

中文摘要 (一)執行營建工程空污費徵收、稽(巡)查等污染管制作業: 1.依行政院環境保護署公告之「營建工程空氣污染防制費收費辦法」,協助機關辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費之申報、徵收、催繳、結算、退補繳等相關作業,並對各類申繳案件疑義提供法令解釋等作業。 2.協助機關針對未於開工前申報空氣污染防制費之營建工地加強巡查作業,並輔導營建業主至申報完成。 3.每月清查已完工需結算工程,執行空氣污染防制費催補繳作業之催繳率達100%。 4.每月執行營建工地之稽(巡)查至少170處次(含陳情案件,109年2月份巡查量得按工作天比例酌減,並於108年5月31日前書面報經機關同意後將減少之巡查量分攤至其他月份執行。),每半月一次假日稽(巡)查至少10處次;另針對前一個月排放量前25大工地應每月稽(巡)查至少1次,其餘臺東縣內營建工程列管第一級工程應每1個月稽(巡)查至少1次,列管第二級工程應每3個月稽(巡)查至少1次,離島地區(綠島及蘭嶼)巡查應每6個月稽(巡)查至少1次。(每次稽(巡)查紀錄須由現場工地人員簽認,若現場無人須紀錄電話聯繫對象、號碼及時間;針對各查核項目及有缺失項目皆須拍照存查,並將照片附於稽(巡)查紀錄中,有缺失及無法由現場工地人員簽認之案件,應於當日電話通知營建業主並向機關報備,同時於稽(巡)查紀錄敘明理由,並詳實建檔)。 5.廠商每週針對稽(巡)查缺失記點十點(含)以上之工地,應會同機關人員進行工地複查,營建工地告發改善完成率須達90%。(前項執行工作之統計分析及績效標準,以行政院環境保護署公告之規範及考評辦法為準則)。 (二)辦理營建工程相關教育訓練及宣導說明作業: 1.辦理本計畫相關教育訓練至少2場次(每場次至少2小時)。 2.依工程類別、污染陳情狀況、特定區域管制考量,辦理2場次營建工程宣導說明會,2場次辦理時間間隔不得低於4個月,邀請對象應包含公私部門營建業主及常有缺失廠商,每場次參加廠商數至少達15家以上(辦理說明會前30日函送規劃書至機關,並經機關同意後辦理)。 3.依對象不同(民眾、營建業主及承包商或相關公會)於申繳空污費、宣導活動或稽(巡)查時發送機關印製之營建工程空氣污染防制、相關法令及空污費申繳宣導摺頁、手冊,及於公私部門張貼宣導海報,於簽約日起30日內提送規劃書至機關,並經機關同意後印製摺頁及手冊各450份、海報100份,共計1,000份。 (三)辦理營建工地相關資料之建檔作業: 1.維護更新環保署頒定之「A2010營建工地污染管制及收費管理資訊系統」,對各營建工地之基本資料、稽巡查、裁處、改善情形及相關資料等詳實輸入電腦資料庫建檔,並於每週一提交更新資料電子檔。 2.定期推估資料庫內各工地之逸散性排放量與削減量,並依環保署規定期限上傳資料。 3.執行營建工程空氣污染管制資料庫系統之Quality assurance(QA)/ Quality control(QC)查核功能,定期除錯修正建檔,資料建檔品質應達100%,以符合環保署抽查正確性。 (四)辦理營建工地設置污染防制設施之查核作業: 1.查核未能符合者,則應輔導工地確實改善達法令標準;如為符合替代方案申請者,應輔導工地提出替代方案申請,另應協助機關於接獲業主提出替代方案申請10日內完成替代防制措施申請案書面審查與現勘審查,並函送機關審查結果。 2.計畫結束前,推動至少10處圍籬綠美化(或圍籬彩繪)或達成至少10處公私場所認養周邊道路及其認養道路清掃長度累計達5,000公里以上之目標。 (五)辦理營建工地噪音管制作業: 1.針對營建工地施工機具或營建工地噪音陳情案件進行量測工作,經機關通知應由具「公私場所噪音狀況檢查或鑑定人員」合格證照之計畫專責人員會同機關人員執行主動稽查量測,並依行政院環境保護署訂定之「噪音管制法」、「營建工程施工機具聲功率量測方法」辦理。 2.協助機關辦理噪音管制法第8條及第9條修訂並完成公告事宜。 (六)辦理航空噪音管制作業: 1.每季邀請相關單位、人員(如專家學者)審查空軍第七飛行訓練聯隊(志航基地)及交通部民用航空局臺東航空站(豐年機場)之航空噪音監測報告書,並於接獲機關通知10日內將審查意見送機關備查。 2.每年辦理1次以上航空站噪音監測現場查核(辦理前30日提送規劃書至機關同意後辦理),邀請相關單位、人員(如專家學者)出席,依環保署擬訂「執行航空噪音監測站、監控中心查核及機場周圍地區航空噪音監測報告書審查指引」辦理查核,並於現場查核結束後15日內將成果送機關備查。 (七)配合行政院環境保護署相關管制、考核作業: 1.每月5日前配合機關空氣品質管理(AQMP)計畫提報前月各類考核報表,並於每季結束次月10日前提交季考核報表與計算污染物削減量。 2.依據行政院環境保護署108年度考評所訂逸散源及噪音各項考評規定,並依機關所訂期限提報考評報表、考核成果報告、資料之彙整、提報,達成行政院環境保護署督導本計畫指定或配合之工作事項。 3.配合研提本縣空氣污染防制計畫書各項工作。 4.於本計畫結案前,廠商應依行政院環境保護署指定之網站填報與上傳期末報告書及相關成果資料,經機關審核通過後始可進行尾款請領手續。 (八)其他: 1.依契約規定或機關通知之期限應提送機關審查之各式報告書。 2.配合機關交辦推行節能減碳政策之相關工作。 3.收集其他縣市相關營建工程污染管制策略較佳作法,並依本縣特性予以整合,每季提供機關作為改進計畫契約之參考依據。 4.彙整其他縣市營建工地污染自主管理作法,並考量本縣特性,規劃營建工地污染自主管理標準作業流程,俾利提升本計畫執行成果。 5.廠商派任本計畫之專責人員(派駐機關報案中心及縣民服務中心人員除外)於上班時間穿著統一服裝(夏冬制服、外套、稽查背心及帽子)以利辨識(服裝需於簽約日起30日內完成製作,履約期間新任人員亦於到職日起30日內完成製作),且應禁止員工穿著拖鞋及禁止員工於工作進行時抽煙、喝酒、吃檳榔等,以提昇工作紀律及整體形象。 6.計畫履約起始日起60日內廠商對於派至機關提供勞務之派遣勞工,應提供勞工實施身體一般健康檢查,檢查項目及內容依勞工健康保護規則規定辦理。 7.工作人員執行工作時,或遇有民眾之疑問、詢問及洽辦本計畫之相關業務,應不推諉、禮貌應對,並應解說、回覆及處理相關業務。 8.廠商之服務建議書暨評選審查時修正附加或補充或承諾事項。 (1)協助機關108年底達到行政院環境保護署108年度考評目標。 (2)每季重點工作成果達到計畫執行進度期程表所訂目標。 (3)協助機關訂定符合行政院環境保護署109年度績效考評之目標,並 完成製作績效展現簡報。 (4)研議具臺東在地特色之空污防制策略或作為或創意。 (5)蒐整本計畫業務相關之最新修正法規並集結成冊。
中文關鍵字 108年度臺東縣營建工程污染管制計畫


專案計畫編號 108400130021 經費年度 108 計畫經費 5544 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/01 專案結束日期 2020/02/29 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 蔣明哲 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108定稿.pdf 68MB

108 Taitung County Construction Project Pollution Control Plan

英文摘要 (I) Carrying out pollution control operations such as collection of air pollution charges and inspection (patrol) inspections of construction projects: 1. In accordance with the "Measures for Air Pollution Prevention and Control Charges for Construction Projects" announced by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan, assist the authorities in handling the declaration, collection, collection, settlement and refund of air pollution control charges for construction projects, and Provide legal interpretation and other operations on the doubts of each case. 2. Assist the authorities to strengthen inspections on construction sites that have not declared air pollution control fees before the start of construction, and counsel construction owners to complete the declaration. 3. Monthly inspections have been completed to settle the project, and the collection rate of implementing the air pollution prevention fee reminder payment operation reached 100%. 4. Perform at least 170 inspections (patrols) of the construction site every month (including case reports). The inspection volume in February 109 may be reduced according to the proportion of working days, and shall be reported to the authority in writing before May 31, 108. Allocate the reduction of inspections to other months for implementation.), Holiday inspections (patrols) should be conducted at least 10 times every half month; and for the top 25 construction sites in the previous month, the monthly inspections (patterns) should be checked at least once, The remaining first-level construction projects in Taitung County should be inspected (patrolled) at least once every one month, and the second-level projects should be audited (patrolled) at least once every three months. (Lvdao and Lanyu) inspections shall be conducted at least once every 6 months. (Each inspection (patrol) inspection record must be signed by the site staff. If no one on the site has to record the telephone contact object, number and time; for each check item and missing items, you must take pictures for inspection, and attach the photos to the inspection ( In the inspection records, if there are any cases that are missing and cannot be signed by the site construction personnel, the construction owner should be notified by phone on the same day and filed with the authorities, while the inspection (patrol) records will be used to explain the reasons and to document the details). 5. The manufacturer shall inspect the construction sites with ten points (inclusive) for missing inspections (patrols) every week, and shall review the construction site together with the staff of the agency. The construction site shall report that the improvement completion rate shall reach 90%. (The statistical analysis and performance standards for the implementation of the preceding item are based on the specifications and assessment methods announced by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan.)  (2) Dealing with construction training and publicity instructions: 1. At least 2 sessions of education and training related to this plan (at least 2 hours per session). 2. According to the project type, pollution situation, and specific area control test, conduct 2 construction project introduction briefing sessions, the time interval between the two applications should not be less than 4 months, the invitee should include public and private sector construction owners and often missing manufacturers , The number of participating manufacturers at least 15 each time (30 days before the briefing meeting to send a letter to the agency, and with the consent of the agency to handle). 3. Depending on the target (people, construction owners and contractors, or related associations), when submitting air pollution charges, advocacy activities, or inspections (patrols), the air pollution control of construction projects printed by the authorities, related laws and regulations, and air pollution Publicity leaflets, brochures, and publicity posters for publicity and payment of pollution fees, and planners should be submitted to the agency within 30 days from the date of signing, and 450 leaflets and brochures will be printed and 100 posters will be approved by the agency. Servings, for a total of 1,000. (3) Handling the filing of relevant information on the construction site: 1. Maintain and update the "A2010 Construction Site Pollution Control and Charge Management Information System" issued by the Environmental Protection Agency. Enter basic computer data, audits, arbitrations, rectifications, improvement situations, and related information into the computer database for the construction site. Submit an updated electronic file every Monday. 2. Regularly estimate the fugitive emissions and reductions at each site in the database, and upload the data in accordance with the deadline set by the Environmental Protection Agency. 3. Execute the quality assurance (QA) / Quality control (QC) check function of the air pollution control database system of the construction project, and periodically debug and modify the file. The quality of the data file should be 100% to meet the accuracy of the EPA's spot check.  (4) Checking the pollution prevention facilities at the construction site: 1. If the inspection fails, the construction site shall be instructed to improve the compliance with the statute standard; if the applicant is eligible for the replacement scheme, the construction site shall be instructed to submit an application for the alternative scheme, and the machine shall be assisted to complete the replacement within 10 days of receiving the application from the owner for the alternative scheme. The written review and on-site investigation review of the application for control measures shall be sent to the authorities for review. 2. Before the end of the plan, promote at least 10 fence greening (or fence painting) or achieve the goal of adopting at least 10 public and private places to adopt the surrounding roads and the length of the roads to be accumulated over 5,000 kilometers.  (5) Noise control operations at construction sites: 1. For the measurement of construction machinery and noise cases on the construction site, upon notification by the agency, the designated person in charge of the plan with a certificate of "public or private location noise inspection or appraisal personnel" shall perform an active inspection and measurement with the staff of the agency, And in accordance with the "Noise Control Law" and "Methods for Measuring Sound Power of Construction Machinery for Construction" formulated by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan. 2. Assist the authorities to handle amendments to Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Law and complete the announcement.    (6) For aviation noise control operations: 1. Relevant units and personnel (such as experts and scholars) are invited to review the aviation noise monitoring report of the Air Force's Seventh Flight Training Wing (Zhihang Base) and the Civil Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation Taitung Air Station (Fengnian Airport) on a quarterly basis. Send the review opinions to the authorities for investigation within 10 days after being notified by the authorities. 2. Conduct more than one site noise monitoring site inspection each year (submit the planning document 30 days before the application to the authority for approval), invite relevant units and personnel (such as experts and scholars) to attend, and formulate the "enforcement of aviation noise monitoring" according to the Environmental Protection Agency Stations, Monitoring Centers and Guidelines for Review of Aviation Noise Monitoring Reports Around the Airport "for verification, and the results will be sent to the authorities for inspection within 15 days after the on-site verification. (7) Cooperate with the relevant control and assessment operations of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan: 1. In accordance with the organization's air quality management (AQMP) plan, submit various assessment reports for the previous month before the 5th of each month, and submit quarterly assessment reports and calculate pollutant reductions before the 10th of the end of each quarter. 2. In accordance with the various assessment requirements for the emission source and noise set by the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan in the 108th year, and submit the assessment report, assessment results report, data collection and reporting in accordance with the deadline set by the agency, achieve the environmental protection of the Executive Yuan. The Agency supervises the work items designated or cooperated with this plan. 3. Cooperate with the research and development of the county's air pollution prevention plan. 4. Before the plan is closed, the manufacturer shall fill in and upload the final report and related results data according to the website designated by the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan. After the approval of the agency, the final payment can be requested.  (Eight) other: 1. Various reports shall be submitted to the authorities for review in accordance with the contractual provisions or the deadlines notified by the authorities. 2. Cooperate with agencies to implement related work to implement energy conservation and carbon reduction policies. 3. Collect the best practices of pollution control strategies for related construction projects in other counties and cities, and integrate them according to the characteristics of the county, and provide authorities on a quarterly basis as a reference for improving the plan contract. 4. Summarize the independent pollution management practices of construction sites in other counties and cities, and consider the characteristics of the county, and plan the standard operating procedures for independent management of pollution at construction sites to help improve the implementation of this plan. 5. Vendors assigned to the project are responsible for the project (except for personnel reporting to the police report center and county citizen service center) to wear uniform clothing (summer and winter uniforms, coats, audit vests and hats) during working hours to facilitate identification (clothing must be signed The production is completed within 30 days from the date, and the new staff is also completed within 30 days from the date of employment during the performance period. Employees shall be prohibited from wearing slippers and smoking, drinking, and betel nut while the work is in progress to improve work discipline and overall Image. 6. Within 60 days from the start date of the plan's performance, the manufacturer shall provide general health checkups to the dispatched laborers sent to the agency to provide labor services. The inspection items and contents shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the labor health protection rules. 7. When the staff performs the work, or if they have any questions, inquiries and related business related to the plan, they should not push forward, deal with them politely, and explain, reply and deal with related business. 8. The vendor's service proposal cum selection review amendments to additional or supplementary or commitment matters.   (1) Assisting agencies at the end of 108 to reach the 108 assessment targets of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan.   (2) The results of each quarter's key work have reached the goals set out in the schedule for implementation of the plan.  (3) assisting the agency to set goals that meet the 109 performance evaluation of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, and     Completed presentation of performance presentation.  (4) Investigate air pollution prevention strategies or actions or ideas with local characteristics of Taitung.   (5) Search and compile the latest amendments and regulations related to the business of this project and collect them into a book.
英文關鍵字 108 Taitung County Construction Project Pollution Control Plan