

中文摘要 本計畫朝強化各作業程序之方向進行,如持續蒐集公害污染相關案例以強化公害糾紛系統資料庫、辦理業務宣導、教育訓練等工作。針對空氣污染侵害農作物案例蒐集國內7件,國外6件案例並分析彙整其內容,另撰擬環保協定範本,並請專家學者進行審視及提供意見,其可提供公害相關承辦人員做為參考依據;持續強化及維護公害糾紛處理系統內容與資訊安全,開發查詢裁決案後續之司法案件功能、新增案件填寫欄位及案件統計圖表功能,並做好資安防護,另搜尋彙整相關新聞案件,協助統計公害糾紛之案件數量,並依環保署指示協助公害事件之處理,追蹤環保單位後續處理方式及協助各縣市環保局更新相關資料;辦理3場業務宣導會以及配合法律扶助計畫進行12個縣市的宣導,使民眾透過業務宣導會加強對公害糾紛的認知,亦辦理為期2天1夜之全國工作檢討會,邀請專家學者進行經驗分享並加強其他縣市環保人員之經驗交流。本計畫於擴充項目增做法律扶助宣導圖卡一張及一部片長2分鐘的公害蒐證宣導影片;辦理空氣污染蒐證教育訓練加強環保人員之蒐證能力與技術;以及蒐集彙整國內過去公害糾紛處理執行成果撰擬投稿文章等。
中文關鍵字 公害、公害糾紛、環境保護協定


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 1340.4 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/30 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 許嘉珍
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳坤寧 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務專案工作計畫_成果報告(公開版).pdf 5MB 108年公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務專案工作計畫_成果報告(公開版)

The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology (2019)

英文摘要 This project was carried out based on each procedure of public nuisance dispute handling by collected pollution cases, educated and trained with local government to strengthen the database of the public nuisance disputes handling. There were 7 domestic and 6 foreign cases of crop-damaging by air pollution which were collected and then reviewed for further analysis. A model of environmental protection agreement was also produced. The environmental protection agreement had been revised according to experts who invited suggested opinions and provided to the local governments used. The project continuously strengthened and maintained the content and information security of the public nuisance handling information system. Additional functions of the information system were developed including querying and adjudicating cases, fields to be filled in cases, case statistics charts, and protecting information security. The Environmental Protection Administration was assisted to count the number of pollution cases, to handle pollution incidents, to track the handling results of environmental incidents by local governments, to assist local governments to update the newest information. There were 15 advocacy activities held to enhanced knowledge about pollution disputes of the public. The project also held a nation-wide seminar for 2 days. Experts and scholars were invited to share their experiences with offices of other counties and cities. The project had completed a promotional image, a 2-minute promotional video for advocacy, a training course for air pollution search and identification. Finally, the project collected the result of public nuisance disputes work and then to write conference articles.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance, Public Nuisance Disputes, Environmental protection agreement