

中文摘要 配合新南向政策及環保署國際環境夥伴計畫(International Environment Partnership, IEP)的願景,環保署於2018年開始推動”提升新南向國家空氣品質計畫”(South and Southeast Asia-Air Improvements in the Region Program, SSEA-AIR)。今年環保署與美國環保署再次共同舉辦 「2019年新南向國家空氣污染防制年會(2019 SSEA-AIR Annual Meeting)」,邀請來自印尼、越南、斯里蘭卡、泰國及蒙古等五國,及亞洲開發銀行和及亞洲環境合規及執法聯盟等多位環保人員及高階官員出席,環保署及美國環保署(4人)、空污委員及縣市環保局也都派員參加,總參加人數達129人之多。我國環保署空保處及監資處和與會國也都提出各自的報告,分享空氣污染防制工作之經驗,並一起討論未來的工作規劃,以期能共同進一步的改善區域的空氣品質。 本計畫的合作單位工研院也邀請了美國加州南岸空氣品質管理局的退休副局長張林怡博士訪臺,並協助環保署辦理5場次交流諮詢會議,諮詢議題包括:空氣污染改善方案(NIP)規劃程序及現況、總量管制-抵換交易制度、拍賣辦法、固定污染源有害空氣污染物管制、使用中車輛污染管制制度、以及車上診斷系統(OBD)在車輛污染管制的應用等,會議總計有張博士、學者專家22人次、以及空保處與相關委辦計畫人員參與交流討論。同時辦理1場各縣市空氣污染防制計畫制度研討會,就「空氣污染防制方案與空氣污染防制計畫之關聯性」及「如何運用模式工具研擬空氣污染防制計畫」向張博士及與會人員進行說明,並交流討論。5項議題諮詢及1場研討會所得主要意見及重要建議已分類彙整並於會後提供空保處參考。 新南向各國在發展經濟的同時,也產生許多空氣污染問題,使得區域空氣品質急劇惡化。本計畫邀請國內空氣環境環保業者參加2019的越南台灣展,並透過參訪越南環保監測與教育單位,舉行台越雙方產官學研人員會談,參加外貿協會的”南向國家行銷專家座談會”,及參加環境檢驗所的”新南向國家環境檢測技術研討會” ,收集及整理南向國家的空污現況及防制設備需求,提出本國的空氣污染防制業者的名單及現有的技術與對方交流,希望能有助於在新南向國家擴展本國業者的環保巿場及協助該地區的空氣環境保護工作。
中文關鍵字 新南向政策、空氣污染防制、國際環境夥伴計畫、空氣品質管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 5700 千元
專案開始日期 2019/07/25 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 蔡春進
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 柏雪翠 執行單位 台灣PM2.5監測與控制產業發展協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度推動臺美及新南向國家國際空氣保護合作工作專案計畫期末報告.pdf 23MB

2019 South & Southeast Asia-Air Improvements in the Region(SSEA-AIR)

英文摘要 Based on Taiwan-US IEP (International Environmental Partnership) collaborative efforts to promote SSEA-AIR project (South and Southeast Asia-Air Improvements in the Region Program) starting from 2018, the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan (EPAT) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) again co-hosted “2019 South & Southeast Asia-Air Improvements in the Region (SSEA-AIR) Annual Meeting” again in 2019. The 129 participants consist of 27 high-ranking officials, technical officers, experts, and scholars from 4 SSEA countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Mongolia, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network (AECEN), USEPA, EPAT, advisory committee members of EPAT air pollution control and EPB. The Departments of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control, and Environmental Monitoring and Information Management of the Taiwan EPA, and the representatives from participating countries presented national reports to share the experiences of air pollution control, and discussed further collaboration plans hoping to improve the regional air quality together. The collaborator of this project, ITRI, invited the former general director of SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District), Dr. Elaine Chen to discuss and give advices on five air pollution topics including air pollution control measures, integrated pollution control, HAP control for stationary sources, control of in-use vehicle emissions, the application of OBD in in-use vehicle emission control etc. There were many constructive discussion and advices proposed which help to improve the domestic air quality a lot. While the new southbound countries improve their economics, many air pollution problems also emerge. As a result, the air quality deteriorates rapidly in these regions. Through this project, many domestic air pollution control companies were invited to showcase their products in Taiwan EXPO 2019 in Vietnam. In addition, through visiting environmental monitoring and educational institutes, hosting Taiwan-Vietnam industry-government-academia-research meeting, attending the “expert meeting for the marking in new southbound countries” and the “technical workshop of environmental inspection in new southbound countries”, the air pollution status and the demand for control equipment were better understood. The list of domestic companies for air pollution monitoring and control was compiled to facilitate the market expansion in the region and help improve the regional air quality.
英文關鍵字 new southbound policy, air pollution control, international environmental partnership, air quality management