

中文摘要 本計畫工作期程自108年1月4日至108年12月31日為止,各項工作進度達成率與成果摘述如表1所示,執行成果說明如下: 一、公私場所清查資料之彙整分析 (1)本計畫截至期末階段針對屏南工業區、屏東工業區、內埔工業區、農業科技園區及屏東加工出口區之公私場所營運現況進行更新彙整作業,以期確認風險物種使用狀況,及可能產生之危害空氣污染物;屏南工業區列管工廠43家(目前已停工6家)及未列管工廠30家(目前停工3家);屏東工業區列管工廠15家及未列管工廠120家(目前建廠中3家及歇業中6家) ;內埔工業區列管工廠19家(目前建廠中4家及歇業中1家)及未列管工廠42家;屏東加工出口區受列管工廠共12家,未列管工廠共24家;屏東農業科技園區受列管工廠10家,未列管工廠共97家。 (2)完成定期(每季一次)檢視及更新「空氣污染事件應變處理查詢系統」應變資源之資料,確認實際使用應變器材數量,最近一次更新日期為108年11月19日。 (3)完成轄區內屏南工業區、屏東工業區、內埔工業區、屏東加工出口區及屏東農業科技園區編列鄰近區域之敏感受體(包含學校、社區及醫院)及避難場所資料。 二、工業區風險潛勢評估作業 (1)屏南工業區使用87項高風險物種之工廠為「申豐化學工業股份有限公司」、「長興化學工業股份有限公司屏東分公司」、「盟鑫金屬有限公司」、「高興昌鋼鐵股份有限公司」、「鯤晟五金股份有限公司」、「宏萊實業股份有限公司屏南廠」等共8間工廠15個製程,其中使用高風險物種12種;屏東工業區使用87項高風險物種之工廠為「崑興企業股份有限公司」及「京華福士科股份有限公司」共2間工廠2個製程,使用高風險物種2種,屏東加工出口區使用87項高風險物種之工廠為「綠陽光電股份有限公司」共1間工廠1個製程,使用高風險物種1種,農業科技園區使用87項高風險物種之工廠為「亞亮生技股份有限公司」共1間工廠1個製程,使用高風險物種1種,內埔工業區現則無使用高風險物種之工廠與製程存在。 (2)依製程風險指標計算方法,估算轄區內各工業區風險潛勢後,得知屏東縣轄內工業區屏南工業區屬高度風險程度、屏東工業區、內埔工業區、農業科技園區及屏東加工出口區屬低度風險程度。 三、周界有害污染物檢測 本計畫已完成周界有害空氣污染物檢測作業結果分析3處次,採樣地點為屏南工業區內申豐特用應材(股)公司、長興材料工業(股)公司屏南分公司(以下簡稱長興屏南廠)及億揚特殊印刷(股)公司,採樣污染物分析結果之污染物種有丙烷、甲醇、1,3-丁二烯、順2-丁烯、丙酮、甲苯、丙烯醛、乙烯醋酸酯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、間,對-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯、一氯二氟甲烷、乙腈、異戊烷、二氯甲烷、2-丁酮、正己烷、1,2-二氯乙烷及乙苯等19種物種。 四、排放管道有害污染物檢測 本計畫已完成排放管道有害空氣污染物檢測作業結果分析2處次,採樣地點為屏南工業區內工廠排放管道,分別為長興材料工業(股)公司(P001)及申豐特用應材(股)公司(P005),採樣污染物分析結果之污染物種有氯甲烷、正戊烷、丙烯醛、丙酮、2-丁酮、甲苯、苯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙苯、二甲苯等10種物種。 五、開放路徑紅外光光譜儀 (OP-FTIR) 本工作團隊已完成14天之OP-FTIR監檢測作業,監測地點於申豐特用應材(股)公司及長興材料工業(股)公司屏南分公司,連續監測分析結果如下所述: 1.申豐特用應材(股)公司: (1)監測期間05月21日13時起至05月30日21時止,測得1,3-丁二烯、丙烯腈、氨、二甲醚、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙酸正丁酯等六種污染物。 (2)量測期間濃度最高污染物為1,3-丁二烯(最大濃度:2053.4ppb),其他依序為乙酸正丁酯(378.5ppb)、二甲醚(355.3ppb)、丙烯腈(277.1ppb)、氨(85.8ppb)、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(41.0ppb)。 2.長興材料工業(股)公司屏南分公司 (1)監測期間08月27日15時起至09月04日09時止,測得氨、乙酸乙酯、乙烯、異丙醇、甲醇、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、乙酸丁酯、二氧化硫、醋酸乙烯酯等九種污染物。 (2)量測期間濃度最高污染物為二氧化硫(最大濃度:1267.5ppb),其他依序為異丙醇(679.4ppb)、乙酸丁酯(230.3ppb)、氨(189.2ppb)、甲醇(172.9ppb)、乙酸乙酯(130.5ppb)、甲基丙烯酸甲酯(105.5ppb)、醋酸乙烯酯(103.5ppb)、乙烯(94.3ppb)。 六、異味污染物管制作業-加油站管制 本計畫執行加油站A/L比檢測共67站次,稽查抽測結果上共有3站次加油站不符法規標準而遭告發,分別為公園路加油站、大富加油站及忠孝路加油站,其餘站次皆能符合油氣回收設施管理辦法訂定標準;在氣漏檢測方面共檢測67站,其中台糖來義加油站不符標準遭環保局開罰,其餘站次皆能符合法規規定之標準值。 七、異味污染物管制作業-設備元件管制 (1)本計畫完成列管工廠之設備元件檢測共計19製程,4,000個設備元件之檢測數量,以法蘭(F)設備元件計1,764個為最多,其次為其他型式(N)計992個。 本年度為強化申豐特用應材設備元件稽查能量,規劃將該廠檢測頻率提高為每1至2月間進廠稽查,分別於2月22日、3月26日、4月30日、8月20日、9月20日、10月16日、11月35日執行共2,210個設備元件稽查,測得6點次洩漏濃度大於法規洩漏定義值2,000ppm。 (2)本計畫今年度以紅外線氣體成像儀來輔助揮發性有機物洩漏檢測作業,強化既有之監測方法技術對臭異味物質之掌握,分別對申豐特用應材(股)公司屏東廠M01製程4次及M05製程4次、和協工程公司M01製程及長興材料工業(股)公司屏南分公司M01製程進行共10次製程監測,監測流程首先以紅外線氣體成像儀進行大面積的掃視,若發現設備元件處有氣體噴流即輔以TVA-1000B FID進行濃度檢測。 八、硫化氫空氣品質連續監測站暨臭異味事件應變系統維護 本計畫為確保監測數據之準確性及監測品質,108年度於4月17日進行零值氣體幫浦更換作業,並於10月8日進行測站功能查核作業,108年1月1日起至11月22日期間硫化氫濃度最大值濃度為54.5 ppb(儀器校正工作監測數據已排除),108年1月至11月日平均濃度為2.16 ppb,低於法規規定之濃度,符合固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準。 九、緊急臭異味事件採樣分析 本計畫執行期間應於環保局內常備至少2個可即時採樣之不銹鋼鋼瓶(Canister),因應緊急臭異味事件時派員進行現場採樣,本年度截至期末階段於3月發生1場次緊急臭異味事件,立即以不銹鋼鋼瓶進行現場周界採樣,並將採樣完成之不銹鋼瓶寄送至環境檢測公司進行分析作業,另本年度7~12月未發生臭異味事件,故本計畫執行環境周界分析,對象為屏南工業區下風處敏感受體-東海國小。 十、屏東工業區及內埔工業區道路揚塵自主管理 本年度屏東工業區認養廠商執行道路清理作業洗街洗掃公里數已達844.098 公里,可削減PM10及PM2.5約2.19公噸及0.5公噸;內埔工業區認養廠商執行道路清理作業洗掃公里數已達671.976 公里,可削減PM10及PM2.5約1.74公噸及0.4公噸,總計道路清理洗掃作業已達成1516.074公里,可削減PM10約3.94公噸及PM2.5約0.9公噸。 十一、空品不良日巡查結果 本計畫當接獲空品不良通報時,將通報9家工廠執行空氣品質惡化防制計畫,目前於各計畫書內皆規定當達到一級預警時各廠家將減量2%,而通報後於預警二級則進行2場次現場確認作業,預警一級則進行3場次巡查工作,計畫執行期間統計至11月22日止配合空品不良巡查155天次,其中二級預警達137天次,一級預警達18天次
中文關鍵字 指紋資料建置、周界空氣污染物、緊急應變演練、工業區道路巡查、設備元件檢測、加油站管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 7000 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/04 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 許正平
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度屏東縣工業區臭味物質監測及有害污染調查計畫_期末報告定稿.pdf 19MB

Hazardous substance monitoring and pollution investigation plan in Pingtung County industrial area

英文摘要 The project work period is from January 4, 2019 to December 31, 2019. The overall achievement of progress goal of this project is shown in Table 1, and the implementation results are as follows: 1.Inspection of process chemicals and emissions of plants and database update for industrial areas In order to verify the usage of risk chemicals and potential hazardous air pollutants, this project inspected the process chemicals and emissions and updated database of plants among Pingnan, Pingtung, Neipu Industrial Park, Pingtung Agriculture Biotechnology Park(PABP) and Pingtung Export Processing Zone(PEPZ). Up to the end of this project, there were 43 regulated and 30 non-regulated plants in Pingnan Industrial Park, 15 regulated and 120 non-regulated plants in Pingtung Industrial Park, 19 regulated and 42 non-regulated plants in Neipu Industrial Park, 12 regulated and 24 non-regulated plants in PEPZ, and 10 regulated and 97 non-regulated plants in PABP. Also this plan implemented and updated the database of air pollution occasion emergency response inquiry system by verification the setup of required emergency facility and tools, and the sensitive receptors and available refuge sites among above five target industrial areas. 2.Risk assessment evaluation work for the industrial areas plants According to the criteria from publication “The handbook of Prone to cause air pollution emergencies of potential high-risk assessment of industrial areas” announced by Taiwan EPA, five industrial parks were chosen as target investigation sites for assessment of defined 87 high risk chemicals. The results demonstrated there were 12 high risk chemicals were used by 15 process of 8 plants in Pingnan industrial park, 2 high risk chemicals were used by 2 process of 2 plants in Pingtung industrial park, 1 high risk chemicals were used by 1 process of 1 plants in PEPZ and PABP individually, and there was no high risk chemical found by any process in Neipu industrial park. It came to the conclusion that only Pingnan industrial park classified as high risk level. The other industrial areas were all low risk level. 3.The downwind fenceline hazardous air pollutants detection There were 3 sampling and analysis of hazardous air pollutants(HAPs) conducted at the downwind fenceline ambient of 3 plants in Pingnan industrial park. The results demonstrated there were 19 HAPs found including butane, methanol, 1,3-butadiene, cis-2-butane, acetone, toluene, acrolein, toluene, acrolein, ethylene acetate, methyl methacrylate, xylene, difluorochloromethane, acetonitrile, isopentane, dichloromethane, 2-butanone, n-hexane, 1,2-dichloroethane and ethylbenzene. 4.The stacks hazardous air pollutants detection There were 2 sampling and analysis of hazardous air pollutants conducted at the stacks of 2 plants in Pingnan industrial park. The results demonstrated there were 10 HAPs found including chloromethane, n-pentane, acrolein, acetone, 2-butanone, toluene, benzene, methyl methacrylate, ethyl benzene and xylene. 5.The 14 days fenceline monitoring of air pollutants by using open path FTIR for two plants in Pingnan industrial park: (1)The first plant Sanfong chemical material Co. was monitored during 2019/5/21~2019/5/30, 6 pollutants were detected including 1,3-butadiene, 2-propenenitrile, ammonia, dimethyl ether, methyl methacrylate and n-butyl acetate. The highet concentration pollutant found was 2053.4ppb of 1,3-butadiene, and then in order 378.5ppb of n-butyl acetate, 355.3ppb of dimethyl ether, 277.1ppb of 2-propenenitrile, 85.8ppb of ammonia and 41ppb of methyl methacrylate. (2) The sencond plant Chunhsin Material Industry Co. was monitored during 2019/8/27~2019/9/4, 9 pollutants were detected including ammonia, ethyl acetate, ethylene, isopropanol, methanol, methyl methacrylate, butyl acetate, sulfur dioxide and ethylene acetate. The highet concentration pollutant found was 1276.5ppb of sulfur dioxide, and then in order 679.4ppb of isopropanol, 230.3ppb of butyl acetate, 189.2ppb of ammonia, 172.9ppb of methanol, 130.5ppb of ethyl acetate, 105.5ppb of methyl methacrylate, 103.5ppb of ethylene acetate, and 94.3ppb of ethylene. 6.The odor source control by regulation test of vapor recovery system in petroleum stations There were 67 stations conducted by A/L test and 3 of them were not in compliance with regulation and penalized by EPB. Also 67 stations were conducted by leakage test and only one was not in compliance with regulation. 7.The odor source control by regulation test of process instrument and parts leakage test There were 4000 process instrument and parts leakage test conducted among target 19 regulated plant process. The most types of parts were 1764 flanges and then 992 others. Based on the high frequent 2210 audit tests of Sanfong chemical material Co., 6 of them were found not in compliance with the defined leakage concentration standard. In order to raise the efficiency of audit test, this project applied IR thermal imaging system as screening tool to assist finding the leakage spots and then execute TVA-1000B FID test among 10 process sites. 8. The maintenance of H2S air monitoring station in industrial park In order to stand the quality assurance and precision of monitoring ststion data, plan and maintenance procedure were conducted routiney.During the project period, instrument pump and parts were properly replaced and QA audit implemented. The maximum H2S concentration monitored for whole project period was ever 54.4ppb, however the daily average was still 2.16ppb in compliance with the air quality standard. 9.Canister sampling for emergency odor event There was once sampling and analysis in the emergency odor event occurred in March. And the other sampling was arranged at Tunghi elementary school,the downwind sensitive receptor of Pingnan industrial park. 10.The road dust cleanup of plant neighbor zone in Pingtung and Neipu industrial park There were 844.098km length of roads was maintained clean-up by the plants owners in Pingtung industry park which could achieve the emission reduction of PM10 2.19 tons and PM2.5 0.5tons per year. There were 671.976km length of roads was maintained clean-up by the plants owners in Neipu industry park which could achieve the emission reduction of PM10 1.74 tons and PM2.5 0.9 tons per year. 11.The pollutants inspection program At the time receiving the notification of air quality eposide occurrence, this project had to inform and on-site audit 9 plants executing proper pollution mitigation measurement according the control plan. During the project period, 155 events on-site inspection had been implemented including second and first level inspection of 137 and 18 events, respectively.
英文關鍵字 Emergency response drills, OP-FTIR, Canister, Risk Assessment Work in Industrial Zones