

中文摘要 於產品碳足跡計算服務需求增加之發展趨勢下,碳足跡資訊揭露之基礎能力建構,已成為政府及產業界達成減碳目標、對外宣示其企業社會責任及產品綠色行銷之重要溝通工具。為呼應國內業界需求,行政院環保署於2012年著手進行產品碳足跡計算服務平臺各項功能模組與碳係數資料庫之開發與建置,以期可在資訊共享的理念架構下,透過產品碳足跡計算服務平臺簡化碳足跡盤查計算與資訊取得的方便性、時效性、正確性及完整性,厚實我國產業各界碳足跡資訊揭露之基礎能力。   本專案計畫係承接「107年度產品碳足跡資訊揭露服務專案工作計畫」,主要工作分為以下四點: (1)透過行政院環保署環境保護許可管理資訊系統(簡稱EMS系統)及政府機關公開資訊等資料進行能源及基礎原物料之碳係數建置與更新;(2)依據「碳足跡排放係數審查作業流程(第三版)」檢核碳係數貢獻者所提供之各項檢附文件,並協助檢核並確認碳標籤申請案的碳係數引用合理性;(3)除依使用者意見進行平臺相關功能之優化外,亦將持續協助產業各界以平臺完成關鍵性審查,藉此降低業界執行碳足跡盤查、關鍵性審查以及碳標籤申請過程的負擔;以及(4)透過亞太碳足跡網絡 (Asia Carbon Footprint Network, ACFN)相關會議之參與,將我國之碳足跡制度與國際接軌並掌握國際碳足跡最新動態。
中文關鍵字 產品碳足跡計算服務平臺,碳足跡排放係數資料庫,數據品質系統,關鍵性審查作業流程


專案計畫編號 EPA064108003 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3150 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/25 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 盧怡靜
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 施千玲 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 碳足跡期末報告(併).pdf 8MB 期末報告

The Service of Carbon Information Disclosure

英文摘要 Under the increasing needs of products’ carbon footprint calculation, the basic ability to calculate and disclose carbon footprint has become the important communication tools for government and industry to achieve carbon reduction targets, to declare its corporate social responsibility and to market green product to the public. In 2012, Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has constructed product carbon footprint calculation platform to correspond to the industry’s need. EPA hopes the industry can increase their ability to calculate and disclose carbon footprint by accessing the platform which has the characteristic of convenience, timeliness, accuracy and integrity to get the information under the concept of sharing the information. This year, we develop the new task based on the basis of “107 annual carbon footprint disclosure of information services project work plan”, there are four points as follows: (1)Renew and construct raw material and energy’s carbon emission factor by accessing Taiwan EPA’s EMS system, obtaining the public information from the government agencies and so on. (2) Confirm the accuracy of carbon emission factor used by the carbon label applicant depending on the document ”The review process of carbon emission factor (Third version) ” (3) Keep updating the functions related to the platform by collecting user feedback and helping industry finish critical review by using the platform in order to lower the burden of calculating carbon footprint, verification and applying carbon label in every industry. (4) Attend the ACFN conference in order to let our carbon label scheme in line with other country and to obtain the latest information from other country.
英文關鍵字 carbon footprint calculation service platform, carbon footprint database, data quality system, critical review process