

中文摘要 「108年臺南市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫」共有5個主要工作主軸,分別為溫室氣體減量推動、溫室氣體盤查查核、低碳家園維運管考、低碳社區精進輔導及整合式宣導作業。 在溫室氣體減量推動方面,本計畫協助管考溫室氣體管制執行方案,彙整本(108)年度第一季至第三季各局處成果,並召開1場次低碳委員會及2場次跨局處會議,透過會議檢討各項推動作法,以及審視各部門在溫室氣體階段管制目標下之達成情形。 溫室氣體盤查查核作業,辦理今年度應申報107年度第一批次的業者知盤查作業共計33家,於「國家溫室氣體登錄平台」完成線上審查作業後,執行排放源操作與排放相關設施及有關資料之現場查核,33家排放源全數通過審查。於第一批排放源查核後,進行臺南市行政轄區溫室氣體盤查,本市2018年行政轄區之溫室氣體經盤查,總排放量21,401,443.6439公噸CO2e,工業部門排放量占66%最高,其次為住商部門(16%)及運輸部門(15%)。 低碳家園維運管考,分別於4月19日、11月8日辦理各1場次南區生活圈會議,邀請南區生活圈各縣市,針對低碳推動作為進行交流;分別於5月29日、12月2日辦理各1場次綠能節電暨綠色運輸技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,請委員提供推動低碳永續家園之相關意見。並於6月18日完成現地查核作業,協助4處行政里順利通過查核;於10月21完成中央查核,協助2個行政區維持銀級評等等級。 低碳永續家園認證評等今年度新增10處行政里報名成功、4行政里取得銅級、2行政里取得銀級,並協助20處行政里展延成功。低碳家園成果累計至今,成功輔導282個行政里取得報名成功、42個行政里取得銅級認證、9個行政里取得銀級認證;37個行政區已參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中30個行政區取得報名成功、6個行政區取得銀級認證,1個行政區取得銅級認證。 在低碳社區精進輔導方面,輔導10處低碳社區精進、26處低碳社區建置行動項目修繕及整建,共計執行36處社區(里)改造或修繕,預計每年可省電 19,952.4度,省水628.5度,減(固)碳80,667.81 kgCO2/年。 整合式宣導作業,持續維護、更新「臺南市 咱ㄟ低碳城市網」最新消息,透過更新訊息及發行電子季刊,展現低碳相關新聞及成果。配合環保局政策宣導提交低碳相關環保新聞稿,共計5篇。配合「關燈愛臺南-我在臺南,響應地球一小時」活動、「低碳中秋環保親子日活動」。協助參與2019年ICLEI世界會員城市大會,並蒐集134項ISO 37120指標數據。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體、低碳家園、低碳宣導、社區改造


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-108-AN-30225 經費年度 108 計畫經費 4100 千元
專案開始日期 2019/04/25 專案結束日期 2019/12/20 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林郁嘉 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 108年臺南市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫期末報告.pdf 29MB

2019 Tainan City Promote and Strength Low-carbon Sustaintable Homeland Plan

英文摘要 “2019 Tainan City Promote and Strength Low-carbon Sustaintable Homeland Plan” had five main work projects which included “promoting greenhouse gases reduction”, “greenhouse gases exposure”, “low-carbon sustainable home maintenance”, “low-carbon sustainable home construction” and “comprehensive advertising”. For “promoting greenhouse gases reduction”, the project assisted in supervising GHG control implementation plans. Which collected 125 actions result between Janunary and November, convened two inter-departmental meetings and one “Low-carbon adaptation and sustainable committee” which reviewed actions performance and GHG control targets. About “greenhouse gases exposure”, there were 33 designated emission sources designated emission sources shall conduct GHG accounting and registration this year. 33 emission soruces had finished accounting and registration. And after registration, 33 sources had been investigated online and in the field. All of sources had passed investigation. After resource investigation, we had finishied 2018 greenhouse gas inventory of Tainan City, the total emission of greenhouse was 21,401,443.6439 ton CO2e. According inventory, industrial sector(inclutive energy of industry and industrial processes) contributed 66%, energy of household contributed 16%, energy of transportation contributed 15%. Regarding “low-carbon sustainable home maintenance”, on Apirl 19th and November 8th,this project convened the Southern District Living Circle Conference, and invite Southern District to conduct exchanges on low-carbon promotion.On April 19th and December 2, this project convened Green Energy Saving and Green Transportation Technology and Information Advisory Group, which was in order to consult experts and scholars’ opinon about low-carbon sustainable home . And the on-site inspection was completed on June 18th,which assisted 4 communities to successfully apply for extension. The central on-site inspection was completed on September 21th, which assisted 2 communities to successfully maintain the copper certification. For low carbon and sustainable home certification, Tainan had added 10 villages to participate certification successfully, 4 villages to get cooper certification and 2 villages to get silver certification this year. Up to now, Tainan City successfully coached 282 villages to participate certification successfully, 42 villages to get copper certification, 9 villages to get silver certification, 30 administrative districts to participate certification successfully , 6 administrative districts to obtain the silver certification and 1 administrative districts obtain the copper certification. In “low-carbon sustainable home construction”, this year we assisted 10 low-carbon communities to improve and 26 low-carbon communities to maintain action projects .Which were expected to save 19,952.4 degrees of electricity, save 628.5 degrees of water and decrease(fix) 80,667.81 kgCO2 / year. The last project, “comprehensive advertising”, maintained and updated the "Tainan City Low Carbon City Network", released the electronic quarterly magazine to introduce news and results about Tainan City’s low carbon operations. In conjunction with the EPA policy announcement, the total of 5 low-carbon related environmental protection press releases had been submitted. And we had held "Turning the Lights to Love Tainan - I am in Tainan, responding to the Earth for an hour" and " Low-Carbon Mid-Autumn Festival-Enviromental Family Activitiy" campaigns. Finally, this plan assisted in participating the 2019 ICLEI world congress and collecting 134 datas of ISO 37120.
英文關鍵字 low carbon, greenhouse gases, low-carbon sustainable home maintenance, comprehensive advertising