

中文摘要 本計畫自108年3月25日執行至109年2月24日,目前共執行11個月,現階段執行內容包含:1.完成國內外溫室氣體減量發展趨勢及策略措施蒐集、分析及建議一式、2.完成修訂本年度「低碳社區認證」機制及建立低碳社區認證展延認定機制、3.完成追蹤歷年節能補助對象執行情形55處、4.完成配合本局SIP或其他有關溫室氣體、節能減碳等議題進行彙整提交或現場查核或其他臨時交辦事項7項、5.完成配合低碳辦公室執行考核或長官交辦製作報告書一式、6.完成規劃公告本市第二批溫室氣體排放源對象進行納管相關法規作業一式、7.研擬修定本市溫室氣體排放源自主管理相關法規執行流程一式、8.完成分析固定污染源前200大公私場所溫室氣體排放量200處、9.完成辦理本市溫室氣體排放大戶排放量現場盤查70處、10.完成辦理盤查說明會1場、11.完成自主管理計畫相關撰擬內容表單、指引及問題集一式、12.辦理溫室氣體減量管制說明會、研商會、公聽會、教育訓練或其他環保相關會議4場、13.完成節能減碳相關宣導品1,000份、14.協助本局更新108年3月至109年2月份各項作業進度、成果集最新消息至本局專屬網頁及網站日常維護管理,共計11個月、15.提供本市溫室氣體減量相關議題、網路及電子媒體輿情回應新聞稿3則、16.完成辦理11場次工作管理會議,並於會議後提交會議記錄共11次、17.完成辦理共2場次、累計8小時之教育訓練課程、18.完成臺中市溫室氣體排放大戶排放量盤查分析一式、19.完成臺中市納管公告名單及自願盤查登錄業者之溫室氣體申報審核作業26處、20.完成蒐集彙整撰寫臺中市城市層級溫室氣體排放現況報告一式、21.完成蒐集彙整臺中市溫室氣體人均排放量彙算分析及製作盤查報告書一式、22.辦理空氣污染防護提醒、溫室氣體減量、節能減碳、再生能源、全球暖化及環保相關議題相關講座說明會6場、23.完成建立本市2005年至2018年溫室氣體排放量資料庫及溫室氣體相關網站維護一式、24.完成配合環保署108年考評相關成果報告及其他交辦事項3項。
中文關鍵字 低碳城市、宣導活動、節能減碳設施、資料庫建置、溫室氣體盤查、人均排放分析、自主管理辦法、溫室氣體減量及管理法


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8000 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/25 專案結束日期 2020/02/24 專案主持人 顏素絹
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧宜含 執行單位 永智顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年臺中市溫室氣體減量計畫-期末報告全文-定稿.pdf 17MB

Taichung Greenhouse Gas Emision Reductions Project

英文摘要 Taichung Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions Project initiated from March 25th of 2019 to January 24rd of 2020, the project is in its 11th month of operation, and the current results of the project are as follows: 1. Completion of one analysis report on the GHG emission reduction trends and strategies of foreign countries and Taiwan; 2. Completion of the revised schemes of the annual “Certification of the Low-Carbon Community Authentication” and the new mechanism of the extension certification of the low-carbon community; 3. Completion of the follow-up outcomes on the 55 recipients for the energy saving subsidy program over the years; 4. Completion of 7 assigned tasks or in support of events according to the need of the Taichung Environmental Protection Bureau’s SIP or energy saving, carbon emission reduction related issues; 5.Completion of one report for the Taichung Low-Carbon City Office’s inquiry; 6. Provision of the regulations for second phase of control on large GHG emitters; 7. Provision of detail review and suggested amendments on Taichung city autonomous regulations on GHG emitting sources and related executional procedure; 8. Completion of the analysis on the top 200 stationary source emissions in Taichung City; 9. Completion of 70 on-site inventory on large GHG emitters in Taichung City; 10. Completion of 1 GHG inventory workshop; 11. Completion of the guidelines, supplement forms and questionnaires to the Taichung GHG self-management plan; 12. Completion of 4 seminars regarding GHG emission reduction control related issues; 13. 1,000 units of promotional items related to energy saving and carbon emission reductions; 14. Assisted the Taichung Environmental Protection Bureau(EPB) to update and maintain the operational schedule and latest news to the exclusive website from March 2019 to February 2020, a total of 11 months; 15. Response of 3 pieces of news in relation to the issues of GHG emission reductions; 16. 11 times of the monthly working meetings and submitted 11 meeting minutes after these meetings; 17. Completion of 2 eight-hour training courses; 18. Completion of 1 analysis report on the Taichung GHG emitters’ inventory; 19. Completion of the review on the 26 submitted inventory reports from the regulated and voluntary GHG emitters; 20.Provision of the Taichung city-level GHG inventory report including the data gathering and analysis; 21. Provision of the per capita emissions based on the Taichung city-level GHG inventory report; 22.Completion of 6 seminars regarding air pollution protection, GHG emission reduction and energy saving and carbon reduction, renewable energy, global warming and other environmental related themes; 23. Completion the database construction for Taichung GHG emission data of 2005-2018 and the maintenance of the low-carbon community website; 24. Completion of 3 tasks assigned or in support of events according to the need of the Taichung EPB.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon city, promotional events, energy saving and carbon reduction facility, database building, GHG inventory, analysis on per capita emission, autonomous regulations, GHG emission reduction and management protocol