英文摘要 |
The project work period is from January 4, 2019 to December 31, 2019. The overall achievement of progress goal of this project is shown in Table 1, and the implementation results are as follows:
1.Inspection of process chemicals and emissions of plants and database update for industrial areas
In order to verify the usage of risk chemicals and potential hazardous air pollutants, this project inspected the process chemicals and emissions and updated database of plants among Pingnan, Pingtung, Neipu Industrial Park, Pingtung Agriculture Biotechnology Park(PABP) and Pingtung Export Processing Zone(PEPZ). Up to the end of this project, there were 43 regulated and 30 non-regulated plants in Pingnan Industrial Park, 15 regulated and 120 non-regulated plants in Pingtung Industrial Park, 19 regulated and 42 non-regulated plants in Neipu Industrial Park, 12 regulated and 24 non-regulated plants in PEPZ, and 10 regulated and 97 non-regulated plants in PABP.
Also this plan implemented and updated the database of air pollution occasion emergency response inquiry system by verification the setup of required emergency facility and tools, and the sensitive receptors and available refuge sites among above five target industrial areas.
2.Risk assessment evaluation work for the industrial areas plants
According to the criteria from publication “The handbook of Prone to cause air pollution emergencies of potential high-risk assessment of industrial areas” announced by Taiwan EPA, five industrial parks were chosen as target investigation sites for assessment of defined 87 high risk chemicals.
The results demonstrated there were 12 high risk chemicals were used by 15 process of 8 plants in Pingnan industrial park, 2 high risk chemicals were used by 2 process of 2 plants in Pingtung industrial park, 1 high risk chemicals were used by 1 process of 1 plants in PEPZ and PABP individually, and there was no high risk chemical found by any process in Neipu industrial park.
It came to the conclusion that only Pingnan industrial park classified as high risk level. The other industrial areas were all low risk level.
3.The downwind fenceline hazardous air pollutants detection
There were 3 sampling and analysis of hazardous air pollutants(HAPs) conducted at the downwind fenceline ambient of 3 plants in Pingnan industrial park. The results demonstrated there were 19 HAPs found including butane, methanol, 1,3-butadiene, cis-2-butane, acetone, toluene, acrolein, toluene, acrolein, ethylene acetate, methyl methacrylate, xylene, difluorochloromethane, acetonitrile, isopentane, dichloromethane, 2-butanone, n-hexane, 1,2-dichloroethane and ethylbenzene.
4.The stacks hazardous air pollutants detection
There were 2 sampling and analysis of hazardous air pollutants conducted at the stacks of 2 plants in Pingnan industrial park. The results demonstrated there were 10 HAPs found including chloromethane, n-pentane, acrolein, acetone, 2-butanone, toluene, benzene, methyl methacrylate, ethyl benzene and xylene.
5.The 14 days fenceline monitoring of air pollutants by using open path FTIR for two plants in Pingnan industrial park:
(1)The first plant Sanfong chemical material Co. was monitored during 2019/5/21~2019/5/30, 6 pollutants were detected including 1,3-butadiene, 2-propenenitrile, ammonia, dimethyl ether, methyl methacrylate and n-butyl acetate. The highet concentration pollutant found was 2053.4ppb of 1,3-butadiene, and then in order 378.5ppb of n-butyl acetate, 355.3ppb of dimethyl ether, 277.1ppb of 2-propenenitrile, 85.8ppb of ammonia and 41ppb of methyl methacrylate.
(2) The sencond plant Chunhsin Material Industry Co. was monitored during 2019/8/27~2019/9/4, 9 pollutants were detected including ammonia, ethyl acetate, ethylene, isopropanol, methanol, methyl methacrylate, butyl acetate, sulfur dioxide and ethylene acetate. The highet concentration pollutant found was 1276.5ppb of sulfur dioxide, and then in order 679.4ppb of isopropanol, 230.3ppb of butyl acetate, 189.2ppb of ammonia, 172.9ppb of methanol, 130.5ppb of ethyl acetate, 105.5ppb of methyl methacrylate, 103.5ppb of ethylene acetate, and 94.3ppb of ethylene.
6.The odor source control by regulation test of vapor recovery system in petroleum stations
There were 67 stations conducted by A/L test and 3 of them were not in compliance with regulation and penalized by EPB. Also 67 stations were conducted by leakage test and only one was not in compliance with regulation.
7.The odor source control by regulation test of process instrument and parts leakage test
There were 4000 process instrument and parts leakage test conducted among target 19 regulated plant process. The most types of parts were 1764 flanges and then 992 others. Based on the high frequent 2210 audit tests of Sanfong chemical material Co., 6 of them were found not in compliance with the defined leakage concentration standard.
In order to raise the efficiency of audit test, this project applied IR thermal imaging system as screening tool to assist finding the leakage spots and then execute TVA-1000B FID test among 10 process sites.
8. The maintenance of H2S air monitoring station in industrial park
In order to stand the quality assurance and precision of monitoring ststion data, plan and maintenance procedure were conducted routiney.During the project period, instrument pump and parts were properly replaced and QA audit implemented. The maximum H2S concentration monitored for whole project period was ever 54.4ppb, however the daily average was still 2.16ppb in compliance with the air quality standard.
9.Canister sampling for emergency odor event
There was once sampling and analysis in the emergency odor event occurred in March. And the other sampling was arranged at Tunghi elementary school,the downwind sensitive receptor of Pingnan industrial park.
10.The road dust cleanup of plant neighbor zone in Pingtung and Neipu industrial park
There were 844.098km length of roads was maintained clean-up by the plants owners in Pingtung industry park which could achieve the emission reduction of PM10 2.19 tons and PM2.5 0.5tons per year. There were 671.976km length of roads was maintained clean-up by the plants owners in Neipu industry park which could achieve the emission reduction of PM10 1.74 tons and PM2.5 0.9 tons per year.
11.The pollutants inspection program
At the time receiving the notification of air quality eposide occurrence, this project had to inform and on-site audit 9 plants executing proper pollution mitigation measurement according the control plan. During the project period, 155 events on-site inspection had been implemented including second and first level inspection of 137 and 18 events, respectively.