

中文摘要 本計畫協助環保署統計近幾年各項監測數據及噪音陳情案件,並加入人口、土地面積等社經因子進行相關性分析。分析六都時,能觀察到人口數與噪音陳情案件具有高度相關性,人數的多寡與陳情案有直接關係,其餘縣市可能因其人口密度或人口密集區的原因,造成其相關性較不明顯。另調查6件環保局所提供多次重覆噪音陳情案件,分析出多數案例中地點為住商混合型態,營業機具運轉時聲音隨建築結構傳遞,再加上背景環境音較低時就容易感受到。整理臺北市、新北市、臺中市及桃園市陳情案件較多直轄市之噪音監測站數據,分析其變化趨勢並做出色階圖做出比較,並針對前述四直轄市之常見檢舉路段資料,與環境及交通音量監測結果進行比較。蒐集並比較鄰近國家或地區在噪音管制或管理之部會分工權責,彙整並摘錄環境影響評估監測報告書噪音項目相關內容,提出相關之建議內容,以結合噪音管制業務之需求。
中文關鍵字 噪音管制、噪音陳情、噪音監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 1960 千元
專案開始日期 2019/06/05 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳建維
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林志純 執行單位 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA024108007.pdf 10MB

The project for analyzing noise monitoring data and noise control plan.

英文摘要 This plan analyzed the noise complaint cases in recent years, and compared social and economic factors such as population, land area etc. for correlation analysis. When analyzing the six metropolitan areas, it can be observed that there is a high correlation between the number of people and the number of noise cases. The number of people has a direct relationship with the number of cases. The remaining counties may be less relevant because of the densely populated areas. Investigated 6 cases of repeated noise cases, and found that in most cases, the location was a mixed type of residence and business use. When business equipment was running, the noise transmitted through the building structure, and while the low background environment noise existed, it often occurred the people to feel the noise. The data of noise monitoring stations in four municipalities such as Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, and Taoyuan City were summarized, the trend of changes was analyzed and a colored histogram was made for comparison. It also compares the information of the common report sections of the four municipalities with the results of environmental and traffic volume monitoring. This plan also collected and compared the duties and responsibilities of the ambient countries or regions in the noise control or management department, summarized and extracted the relevant content of the noise project of the environmental impact assessment monitoring report, and put forward relevant recommendations to combine with the noise control affairs.
英文關鍵字 Noise control, Noise complaint, Noise monitoring