

中文摘要 2011年立法通過室內空氣品質管理法至今已有8年之久,過去計畫也蒐集產、官和學界針對我國室內空氣品質管理所提出之建言,因此,本計畫評估我國室內空氣品質未來管理方向並提出建議。本計畫參考各國之室內空氣品質管制方向後,建議我國除懲處制度外,可透過誘因來鼓勵各類公共場所投入室內空氣品質管理工作 (如自主管理標章制度),同時,建議透過研提上位之跨部會行動方案,提出現行困境及商討解決對策。此外本年度完成專責人員訓練教材編修,同時也提出室內空氣品質專責人員線上課程規劃。為因應氣候變遷對於室內空氣品質之衝擊,我團隊建議可規範綠建材使用、防範洪水所帶來之室內空氣品質之影響等。此外,經本計畫統整後發現大眾運輸系統、展覽館 (包含博物館、美術館與圖書館) 和醫療院所為國內公共場所人流量 (次) 最高的三類場所,故本年度提出此三類場所常見之污染物及其來源,並針對此三類場所編撰簡易指引供參,同時也擬定室內空氣品質自主管理及標章制度草案。本研究團隊蒐集PAEs濃度分佈場所涵蓋各區域,研析結果建議室內空氣DEHP及DBP的建議值濃度可訂於4 μg/m3及17 μg/m3。長照中心、幼兒園與運動中心室內TVOCs以甲苯濃度為較高,室內PM2.5濃度皆低於室外濃度,受體模式結果發現VOCs主要來源為室內建材或裝潢布置,PM2.5則以地殼元素、建材磨損劣化及人為活動為貢獻源。此外,本針對室內風險較高之VOCs提出建議值參考,故經多方考量後建議乙苯、二甲苯及二氯甲烷 (DCM) 參考值可分別由5-200 μg/m3、100-200 μg/m3及10-200 μg/m3範圍進行探討。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、自主管理、揮發性有機污染物、氣候變遷


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3650 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/28 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 蘇慧貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 葉惠芬 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108A164公開版.pdf 2MB

Assessment of indoor air quality management direction

英文摘要 The project aimed to (1) examine the management direction of indoor air quality in Taiwan, (2) plan the self-management framework for indoor air quality (IAQ), and (3) investigate the sources, risks, and recommendation values of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), PM2.5, di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and Dibutyl phthalate, (DBP). The results are summarized as below: I. Examine the management direction of indoor air quality We reviewed the IAQ management plans (laws) from Korea, Japan, America, and other countries in Europe and related-law in IAQ from different departments in Executive Yua in Taiwan, and suggested that a Cross-Ministry Meeting and review the Taiwan’s IAQ management Acts every two to three years were important means to solve the problem in IAQ management. Moreover, we also collected the research articles and reports about the adaptive strategies for IAQ under climate change, and found that providing enough ventilation rate and modify the refraction coefficient for house glass or roof reducing the impact on IAQ under climate change. In this project, we also planned the on-line train program for the dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and updated the training materials. These train programs and teaching materials can be used to train dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management in the near future. II. Established the self-management framework In this project, we found that the particulate matters, biological pollutants, and carbon dioxide were major pollutants in hospitals; in public transportation stations, particulate matter and carbon monoxide were key specifics; the levels of VOC/SVOC (Semi-volatile organic compounds), and carbon dioxide were higher in exhibition halls (included library and museum). The guidelines of IAQ for hospitals, public transportation stations, and exhibition hall (included library and museum) were also written in this study. During this year, we have written the self-management framework and logo for IAQ and suggested that it’s important to plan the review program and qualify for reviewer in the near future. III. Evaluated the sources, risks, and recommended values of VOCs, PM2.5 and environmental hormones. We combined the recommended values of DEHP and DBP in the world, measurements of PAEs from our previous projects, and the results of risk assessment for PAEs, and suggested that the recommendation value of DEHP and DBP were 4 μg/m3 and 17 μg/m3 in indoor air, respectively. Moreover, our previous studies found the health risks of ethylbenzene, xylene, and dichloromethane in indoor air were higher, thus, we also assessed the recommended values for these compounds. According to the recommendation values of ethylbenzene, xylene, and dichloromethane in the world, measurements from our previous projects in Taiwan, and the results of health risk assessment, we suggested that the recommended values of ethylbenzene, xylene, and dichloromethane were 5 to 200 μg/m3, 100 to 200 μg/m3, and 10 to 200 μg/m3, respectively. During this year, we measured the levels of VOCs and found that building material and decorate were major pollution sources of VOCs in indoors. In the part of PM2.5, our data showed that the ratios of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 concentrations were lower, which means outdoor air was an important source. Based on the results of Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) modeling, we found that traffic emission, road dust, and other human activities were major contributors to indoor PM2.5. In the future, we suggest that it’s important to build the profiles of different indoor air pollution sources (such as copy machine) for increasing the benefits on pollution sources identification.
英文關鍵字 Indoor air quality, self-management, volatile organic compounds, and climate change.