

中文摘要 我國依循蒙特婁議定書之管制時程,避免廠商遇到貿易障礙,也展現保護地球與遵循國際環保公約的決心。在陸續削減各種破壞臭氧層物質後,目前僅允許氟氯烴(HCFCs)與溴化甲烷進口且國內已無生產量,而國內廠商多數已轉用的替代品為氫氟碳化物(HFCs)。為協助我國持續遵循蒙特婁議定書管制規範,本計畫協助政府參與國際公約會議,維繫與臭氧秘書處與各國締約方代表及國際組織專家學者間的資訊交流溝通管道,以掌握國際管制動態並研擬我國因應對策。於國內管制部分,本計畫持續協助依循國內法規執行HCFCs與溴化甲烷之核配與進口許可作業,且因應蒙特婁議定書對HCFCs之削減規範:自2020年起須削減至基準量之0.5%且僅限維修用途使用,亦檢討我國氟氯烴管制規範並提出符合目標之管理方案與核配作業;同時協助海龍與氟氣體管理中心運作,並建置海龍藥劑管理程序化;另因應蒙特婁議定書管制趨勢,研擬我國吉佳利修正案管制策略及配套措施,以作為後續管制策略參考;評估替代品優化方案並提出推動配套方案,以期建立一套冷凍設備優化換裝程序,作為我國未來研擬推動低GWP值替代品方案之參考;持續向國內外宣傳大氣層保護概念及行動,提升民眾與廠商對ODS管制內容的認知,展現我國與全球同步保護環境的積極作為與成果;除持續維護既有蒙特婁議定書列管化學物質輸出入貨品電子簽證系統,並擴增資料庫分析功能與HFCs電子申報作業系統,以使ODS電子簽證系統更臻完備。
中文關鍵字 氟氯烴、溴化甲烷、蒙特婁議定書


專案計畫編號 EPA024108044 經費年度 108 計畫經費 11540 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/02 專案結束日期 2020/03/31 專案主持人 楊斐喬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 FY108蒙特婁期末報告定稿F.pdf 13MB 定稿

Research on Strategy and Management Program for Controlled Substances under Montreal Protocol

英文摘要 Taiwan has followed the Montreal Protocol to phase down the Ozone Depleting Substances, avoid trade barriers and protect the earth. Now Taiwan still imports HCFCs and methyl bromide, but there is no production. And most of the domestic manufacturers have been replaced by hydrofluorocarbons in refrigeration and air conditioner. This project would assist Taiwan following the control norms in Montreal Protocol. The tasks include participating in the international meetings related to the Montreal Protocol and communicates with other countries or important research organizations. This project also assists the government to improve the ODS management measures and assesses the feasibility of cement kilns to destroy those illegal importing ODS. At the same time, the project assisted halon and the fluorine gas management center to operate and established the Halon Management Program. Additionally, this project continues to follow the regulations to executive the quota allocations of the HCFCs and methyl bromide for local industries to achieve reduction targets and analysis ODS alternative. HCFCs consumption baseline will be reduced to 0.5% target in 2020, and for maintenance purposes only. Moreover, this project drop-in low GWP refrigerants in existing HCFC-22 equipment to establish guideline for drop-in. This project continues to edit electronic newsletters of Ozone Layer Protection and irregularly update the information such as ODS regulation and alternatives on website “Ozone Layer Protection in Taiwan”. In addition to system maintenance, the database analysis function and the HFCs electronic visa system are also expanded to make the “import and export electronic visa system for chemicals controlled by the Montreal Protocol”.
英文關鍵字 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, Methyl Bromide, Montreal Protocol