

中文摘要 本計畫畜牧糞尿資源化的重點,就是如何有效讓畜牧「肥水」回歸農地使用,先篩選及馴養適合處理豬糞之蚯蚓與黑水虻,進一步建立豬糞基質作為培養環節動物(蚯蚓)與腐食性昆蟲(黑水虻)生長之適合條件,確認豬糞資源化之環境效益,更建構豬糞生物處理之示範模廠,並且透過宣導及活動會,展示成果並輔導畜牧業者朝向資源化經營模式。本計畫發現,豬糞渣、沼渣、沼泥三種畜牧廢棄物,在適當的操作與調整下,都能夠做為基材讓非洲夜蚯蚓和黑水虻幼蟲處理,並且在短時間內轉為可供做有機肥的蚓糞和虻糞。由於糞渣本身不須混合任何輔助資材,就能夠提供給蚯蚓和黑水虻進行處理,且蚯蚓與黑水虻在糞渣基材中幾乎都能夠順利成長增重,因此乃是三種畜牧廢棄物中最適合做為蚯蚓或黑水虻之基材。不過,無論是糞渣基材、或是沼渣或沼泥混合輔助資材而成的基材,其中的八大重金屬並不能藉由蚯蚓或黑水虻處理而大幅減少,蚓化或虻化後的基材重金屬濃度甚至會上升,但即使如此,所有處理後的基材重金屬濃度大多依然符合法規標準,且其中富含植物所需之營養成份,因此可做為有機肥或土壤改良劑使用。至於處理上述基材後的蚯蚓與黑水虻蟲體,不但體內重金屬濃度符合飼料規範或土壤肥料相關的法規標準,亦含有相當含量的粗蛋白與粗脂肪,尤其以黑水虻為高,因此也可以考慮做為飼料的添加物。
中文關鍵字 非洲夜蚯蚓、黑水虻幼蟲、糞渣沼渣沼泥


專案計畫編號 EPA-107-G103-02-A189 經費年度 107 計畫經費 3965 千元
專案開始日期 2018/05/10 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 方耀華
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 江彥霈 執行單位 宇陽能源科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 畜牧業沼渣資源化應用計畫期末報告檔案.pdf 59MB

The application project to reclaim piggery waste and digestate

英文摘要 The aim of the project is to reclaim and reuse piggery waste and digestate efficiently as the farm application. Firstly, suitable compost earthworm species should be selected, and the black soldier fly larva has to be cultivated. Secondly, by using piggery waste and digestate as the substrate, the suitable conditions to cultivate earthworm and black soldier fly larva respectively will be developed. After the determination of environmental benefits from the reclamation and reuse of piggery waste and digestate, a demonstration field will be established for the reclamation and reuse of piggery waste and digestate with earthworm and black soldier fly larva. Finally, promotion activities and events will be held to show the results abovementioned as well as to encourage and counsel livestock farmers for the business model with reclamation and reuse of the piggery waste and digestate. In this project, it is shown that piggery waste and digestate with proper operation and adjustment were able to be used as the substrate for African night crawler (ANC) and black soldier fly larva (BSFL). Shortly, these substrates could be transformed to worm casts, which are regarded as soil amendments and fertilizers. The piggery waste was the most suitable substrate since it along could be used as the substrate for ANC and BSFL to grow well within, On the contrary, to be used as the substrate for the ANC and BSFL, the digestate had to be mixed and homogenized with accessory materials. However, after the process of ANC and BSFL, the eight toxic metals (As, Pb, Hg, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr) in all the substrates were not able to be reduced significantly. Despite this, the concentrations of the heavy metals in the substrates were mostly lower than the regulation ones after the process of ANC or BSFL. In addition, these processed substrates are able to be used as soil amendment and fertilizers because they were rich in minerals and nutrients which are necessary for plants. On the other hand, after processing those substrates abovementioned, the concentrations of all the heavy metals in ANC and BSFL were lower than the regulations for the animal food, soil amendment or fertilizer. Moreover, the body of these post-processing worms contained plenty of crude protein and fat, especially in BSFL, and thus can be considered as an additive in animal food.
英文關鍵字 African night crawler, Black soldier fly larva, Piggery waste and digestate