

中文摘要 本計畫係根據去年執行成果持續維護與精進既有系統與活動,為瞭解全國海岸廢棄物現存量,增加海岸廢棄物調查相關研究方法及基線資料累計,逐步落實資訊平台整合之目標。 本計畫以海岸廢棄物監測調查與海岸廢棄物數量推估方式精進作為今年的核心指標,分析目前遭遇問題,透過參考國外文獻(大陸、日本與韓國),找出適合我國執行方式,並透過輔導與考核並行的方式,加強各縣市環保單位執行海岸廢棄物組成及來源國別分析調查作業之品質。 今年度本計畫以科學方式調查海岸廢棄物為主題,引進地理資訊系統之遙測技術,分析海岸區域標的變化,包括高解析衛星影像、航空攝影、無人載具航拍低空影像,透過多空間尺度的高解析度影像與多光譜影像資料進行環境資訊解析。由6處示範區域進行影像分析成果顯示,衛星或航照進行大面積偵測較多廢棄物的海岸區域,再以UAV方式進行高解析影像拍攝與分析,沿岸地形辨識準確度達7成、沙灘地形則可達到8成以上。最後,將上述成果導入至GIS圖台進行套疊展示,輔以中央氣象局觀測氣候資料,作為不同尺度與時空下判斷海岸廢棄物來源之參考。 為讓民眾瞭解海岸汙染的嚴重性,深耕海岸環境教育並落實淨灘核心理念,透過海岸環境教育理念宣達,強化民眾對海岸環境清潔維護的使命,因此本計畫共辦理3場次大型淨灘活動、6場次環境教育淨灘活動,輔導300餘人,皆以源頭減量為訴求,以環保淨灘模式執行,並以簡化活動儀式及廢棄物減量作法辦理。 於系統端著重於優化操作環境及提升民眾使用程度,主要針對海岸廢棄物與淨灘議題進行功能面強化,內容包含海岸髒亂通報功能、淨灘資訊彙整功能及海岸廢棄物圖層展示平臺等三大類別,綜合以上功能的維護及開發作業,提升系統友善度、業務管理成效,並掌握海岸業務現況。
中文關鍵字 海岸淨灘、海岸廢棄物調查、高解析度影像分析


專案計畫編號 108A316 經費年度 108 計畫經費 7439 千元
專案開始日期 2019/05/30 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 郭仲凱
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 倪彩雲 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA108A316.pdf 35MB

The 2019 Project of Promoting the Coastal Cleanup system and the Maintenance of Clean Coastlines

英文摘要 Based on the last year’s satisfying result, the project aimed to maintain and further improved the established systems and activities. The goals of this project included understanding the current costal waste in Taiwan, increasing the survey method of coastal waste and accumulating the data of the baseline. The core value of this project centered on the survey of monitoring coastal waste and the approaches to approximately calculating coastal waste. To find out the proper solutions, we analyzed the problems we were facing and referring to the literature of China, Japan and Korea. Through counselling and assessment, we went hand in hand with Environmental Protection Bureaus in cities and counties to improve the component analysis of coastal waste. The survey was conducted scientifically on coastal waste with remote sensing on Geographic Information System to analyze the change of objects along the coastlines. First, with the use of high-resolution images, aerial photography and the images of under clouds from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), we analyzed the environmental information in multiple spatial dimensions and multispectral images. Next, through six areas demonstrating the image analysis and satellite or aerial photos captured by UAV to detect large areas of coastal waste, the recognition accuracy of coastal terrain reaches 70% and beach terrain 80%. Finally, to judge the source of coastal waste at different time and space, we imported the above-mentioned results to the GIS platform for image-overlapping display and took climate data from the Central Weather Bureau into consideration. To make the public aware of the seriousness of coastal pollution, we went to great lengths to provide environmental education of coastlines and to carry out the core value of coastal cleanup. We hoped the public realize that it was everyone’s duty to maintain the clean coastline. Three large-scale activities of coastal cleanup and six workshops for environmental education were held and the participants were up to 300. Reduction of waste from the source was our expectation. It was suggested that the public could join the coastal cleanup, simplify the ritual and reduce the waste. Concerning the system, emphases were placed on optimizing the system’s functions and boosting the usage frequency of the general public. Three main functions of the system included the notification of messy coast, the collection of coastal-cleanup information and the platform for displaying the layers of coastal waste. The above-mentioned functions, including maintaining the existing functions and establishing new ones, have successfully increased the user-friendliness of the system, the management effectiveness and monitoring the current coastal businesses.
英文關鍵字 Coastal clean-up, Coastal waste survey, High-resolution image analysis