

中文摘要 嘉義市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱嘉義市環保局)根據上位計畫及上級單位之指示,於民國90年配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)進行農地土壤重金屬調查工作,而後於民國93年開始針對轄區內之土壤及地下水進行定期之監測工作,現行則為地下儲槽系統管理、公告事業查證及清查工作,藉以掌控轄區內土壤及地下水品質。 為使土壤及地下水保護工作持續推動,嘉義市環保局執行108年度「土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫—嘉義市」(以下簡稱本計畫),以利嘉義市推動土壤及地下水污染管制及維護環境品質,進而保障民眾健康及環境。本年度之計畫工作內容所執行成果如下: 一、地下水質監測結果,後湖工業區3(MW-3)枯、豐水期水質監測之重金屬砷濃度皆低於地下水污染監測標準,另華碁廢棄物處理場-N(MW-4N)水質監測之重金屬砷、鉛亦皆低於地下水污染監測標準。 二、針對轄內21口監測井進行外觀巡查維護及修繕,上、下半年度各總計執行21口,修繕項目包含監測井外觀基座油漆剝落或不明顯者重新粉刷及周遭已長雜草之情形割除清理。另預警網-民雄#8監測井井體設施修復完成。 三、執行3口監測井[嘉義大學蘭潭校區(MW-12)、林森路加油站(I00042)、建國路加油站(MW-9)]之井況評估(井體攝影、微水試驗)、再次完井及其成效評估作業(井體攝影、微水試驗),經再次完井後,井內狀況已有改善;另針對2口監測井(中油煉製研究所(MW-6)、預警網-民雄#9(I00036))執行監測井異物排除(井中攝影、異物排除)及成效評估作業(井中攝影),2口監測井經異物排除後,井底之淤沙已清除,且淤積有明顯改善。 四、地下儲槽系統業者管理工作:包括網路申報資料書面審查及現場查核作業。已完成3次網路申報及2站現場查核作業。而2站現場查核結果之書面資料核對皆無缺失,現場設備查核結果均未超過警戒值,無需追蹤;另因無需追蹤,故土壤間隙氣體定量分析之經費已轉作2站現場查核作業,而2站現場查核作業之書面資料及現場設備查核結果亦無異常。 五、公告事業用地查證工作:於審查作業中未發現異常,經與嘉義市環保局商討確認後,其經費轉作其他土壤及地下水相關調查工作,並提送「公告事業用地查證工作經費轉作規劃書」予嘉義市環保局進行確核,並向環保署申請變更,後續環保署已依環署土字第1080082719號函文同意變更,並已完成轉作之項目。 六、辦理一場次法規說明會:已於108年3月29日辦理完成,主題為「地下儲槽系統防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法、網路申報資料異常、現場查核缺失及改善」,出席單位34個,共計44人參與,透過說明會向業者講解較常有疑問之問題或缺失情形。 七、辦理5場次學校說故事:於108年4月完成辦理,除邀請專業講師以環保署製作之故事繪本「小水滴哭什麼?」為主題進行說故事活動,活動中亦播放由嘉義市環保局製作之宣導短片「腳下的黃金」,並分別於興安國小、文雅國小、宣信國小、民族國小、大同國小進行宣導,總計參與人數達800人。 八、繪本故事書印製:已印製兩冊由環保署提供之「小動物,大偵探」及「小水滴哭什麼?」故事繪本,2冊印製數量各700本,共計1,400本,且贈與嘉義市教育處各500本,共計1,000本故事繪本,分發給轄內國小,並辦理贈書活動及新聞採訪。 九、計畫執行期間每月至少執行一次轄內公告場址巡查作業,轄內現行共計有1處整治場址及1處控制場址,其餘3處原控制場址已於108年5月23日公告解除控制場址管制。而該些場址於巡查時皆未發現異常或不法之情事,並將巡查結果作成記錄,登入至「土壤及地下水資訊管理(SGM)系統」建置資料檔,以利後續追蹤及掌控污染改善情形。 十、緊急應變事件:下埤段3處(5筆地號)農地土壤污染控制場址驗證作業,於108年4月8日執行完成,其中下埤段N057坵塊(325、326地號)農地之重金屬鉻濃度皆低於土壤污染監測標準;而N076坵塊(342-4地號)及N078坵塊(345、346地號)之重金屬砷濃度低於土壤污染管制標準,且環保局已依土污法第26條辦理解除公告;但下埤段N076坵塊(342-4地號)及N078坵塊(345、346地號)部分點位仍高於監測標準,需定期監測,後續執行重金屬砷濃度監測之結果已低於土壤污染監測標準。 十一、協助嘉義市環保局審查土污法8、9條土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料,截至期末報告(108年11月8日)提交前,共有3件送審,皆為變更經營者,審查缺失多為提送資料之完整性不足及適法性之缺失部份須補正,後續皆已補正完成,並將資料建置於公告事業申報審查系統。 十二、土污法8、9條公告事業清查:於7~9月執行現場清查工作,確認轄內7家工廠屬於土污法第8、9條公告事業且尚在營運中,並以事業清查表單及污染潛勢因子評分表,有4家為高污染潜勢,另3家為中污染潛勢,8家為低污染潛勢 十三、轄內自用加儲油槽清查:因應環保署修正之「水污染防治法第33條第1項經中央主管機關公告指定物質之事業」針對貯存設施容積合計達200公升以上及符合相關規定之業者進行清查,初步篩選出7家符合自用加儲油槽事業納管條件。 原則上,計畫工作項目已全數完成,來年仍將協助嘉義市環保局持續推動土壤及地下水之污染調查與查證工作,並善盡土水業務職責,藉以維護本市土壤與地下水資源及市民健康。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、土壤、環境保護、環境教育、環境宣導、地下儲槽


專案計畫編號 1071074 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/20 專案主持人 陳庭恩
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳信逸 執行單位 恆逸工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-嘉義市.pdf 84MB 108年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-嘉義市期末報告(定稿)

108 soil and groundwater pollution investigation and audit project

英文摘要 Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City (referred to EPB, CYC) has carried out the soil and groundwater pollution investigation and audit project since 2004. EPB, CYC still follows the concept of “prevention is better than cure” to implement this project. The achievements of final report are listed below: 1. Monitoring groundwater quality periodically:according to the analytical result of groundwater samples of two monitoring wells, As, Pb are lower than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards. These monitoring wells should keep investigating. 2. Maintenance of 21 monitoring wells: it includes exterior inspection, repairs and environmental cleanup for each well. The function of monitoring to each well is still workable. 3. Inspection and cleanup of two monitoring wells: purging air into the tube of the well removes sediments. Then, recording the interior of the well ensures the result of cleanup. 4. Management of underground storage tanks system (USTS) enterprise: the system includes reviewing the data via online application and on-site audit. One station audit has been accomplished. The major fault is the difference between document and actual situation of site. Such fault would inform to owner, then ask to correct the fault in specified duration to follow up for improvement. 5. Announcement of business land use verification process: during the examining process, nothing susceptible has been found before the mid-term report. 6. Regulation explaining session: the session helped the participants understand more about the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Soil and was held at CPC Chiayi branch on March 29, 2019. 7. Educational series: through interactive storytelling and videos, children can learn about the importance of conserving soil and groundwater resources. 8. Printed children books: "Small Animals, Big Detectives" and "Little Water Drops?" were printed (total of 1,400 copies, 700 for each). 9.Regular inspection of pollution-controlled sites: four pollution-controlled sites and one pollution-remediated site are examined monthly. Abnormal condition and/or illegal behavior has not been found during the monthly checks. The data were input to the Soil and Groundwater Management Information System (SGM system) for reference. 10.Emergency Plan and Execution: one event was completed, which was monitoring quality of farmland periodically. According to the analytical results, the concentration of As or Cr in three farmland blocks are lower than the Soil Pollution Control Standards. Thus, these blocks should be kept monitoring. 11.Assisted EPB, CYC reviewing the soil pollution assessment survey and inspection data of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation laws of 8th and 9th. By the end, three cases needed review; no abnormalities were found in the review results, the documents were uploaded to the SGM system. 12.The Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation laws of 8th and 9th Announcement Business Check: the preliminary screening of the management of the jurisdiction has been completed. The investigation is planned to be carried out from July to September, and the list of businesses and the re-screening factors will be released to determine the potential for high pollution. 13.Self-use and oil storage tank inventory: In response to the EPA's amendment to the "Water Pollution Prevention Act, Article 33, Item 1 of the business designated by the Central Competent Authority", the inventory of the storage facilities with a total volume of more than 200 liters and compliance with relevant regulations shall be investigated. Initially selected 7 companies that meet the requirements for self-use and storage tanks. The EPB, CYC still continued mainly focuses on monitoring the quality of groundwater and soil.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater pollution investigation and audit project