

中文摘要 本計畫持續維護「移動污染源相關管制系統」,包含:移動污染源管制系統、機車排氣定期檢驗資訊管理系統、柴油車不定期檢驗資訊系統、使用中汽車排放空氣污染物檢舉及獎勵管理系統等8個主要系統,將移動污染源各計畫建立的資料進行有效整合、統計及分析。車籍查詢系統定期與交通部公路總局介接通知月檔及日異動檔持續維護機車與柴油車車籍資料庫,並於今年度因應環保署廢管處在使用柴油車車籍資料需新增「換補照日」、「最近一次汽車檢驗日期」及「載重」等欄位。 另外,因各縣市環保局在辦理環保稽查、告發及裁處等相關業務時需取得戶籍資訊,於今年度新增納入環境執法個人資料跨域查證平台,於計畫執行期間內協助環保署研擬管理要點、平台建置以及設定專線等相關作業,目前平台已完成建置並放置於監資處共構機房內,待管理要點完成環保署法制作業程序及專線申請後即可正式上線啟用。 今年度新增項目除了納入環境執法個人資料跨域查證平台之外,亦與環保署督察總隊之環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS)進行資料交換,建置移動污染源批次告發裁處上傳功能,協助各地方環保局有大量告發裁處需求時,可使用批次功能,不需單筆輸入耗費人力。另配合空污法第80條針對機車未依規定完成排氣定期檢驗或未完成複驗者,可進行告發處分作業程序,最終可直接將機車牌照註銷。上述作業會衍生大量告發裁處需求,每年約有250萬輛機車未完成定檢,因此本計畫也協助進行功能建置與流程簡化,包含自動化清單篩選作業、排程送查車籍、系統判斷車主為自然人或法人分流、無通訊地址另外送查戶籍等,以及加上批次上傳告發裁處功能,讓環保局繁雜作業能降到最低。 本計畫已於109年1月17日、6月22日完成功能需求及業務聯繫之辦理,使各地環保機關業務人員,藉由會議針對本業務進行意見交換。並因應空污法修法,本計畫提供客製化功能調查表,清點環保機關業務人員需求功能,據以評估擴增可行性或修正必要性。 綜合上述,本計畫整合機車、柴油車等移污各項資料,包含車籍資料及檢測資料,並提供移動污染源告發裁處批次上傳等各項功能及規劃介接戶政資料,以利環保署及各地方環保局移污管制措施之執行與研析。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、機車排氣定期檢驗、淘汰老舊大型柴油車、高污染車輛、機車汰舊換新補助


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 17320 千元
專案開始日期 2019/11/18 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 林明弘
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝育甄 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108A341(公開版).pdf 7MB 移動污染源相關管制系統維運暨擴增專案工作計畫

Mobile source control information system integrated management plan

英文摘要 For the propose of mobile source inspection and management with an e-enablement approach, “Mobile Sources of Air Pollution Information Management System” was established to integrate audit methods and key audit items for projects outsourced by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). And implementing collation, statistical compilation and statistical analysis were proffered from the databases of management systems established under the various projects relating to mobile sources of air pollution. The “Vehicle Registration Inquiry System” acquires monthly and daily transaction files regularly to remain the accuracy of motor and diesel vehicles registration database systems from “Directorate General of Highways”. More importantly, the new data field, “Last Print License Date”, is incorporated into the diesel vehicles registration database system due to demand of “Department of Waste Management”. In FY2020, “Environmental Law Enforcement Household Registration Inquiry Platform (EHIP)” was incorporated into “Mobile Sources of Air Pollution Information Management System”. The plan was in charge of assisting EPA in drawing up the draft of management regulation, establishing platform, setting up private line and building EHIP on “Consolidated Data Center of Department of Environmental Monitoring and Information Management”. However, EHIP does not officially launch yet due to the EPA draft legislative procedures and abandoned private line for household information transmission and switching. In addition to EHIP, batch uploading system for switching disciplinary and punishment information to “Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS)”belonging to “Bureau of Environmental Inspection” was constructed to execute efficiently instead of keying in indictment and disciplinary citation on EEMS term by term. If registered motor vehicle owners do not undergo regular air pollutant emission testing or retesting after the deadline reveals a failure to meet the standards, the owners will be imposed a fine and even revoked license plates according to “Air Pollution Control Act Article 80”. That about 2.5 million motor vehicles do not perform periodic air pollutant testing will breed a large amount of disposition. Consequently, the plan support EPA for accomplishing operation system construction and facilitating procedures, including automatically screening disciplinary list, acquiring vehicle registration programmatically, classifying punishment of people to natural and juridical Persons, obtaining permanent address from EHIP in the absence of correspondence address and uploading indictment and punishment to EEMS by batch. In order to ensure adequate lateral and vertical communication, an operational coordination meeting was held on January 17, 2020 and a review meeting was held on June 2, 2020, providing an opportunity for operational staff at different local government environmental protection agencies to engage in an exchange of views regarding this work category. In response to the “Air Pollution Control Act”, the plan provides a customized function questionnaire to facilitate system upgrades and adjustments. As stated above, the plan compiles multiple mobile pollution source databases, e.g., air pollutant emission testing results of motor vehicles, exhaust inspection results of diesel vehicles and vehicle registration information. Also, EHIP and batch uploading system for switching disciplinary and punishment information to EEMS severe mobile pollution source management. The significant platforms which merge with the mobile pollution source management systems and databases supply convenient, friendly and easily operational interface to EPA and local government environmental protection agencies.
英文關鍵字 Mobile pollution source, regular motorcycle exhaust inspection, eliminating old heavy-duty diesel vehicle, high polluting vehicles, motorcycle replacement subsidy