

中文摘要 環境保護人員訓練所負責環境用藥專業技術人員訓練及環境用藥(製造業/販賣業/病媒防治業)專業技術人員訓練及編輯教材,因時空不同,訓練時數及內容需要重編修。「毒性化學物質管理法」修正案2018年12月21日在立法院院會完成三讀,更名為《毒性及關注化學物質管理法》,毒性化學物質專業技術管理人員訓練教材,因法令之修正,亦需檢修。故本計畫 (一) 參酌現行環境用藥(製造業/販賣業/病媒防治業)專業技術人員訓練時數,檢討並編撰教材內容,以符實務需要。本計畫以系統生命週期法建置具有制度化、專業化及實務化之課程編修運作原則與流程,檢討規劃課程新架構、各科目名稱、時數分配、大綱及測驗方式是否合宜,除了符合環境保護相關法規外,更整合現場人員的實務操作需求,建立一套系統化的教學訓練課程;新版環境用藥(製造業/販賣業)專業技術人員訓練教材,共計7門課,整體訓練時數27小時;新版病媒防治業專業技術人員訓練教材,共計12門課,整體訓練時數40小時,完成教材講義、簡報及練習題之編修。 (二) 檢視修正毒性化學物質專業技術管理人員訓練等2類訓練教材內容,工作項目如下: 1. 依當前政策、法令,檢視修正上述現行訓練教材內容(含教學用簡報檔),統計資料參照官方最新公布之資料予更新。 2. 每2個月彙整本計畫各訓練班之講座所提訓練教材內容之修正或勘誤意見,且回應處理作成教材勘誤意見對照表,並針對未涉及實質內容檢討部分即時先行勘誤修正;至於涉及教材內容之理論或架構調整修正部分,亦提處理意見供環訓所參考。 3. 已完成108年度預定啟用毒性化學物質專業技術管理人員訓練教材勘誤,且回應處理做成勘誤意見彙整表,並將分為資料更新、法規增修及建議三類,共計153筆。 4. 完成檢修教材內容、簡報檔及練習題更新(含電子檔)。 期許改版的訓練教材能協助上述各類專業技術人員,瞭解基本學術理論及具備更多實務操作能力,並提升專業技術人員所需執行業務之專業知能與責任,以落實專業技術人員應盡的環境保護義務與使命。 完成整體進度100%,符合期末報告進度100%。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、病媒防治業、毒性化學物質、訓練課程、教材編修、教材檢修


專案計畫編號 108-021 經費年度 108 計畫經費 2330 千元
專案開始日期 2019/05/06 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 白秀華
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 蘇奕綾 執行單位 台灣環境有害生物管理協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度環保證照訓練教材-環境用藥編修及毒性化學物質檢修計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 7MB

A Study of Environmental Protection Certificate Training Materials in 2019 - Environmental Agents Textbook Editing and Toxic Chemical Substance Textbook Revision.

英文摘要 The Environmental Professionals Training Institute is responsible for the training of environmental agents (manufacturing/trading/vector control operator) professionals and the editing of teaching materials. Due to different time and space constraints, training hours and content must be revised. The amendment of the Toxic Chemical Substance Control Act finished the third reading in the Legislative Yuan on December 21, 2018 and was renamed the Toxicity and Concerned Chemical Substance Management Act. Training materials for technical management staff in toxic chemical substances must also be reviewed due to the amendment to the act. Hence, in this plan: (1) By referring to the hours stipulated in the current environmental agents (manufacturing/trading/vector control operator) professional training, the teaching materials were reviewed and compiled to meet practical needs. In this plan, the principles and procedures of the institutionalized, professional, and practical operational curriculum compilation were established by a system life cycle approach to review whether the planned new curriculum structure, subjects’ names, allocation of hours, outlines, and test methods were suitable. In addition to compliance with the laws and regulations related to environmental protection, a systematic teaching and training curriculum was established in order to integrate the practical operation requirements of field staff. In the new edition of the training materials for environmental agents (manufacturing/trading) professionals, there are a total of seven courses and 27 training hours overall. In the new edition of training materials for vector control professionals, there are a total of 12 courses and 40 training hours overall. Lecture notes, briefs, and exercises have been compiled. (2) The teaching materials of two training programs, including the toxic chemical substance technical management staff training, were reviewed and corrected, and the tasks were as follows: 1. The above current training materials (including records of teaching briefs) were reviewed and corrected according to current policies and orders, and the statistical data were updated based on the latest official information. 2. Corrections to the teaching materials or suggestions for errors in the lectures of all training programs were integrated in this plan every two months, and the responses and processes were made into a comparison table of suggestions for errors in the teaching materials. Moreover, the contents that are unrelated to the essential contents are timely and firstly corrected based on the review. Treatment suggestions for the theoretical or structural adjustments related to the teaching materials were also proposed for reference by environmental training. 3. The errors in the training materials for toxic chemical substance technical management staff to be used in 2019 were corrected, and the responses and processes were made into an integration table of suggestions for these errors. A total of 153 items were divided into three types including data updates, regulation amendments, and suggestions. 4. The teaching materials, records of briefs, and exercises were updated (including electronic records). It is expected that the revised training materials will help the above professionals understand basic academic theories and acquire more practical skills as well as promote the professionals’ knowledge and responsibilities required for practice, so as to implement the professionals’ obligations and missions in environmental protection. The overall progress was 100% completed, and the final report progress was 100% completed.
英文關鍵字 Environmental agents, Pest control operator, Toxicity chemistry substance, Training course, Textbook editing, Textbook revision