

中文摘要 本計畫主要係協助臺中市政府環境保護局辦理107年度環保署補助「建構寧適家園計畫-營造友善城鄉環境」計畫各項工程之協調、整合與管理以及整體計畫成果彙整統合,及相關工程現勘督導訪視、工程規劃設計內容檢視、進度管考及行政支援等。執行成果摘要如下: 一、辦理各項工程現勘督導訪視:本計畫共辦理「106年度臺中市霧峰等7處公有零售市場設施修繕工程」、「霧峰區公廁新建及加強工程」、「107年營造友善城鄉環境拔尖級計畫-臺中市中區區公所1F公廁整建(含擺設綠色植栽)工程」及「107年度臺中市清水第一公有零售市場公廁整修工程」等4件工程,總計8次工程現勘督導訪視。 二、辦理各項工程規劃設計內容檢視:本計畫參與「107年度東協廣場一至三樓公廁整修工程」、「107年營造友善城鄉環境拔尖級計畫-臺中市中區區公所1F公廁整建(含擺設綠色植栽)工程」、「107年度臺中市清水第一公有零售市場公廁整修工程」及「英才公園廁所及周邊環境改善工程」等4件工程,共計7次規劃設計審查會議,以及提供2次書面審查意見。 三、辦理各項工作進度管考:本計畫每月管考各單位工作進度及經費執行率,彙整106年及107年各項工程進度管控表共19份、工作經費實支狀況表共10份,以及每月10日前提交前月份之工作成果報表,共10份。 四、辦理整體計畫成果彙整統合及相關行政事項:本計畫協助彙整106及107年各項指標相關執行成果,並彙整各單位工作成果協助登錄「綠網」(含工程及公廁巡檢),以及協助環保局登錄公廁巡檢資料589筆。 五、協助辦理工作進度督導會議:共3場,分別於107年4月19日、6月22日及9月28日辦理完成。 六、撰寫執行成果報告:依環保署規定格式撰寫「106年霧峰區營造友善城鄉環境(拔尖級)執行成果報告」及「107年營造友善城鄉環境(拔尖級)執行成果報告」各1式,106年度成果報告經環保局核定後印製10份。 七、協助辦理觀摩活動與檢討會:於107年7月至8月協助辦理觀摩活動前置作業會議,共3場;8月20日至21日現勘觀摩活動場地及流程、動線確認;9月7日辦理觀摩活動預演;並協助辦理9月12日之「107年營造友善城鄉環境研習會暨臺中市霧峰區推廣觀摩活動」及9月28日之檢討會議。 八、辦理計畫工作執行相關會議:於107年3月30日辦理本計畫工作範疇界定會議,12月19日辦理期末工作執行檢討會議。 九、撰寫期末報告及辦理期末報告審查會:於107年11月30日提交期末報告初稿,並於12月10日辦理本計畫期末報告審查會議。 十、其他行政配合事項:107年3月至12月間提交10份月成果報表,並召開9場工作檢討會議。
中文關鍵字 營造友善城鄉環境、拔尖級、環境衛生永續指標、綠網


專案計畫編號 經費年度 107 計畫經費 970 千元
專案開始日期 2018/03/23 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 張集豪
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 杜旻霏 執行單位 東海空間設計有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(定稿版)_1080128.pdf 40MB

2018 to create a friendly urban and rural environment (top-level) project management plan

英文摘要 The objective of this project is to assist The Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City Government (TCEPB) in the year of 2018 to conduct “Build a Comfortable Homeland Project-Building a Friendly Urban and Rural Environment”, which is subsidized by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA). The main focusing of this project is counseling on project coordination, integration and consolidation of details. Including site inspection and supervision, engineering planning and programming, auditing process and administration supporting. Below are the outcomes: 1.Site Inspection & Supervision: Supervised site inspection total 8 times as following 4 projects: “Public Retailer Market Facility Renovation in 7 areas in Taichung City Wufeng District in the year of 2017”, “New Construction and Reinforcement of Public Toilet in Wufeng District”, “The Friendly Urban and Rural Environment-Top Grade project in the year of 2018-1st Floor Public Toilet Repaired (including greenifying plants) in Taichung City Central District Office” and last but not least “1st Public Retailer Market Toilet Renovation in Taichung City Qingshui District in the year of 2018”. 2.Project Planning & Integration: Participating 4 main projects along with meetings, total 7 times as follows, “ASEAN Square 1st to 3rd Floor Public Toilet Repaired in the year of 2018”, “The Friendly Urban and Rural Environment-Top Grade project in the year of 2018-1st Floor Public Toilet Repaired (including planting) in Taichung City Central District Office”, “1st Public Retailer Market Toilet Renovation in Taichung City Qingshui District in the year of 2018”, and “Public Toilet and Surrounding Renovation in Yingcai Park”. 3.Progress Monitoring: Monitoring on monthly basis including progression and expansion ratio as follows: consolidated 19 progression reports for the year of 2017 & 2018, along with 10 reports of expansion details and hand over final report of previous month’s result before the 10th of each month. 4.Project integration and administration related: Consolidated final result of each project for the year of 2017 & 2018 and upload to “Ecolife”website (including site inspection and supervision of public toilet). Lastly assisting the TCEPB to register 589 auditing results of public toilet. 5.Progression Review Meeting: Held 3 review meetings in the year of 2018 on April 19th, June 22nd and September 28th. 6.Write an Executive Report: Written in the format prescribed by the EPA, finalizing project report of “The Friendly Urban and Rural Environment-Top Grade project for the year of 2017 in Wufeng District and year of 2018” and providing 10 copy for the result of year 2017 to Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). 7.On site activity and review: Rehearsed pre-activity meeting, total 3 times from the month of July to August in the year of 2018; on site supervision from August 20th to 21st; on September 7th held rehearsal. Lastly, held a seminar of “Building a Friendly Urban and Rural Environmental in Taichung City Wufeng District” on September 12th and final review on September 29th same year. 8.Project Executing & Review: On March 30th, 2018, held first review the scope of the project was defined and final meeting on same year of December 19th. 9.Final Report Drafting & Review: Summited the first draft of the final report on November 30th, 2018 and held review meeting on December 10th on the same year. 10.Administration work related: Summited 10 final reports on March 12th in the year of 2018 and held 9 review meetings.
英文關鍵字 The Friendly Urban and Rural Environment, Top Grade, Environmental Sanitation Sustainable Criteria, EcoLife Website