

中文摘要 計畫各項工作包括多元化政策宣導及教育訓練規劃、擴大工檢會召開、經理會報之辦理及空氣品質原因分析報告等作業,並依規劃進度執行各項工作。統計至108年12月31日止,合約達成率依工作權重加權計算後為100%,整體進度管控達成率100%,無落後之情形,主要執行成果如下: (一)掌握環保署考評工作項目 本縣污防書指標項目共計49項,各項目均依預定期程執行,今年度統計至12月31日止共有48項達標,達標率98%,落後項目為:淘汰高污染老舊二行程機車(補助)輛數,主因為105年污防書修訂105至108指標時,對於長程目標(108年)二行車機車淘汰補助定訂1,500輛,其目標值有所高估,108年僅完成1,030輛,109年度署將要求各縣市撰寫109年~112年污防書,屆時將重新訂定合理之目標值。 依據108年環保署四大項任務及目標共19項指標,每一細項均分為A、B、C三等級,年度內縣市需取得至少10A以上的績效展現,空污費撥交比率才可為60%,今年度自評共可取得15個A。 (二)PM2.5與臭氧減量作法 針對PM2.5與O3前驅物NOx及NMHC區域性減量,依本縣特性研擬相關管制作為,PM2.5原污防書永久性削減目標值為122.425公噸,透過各項加強管制作為,共計可削減828.68公噸(包含永久性333.9公噸、暫時性494.78公噸),108年共計削減1,924.94公噸 (永久性733.75公噸、暫時性1,191.19公噸),均已達成年度總削減目標。 在O3前驅物管制策略上分為前驅物NOx與NMHC。NOx原污防書永久性削減目標值為46.85公噸,透過各項加強管制作為,NOx預計可削減243.83公噸(永久性),108年共削減1,136.46公噸(包含永久性1,130.05公噸:台泥和平廠增設2套SNCR防制設備及中華紙漿裝設SNCR故削減量大幅增加、暫時性6.41公噸);NMHC原污防書永久性削減目標值為12.67公噸,透過上述管制作為NMHC共計可削減51.25公噸(包含永久性14.11、暫時性37.14公噸),108年共削減647.13公噸(永久性28.75公噸、暫時性620.38公噸:露天燃燒管制削減量大幅增加),均已達成年度總削減目標。 (三)本縣空品達成指標及空品分析 108年各項污染物均符合污防書目標,除O3 8小時平均第8大值略高於法規值(歷年花蓮測站測值低於背景測站萬里站,並介於宜蘭測站與臺東測站之間,花東空品區為符合空品標準比例全國最高之空品區),其餘各項污染物均符合空氣品質標準。環保署自105年12月1日起實施「空氣品質指標(AQI)」,本縣108年AQI平均值為41,AQI≦50之良好日數比例為85%,AQI>100之日數為5日,指標污染物皆為O3(8hr),此區間無空氣品質達預警二級以上之日數。 (四)每季辦理擴大工檢會 今年度共完成4場次擴大工檢會,會議中各計畫針對年度重點工作、核心指標、合約執行進度、年度創新作法及環保署考評與污防書目標達成情形,以及各季會中委員指導各計畫之意見,均要求於各計畫於各期報告中分析說明。 (五)每月經理會報 本計畫共完成辦理13場次經理會報(2月辦理2場次),主要內容為提報各計畫之執行情形,並於會議中進行檢討,以利環保局掌握各計畫實際執行現況及進度,以及透過横向溝通,有效達成環保署考核目標。 (六)各委辦計畫人員教育訓練 為統合、協調與推動各空氣污染防制相關計畫工作,提升環境保護工作品質,108年已完成新進人員職前教育訓練3場次及各委辦計畫人員教育訓練會4場次,參與人數共401人次。 (七)創新作法 本計畫於108年1月15日提送創新作法企劃書:建置「環境資訊整合系統」,依1月29日召開之研商會議委員意見修正創新作法內容後於2月14日提送修正稿,2月19日經環保局同意,即開始執行系統開發後續作業。資料庫自108年度起蒐集近三年資料(106~108年),至11月已完成逐年建置,一般例行性工作由權責計畫自10月份起每月5日前完成資料更新,屬急迫性之工作依機關要求立即更新資料。並已於11月12日提送創新作法成果報告。 (八)細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)研析 為分析本縣PM2.5微粒濃度成份以及歷年趨勢,由相關管制計畫(空氣品質淨化區暨空氣品質監測、CEMS監督查核維護管理計畫、與逸散性粒狀物污染源稽查管制、礦場細懸浮微粒風蝕係數建立及臭氧成因分析計畫)規劃各污染源之PM2.5採樣,並配合指定測站進行微粒成分分析。108年度細懸浮微粒區域成因分析及減量策略成本探討分析報告已於12月3日提送,另針對細懸浮微粒污染負荷分析及下年度管制作為建議已於12月6日提送。 (九)多元化政策宣導作業 為協助各空氣污染防制委辦計畫進行宣導推廣,擬定多元化政策宣導作業計畫針對環保局各科室業務進行整合行銷。 1.分別於108年1月30日、3月4日、6月25日、9月26日及10月21日完成提送多元化政策宣導電臺託播、多媒體網路及平面媒體等企劃書,並經環保局同意後執行。 2.另為配合環保局實際需求加強宣導推動機動車輛噪音管制作為及相關媒體宣導,依環保局7月29日、9月6日、11月6日及12月27日函文進行執行平面媒體及電視台宣傳。 (十)空污防制與環境保護之政策推動宣導活動 配合縣府及機關辦理相關綠美化案及空污防制與環境保護之政策宣導。今年度完成辦理7場次宣導活動、媒體宣導2家(共2則)及研商會1場次。 另配合「幸福花蓮.花園城市」縣政,協助環保局建構花蓮縣「花園城市、百景花團齊開放綠美化競賽」共完成5場次座談會、參賽單位委員書面評比1場次、實地現勘2場次、及完成第一階段閒置空地綠美化及第二階段綠美化維護管養競賽頒獎典禮相關作業2場次、綠美化競賽相關媒體宣導5家次及維護管養教育訓綀1場次等。 (十一)其他 人力及物力支援:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 臨時交辦事項:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 九、統計至108年12月31日止,合約達成率依工作權重加權計算後為100%,整體進度管控達成率100%,無落後之情形。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制、空氣品質分析、花蓮縣


專案計畫編號 EPB108-02-01 經費年度 108 計畫經費 9765 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 康秀珍 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度花蓮縣空氣污染防制暨空氣品質分析計畫期末成果報告(定稿本).pdf 30MB

Air Pollution Control and Air Quality Analysis Program on Hualien County, 2019

英文摘要 The work of the project includes diversification of propaganda and education and training planning, to expand the work of the General Assembly, the manager will report the handling and air quality analysis report and other operations, until December 31 2019, the contract reached by the work weight Weighted basis for 100%, the overall progress control rate of 100%, the main implementation of the results are as follows: (1) Master the EPD assessment work According to the EPD 2019 evaluation points to determine the version of the county pollution prevention book a total of 49 indicators, and the compliance rate was 98%. Except for the second-cycle locomotive (subsidy number), it was determined that the target of 1,500 could not be achieved. It has reached 1,030 vehicles. The rest are scheduled to be implemented. According to the 2019 EPA's four major tasks and objectives, which are subdivided into 18 indicators, each of which is divided into three levels: A, B, and C. The county and city must obtain at least 10A performance performance during the year. The fee transfer ratio can only be 60%, and as of December 31, a total of 15 A can be obtained. (2) PM2.5 and ozone reduction Regarding the regional reduction of PM2.5 and O3 precursors NOx and NMHC, the relevant regulatory actions were developed in accordance with the characteristics of the county. The permanent reduction target value of PM2.5 original pollution prevention book is 122.425 metric tons. Through various enhanced control actions, a total of The reduction of 828.68 metric tons (including permanent 333.9 metric tons, temporary 494.78 metric tons), a total reduction of 1,924.94 metric tons (permanent 733.75 metric tons, temporary 1,191.19 metric tons) in 108, all have reached the annual total reduction target. O3 precursor control strategy is divided into precursor NOx and NMHC. The target value of the NOx original pollution prevention book is 46.85 metric tons. Through various enhanced control actions, NOx is expected to reduce 243.83 metric tons (permanent). A total of 1,136.46 metric tons (including a permanent 1,130.05 metric tons) will be reduced in 108 years. 2 sets of SNCR prevention equipment and Chinese pulp installation SNCR, the reduction is greatly increased, temporary reduction of 6.41 metric tons); NMHC original pollution prevention book permanent reduction target value of 12.67 metric tons, through the above regulations as a NMHC can reduce a total of 51.25 metric tons (including Permanent 14.11, temporary 37.14 metric tons), a total reduction of 647.13 metric tons in 108 (permanent 28.75 metric tons, temporary 620.38 metric tons: open-air combustion control reductions have increased significantly), all have reached the annual total reduction target. (3) Achievement indicators and analysis of air quality in the county In 108, all pollutants met the pollution prevention target. The 8th average value of 8 hours except O3 was slightly higher than the legal value. Between the East Stations, the Huadong Air Quality Zone is the highest air quality zone in the country that meets the air quality standards. The remaining pollutants meet the air quality standards. The Environmental Protection Agency has implemented the "Air Quality Index (AQI)" since December 1, 105. The 108-year average AQI of the county was 41, the proportion of good days with AQI ≦ 50 was 85%, and the number of days with AQI> 100 was 5 On the day, the index pollutants are all O3 (8hr), and there is no number of days in this interval where the air quality reaches the warning level 2 or higher. (4) Enrolling the enlarged inspection meeting every quarter This year, we have completed 4 times to expand the inspection meeting. The plans for the annual key work, core indicators, contract execution progress, annual innovations and the EPA's assessment and pollution prevention goals, as well as the guidance of the members in each quarterly meeting. The opinions of each plan are required to be analyzed and explained in each report. (5) Monthly manager report The project has completed a total of 13 managerial reports. The main content is to report the implementation of each project and review it during the meeting to facilitate the EPA to grasp the actual implementation status and progress of each project and to effectively communicate through horizontal communication. Achieve the EPA's assessment goals. (6) Education and training of all committees and planners To integrate, coordinate and promote various air pollution prevention and control related works, enhance the quality of environmental protection work, and achieve the objectives of the EPD's assessment of various air pollution control projects, and enhance the environmental protection bureaus through the arrangement of relevant education and training courses. Drawing professional functions of colleagues, this year has completed 4 sessions of the education and training sessions of the committees, and the number of participants in the year reached 401. (7) Innovative practices The plan submitted the innovation practice plan on January 15th: set up an "environmental information integration system" and revised the contents of the innovation practice according to the opinions of members of the research conference held on January 29th. On February 19, with the consent of the Environmental Protection Agency, the follow-up operation of system development was started. The database has collected data for nearly three years since 2017 (2017 ~ 2019), and it has been completed year by year by November. The general routine work is completed by the power and responsibility plan from October 5th every month. Urgent work updates the information as required by the agency. A report on the results of innovative practices has been submitted on November 12. (8) Analysis of fine aerosols (PM2.5) In order to analyze the concentration of PM2.5 particles in the county and the trend over the years, the relevant control plans (air quality purification area and air quality monitoring, CEMS supervision and maintenance management plan, fixed pollution source inspection control plan and construction engineering and noise inspection control) Plan) Plan PM2.5 sampling for each source and perform particle composition analysis with the designated station. The 2019 annual analysis report was submitted on December 6. (9) Diversification policy publicity work In order to assist the air pollution prevention committees in organizing plans for advocacy, a diversified policy advocacy plan was developed to integrate the marketing of the various departments of the Environmental Protection Agency. 1. On January 30, March 4th, June 25th, September 26th, and October 21st, the submission of plans for diversified policy announcements, such as channel hosting, multimedia networking, and print media, etc. And with the consent of the Environmental Protection Agency. 2. In order to meet the actual needs of the Environmental Protection Agency, strengthen publicity and promote motor vehicle noise control actions and related media publicity, according to the Environmental Protection Agency's letters on July 29, September 6, November 6, and December 27. Print media and TV station publicity. (10) Air pollution prevention and environmental protection policies promote publicity activities Cooperate with prefectures and agencies in handling relevant green beautification cases and air pollution prevention and environmental protection policies. This year, we have completed 7 publicity activities, 2 (2 in total) media publicity, and 1 research conference. In addition, it cooperated with the county government of "Happy Hualien Garden City" and assisted the Environmental Protection Agency in constructing the "Garden City, Baijing Flower Group Opening and Greening and Landscaping Competition" in Hualien County. 2 times, and completed the first stage of the landscaping of the vacant land and the second stage of the green landscaping maintenance and management competition awards ceremony 2 times, the green landscaping competition related media promotion 5 times and maintenance management education training 1 times.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control, Air Quality Analysis, Hualien County