的為協助環保署:(一)掌握國際與區域性碳市場機制之發展及價格變動趨勢;(二)與德國展開推動碳市場制度之技術層級交流;(三)持續參與國際排放交易協會討論活動及會議;(四)研析國際間碳市場模擬應用工具及案例。 本計畫透過蒐研國際組織的研究報告和各國碳市場的最新碳價與政策,掌握國際與區域性碳市場機制之發展及價格變動趨勢,研析國際間碳定價機制最新發展情形,並協助環保署研擬相關因應策略。本團隊亦針對國際間碳定價機制與溫室氣體排放減量成效之關係、碳市場互認方式、自願性碳市場特性與發展趨勢進行資料蒐集及說明。 因應機關與臺德碳市場雙邊合作,本計畫協助推動碳市場機制之技術層級交流,並根據環保署施政需求擬定本計畫的臺德碳市場雙邊中長期合作範疇議題,並於臺德碳交易研習會中與德方共同討論。本計畫規劃與安排108年6月22日至6月29日,共8日赴德國柏林參加臺德碳交易研習會,並協助環保署對於我國能源政策現況與德方進行交流,以及協助準備赴德拜會氣候變遷相關議題行程之談參資料。 考量於我國特殊國情,無法實質參與氣候公約與巴黎協定,其對於我國推動減緩與調適氣候變遷相關政策上,著實有深遠的衝擊與影響。本計畫於108年加入成為IETA會員,透過會員身份協助環保署蒐研IETA與ICAP最新政策進展與參與方式,並且彙整我國對於參與巴黎協定第6條的立場與規劃,透過IETA將我國對於巴黎協定第6條有利立場的提案納入。最後協助環保署透過IETA於COP會場內的展館中,參與周邊會議或展覽活動,且尋求與其他友好國家和重要國際組織建立合作關係。 本計畫研析國際間碳市場模擬應用工具及案例,包括CarbonSim(以墨西哥為例)、EPC ETS(以巴西為例)以及中國碳模擬計畫之介紹、目的、使用方法及情境,評估國內採用之可行性與未來應用規劃,並建議適合我國採用的碳市場模擬應用工具與時機。 此外,本計畫也透過參與「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第24屆締約方大會」、「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第25屆締約方大會」重要國際組織保持聯繫進行交流,做為未來邀請作為協助我國能力建構的專家名單,也作為後續規劃推動國際連結的基礎。
中文關鍵字 碳市場、巴黎協定、碳定價


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3930 千元
專案開始日期 2018/11/13 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 石信智
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 高俊璿 執行單位 永智顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(定稿本).pdf 48MB 期末報告(定稿本)

International Collaboration on Greenhouse Gases Carbon Market Mechanism

英文摘要 Climate change is accelerating. Severe weather caused by global warming lashes many countries and caused serious consequences. There is simply no time to waste in finding the rightful means of mitigation. Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions has become the common consensus and action all around the world, market mechanism rises as one of the solutions. The first market mechanism was established by the Kyoto Protocol which entered into force in 2005. It had laid the foundation for the development of market mechanism in the world. The EU, California, New Zealand, Quebec, South Korea, China and many countries have followed the path and built up its own domestic carbon market. A stable market mechanism takes years of policy discussion and formulation, capacity building of stakeholders, and the participation of international and domestic experts to construct. The experience in cooperation on building carbon markets among countries and international organizations is also essential to provide reference for government regulation policy in the near future, while success stories can be seen in cases such as EU with South Korea and China, the World Bank with Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and IETA with Kazakhstan and international businesses。 Taiwan started to establish the domestic cap and trade system and drafted the related regulation after announcing the “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reeducation & Management Act” in 2015. Taiwan has also maintained close contact and cooperation with other countries and international organizations aiming to promote capacity building among stakeholders. The main purpose of this project: (1) To follow up the status and trend of international and regional carbon markets; (2) To initiate the technical cooperation of carbon market between Taiwan and Germany; (3) To maintain our presence in the discussion activities and meeting of IETA; (4) To study the utilization of carbon market simulation tools. Through collecting and researching the latest carbon pricing reports of international organizations and countries, the project aims to follow up the status and trend of international and regional carbon markets, to analyze the latest development of international carbon pricing mechanism, and to assist Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) in developing relevant coping strategies. This project analyzes the relationship between the international carbon pricing mechanism and the effect of greenhouse gas emission reduction, the mode of carbon market mutual recognition, and the characteristics and development trend of voluntary carbon market. In response to the agency's bilateral cooperation on carbon market between Taiwan and Germany, the project facilitates in promoting the technical exchange of the carbon market mechanism, and formulates the medium and long-term cooperation topics for emissions trading system between Taiwan and Germany in accordance with the policy needs of the EPA. Also, this project arranges and attends the study tour to Berlin from June 22 to 29, 2019. Considering Taiwan’s special national conditions, it is unable to substantially participate in the COP meetings and the Paris Agreement, which has a profound impact on Taiwan’s policies to promote mitigation and adaptation of climate change. This project becomes a member of IETA in 2019, which assists the EPA in researching the latest policy developments and ways of participation of IETA and ICAP, and integrate position and planning on Taiwan’s participation in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Through IETA, this project incorporates proposal on Taiwan’s favorable position on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Finally, this project facilitates the EPA to take part in meetings and exhibitions through IETA in the pavilion at COP, and in seeking cooperation with other friendly countries and major international organizations. This project researches and analyzes the international carbon market simulation applications and case studies, including CarbonSim (in Mexico), EPC ETS (in Brazil), as well as the introduction of China’s carbon simulation program, purpose, method of use and situation, in order to assess the feasibility and future application of domestic use, and to provide suggestions for Taiwan’s carbon market simulation applications and timing. In addition, this project communicates and keeps in touch with important international organizations through participating in COP24 and COP25, which can be considered as future invitation list of experts of capacity building in Taiwan, and serves as the basis of subsequent planning and promoting international connectivity.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Market, Paris Agreement, Carbon Pricing