

中文摘要 本計畫為持續協助屏東縣朝向低碳城鄉之發展目標邁進,並藉由計畫輔導,協助本縣轄內鄉鎮市區及村里社區共同參與環保署低碳永續家園認證,使本縣可在依循本身發展基礎及目標之各項工作下,接軌中央政策,同時提升本縣在低碳永續認證評等之成效,本年度各項工作成果概述如下,一、維運低碳永續家園相關業務執行:已於107年7月5日及12月5日至環保署低碳永續家園網填報年度執行成果;辦理1場資源循環運作機能之諮詢會議,完成2項資源循環專案審查;辦理2場次跨局會議,討論議題包含(1)屏東縣縣市銅級認證推動成果及維護管理,與後續申請縣銀級配合事項;(2)屏東縣溫室氣體管制執行方案撰擬;(3)屏東縣短中期溫室氣體減量策略修訂,並邀請專家學者進行專案報告。二、參與低碳永續家園評等與分級認證:共輔導48個村里報名成功,並完成9處村里銅級認證,另協助4處村里現地查核作業,並取得維持評等資格,另協助5處村里通過銅級展延。三、社區實質輔導:共追蹤查核9處105年度受補助社區,查核結果皆為維護良好。在實質改造項目,依社區現況及未來規劃,共協助8處社區進行低碳永續相關項目建置,分別為高樹鄉新豐社區、內埔區隘寮社區、萬丹鄉興全社區、屏東市湖西里、湖南里、歸心里、琉球鄉中福村及內埔鄉水門村,而琉球鄉大福村進行組合式行動項目改造,並為全台唯一通過組合式銅級認證單位;另完成10處村里可執行行動項目評估,與輔導12處村里進行節電行動項目,強化住商部門節能減碳效益。四、配合環保署推動溫室氣體盤查登錄查核作業:本年度共完成現場查驗12家次固定污染源之溫室氣體排放量,結果顯示僅核三廠 (本縣唯一單位)超過溫室氣體管制標準,故提送符合列管標準之事業單位名單,作為後續執行列管或觀察對象參考,並已完成登錄。五、推動微電網儲能系統示範:在緊急災難備用能源微電網設置易致災害潛勢地點選址現勘上,完成泰武鄉、春日鄉、來義鄉、霧台鄉、牡丹鄉與獅子鄉等六個鄉鎮,合計14處部落現勘,並於林邊鄉公所規劃設置一套緊急災難備用能源微電網示範系統。而能源教案、教具及影音教材建置,配合光彩濕地教學應用,新增「微型電廠」太陽能應用教案與「能源面面觀」氫能應用教案,搭配太陽能儲能系統與氫能車作為教具,並購買「預約未來替代能源」與「擁抱綠能未來」影音教材。六、辦理因應氣候變遷及建構低碳永續社會之相關宣導活動:辦理共計6場次低碳永續相關宣導活動、說明會或觀摩活動,宣導對象包含本縣鄉鎮市、村里相關業務代表及一般民眾。另製作屏東縣低碳永續家園評等宣導摺頁500份,及550份宣導品、媒體刊登及持續發布低碳相關訊息,展現本縣相關成果,並持續提升民眾低碳新知。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園認證、社區實質改造、資源循環


專案計畫編號 1070201 經費年度 107 計畫經費 6100 千元
專案開始日期 2018/02/14 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 黃美倫
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭淑華 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 107年屏東縣推動溫室氣體管制執行方案與強化低碳永續家園運作體系計畫.pdf 8MB

Promotion of greenhouse gas control and the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation system and Management and Evaluation Program for Pingtung County in 2018

英文摘要 The project aimed to assist Pingtung County towards the goals of low-carbon urban and rural development. The project team helped townships, villages, and communities in Pingtung County participate in EPA's Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification program. Thus, the county could follow the central government's policies and improve the county’s performance on the Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification program in accordance with the county’s objectives. The results of the work of this year were summarized as follows:1. Low-carbon sustainable homeland related works: done with reporting annual performance on 5th, July, and 5th, December 2018 in the website of low-carbon Sustainable information system, including holding 2 consulting conference regarding resource recycling, completing 2 project audits regarding resource recycling; and holding 2 cross-departmental meeting covering the topics: (1) upgrading the levels of certification from Bronze level to Silver level for Pingtung County in the effort of promoting low carbon and sustainable homeland (2) Making the implementing plan of greenhouse gas control (3) revising the Pingtung county's greenhouse gas reduction short and medium term strategies, and inviting experts and scholars to report on the project.2. Participation of Certification program of Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland: assisted 48 villages and communities in registration in the program and acquired nomination level, and helped 9 villages got Bronze level. and assisted site survey for 4 villages in maintaining their evaluation qualification, further assisted 5 villages in extending their Bronze level evaluation. 3. Community guidance:A total of 9 subsidized communities in year 105 were checked and followed up, and the results were well maintained. In the sustainable home improvement project, based on the current situation and future planning of the community, a total of 8 communities are assisted in the construction of low-carbon sustainable projects, including Gaoshu Township Xinfeng community, Neipu District Ai-liao community, Wandan Township Xingquan community, and Huxi village, Hunan village, Guixin village, Dongqiu Village in Pingtung city, and Zhongfu Village of liu-qiu township and Shui-men Village of Neipu Township. In the Dafu Village of liu-qiu township, the only certified Bronze level in Taiwan with composite type mobile renovation project. Furthermore, site evaluation of 10 villages in the executability of mobile project, and assisted 12 villages in implementing power saving plan to enhance the result of Energy saving and carbon reduction in both residential and commercial sector. 4. In complying to the Environmental Protection Administration R.O.C. Taiwan (EPA), to manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Taiwan. Among the 12 stationary pollution source of greenhouse gas emission. Only the Third Nuclear Power Plant (the only source in Pingtung) failed to pass the emission examination. Therefore, we have reported the fact of the Third Nuclear Power Plant failed to meet the standard of GHG, and submitted it as a reference for subsequent implementation of custody or observation. We have also finished updated in Taiwan GHG emissions Registry.5. Promoting the demonstrated micro-grid of energy storage system: Location Scouting for the emergency disaster standby energy microgrid setting up,:we have finished the location scouting for 14 tribes in six townships, including Taiwu Township, Chunri Township, Laiyi Township, Wutai Township, Peony Township and Lion Township. We also set up a demo microgrid system for emergency disaster period in the Linbian Township Office. For construction of energy teaching plans, teaching aids and audio-visual learning materials, applied to the Glorious wetland, we add in solar energy application with micro-grid, and lesson of "Energy perspective" regarding hydrogen energy application, using the example of solar energy storage system and the Hydrogen car as a teaching aid. Meanwhile, we have purchased two sets of learning materials” Future energy” and “When things turn green”. 6. Holding promotional activities regarding climate change and building a low-carbon sustainable society: 6 public promotion regarding low-carbon sustainable homeland were conducted. Participants included the public and the representatives from townships and villages. Additionally, utilizing the media to publish low-carbon related information, and the printing of 500 promotional leaflet and 550 publicity material introducing Pingtung County’s effort and performance of low-carbon sustainable homeland, were printed to show the related achievements of Pingtung County and to enhance the public awareness of low-carbon development.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification、Resource recycling、Community transformation