

中文摘要 PVB(聚乙烯醇縮丁醛)價格昂貴,具有回收價值,但因國內尚無汽車或建築膠膜玻璃PVB回收技術,國內業者主要皆由國外進口回收PVB再使用。國內每年所產生之廢棄車輛約有30~40萬台,隨同膠膜玻璃(3,300-4,400噸)所生的300-400噸廢棄PVB,皆進入ASR中靠垃圾焚化方式處理,至為可惜。國內如能建立廢棄車輛的PVB回收技術,除了可以減少ASR廢棄物的產生量外,還可以建立PVB再利用管道,資源永續再生。本計畫開發廢汽車前擋膠膜玻璃PVB回收再利用技術。本計畫在上游汽車拆解廠進行車用前擋玻璃拆解,再由工研院建立PVB回收製程設計技術(分離、提純與改質等),接著在中游建立PVB回收試量產技術,最後結合下游應用廠以PVB回收原料開發其應用產品,以建立回收PVB的產業鏈。本計畫已完成120台廢汽車前擋膠膜玻璃拆解與分選,同時回收66公斤再生PVB;完成再生PVB的性質分析(元素分析、熱分析、光譜分析、純度分析與含水量分析),結果與國外再生PVB相當,可供國內再生PVB應用產品業者使用。本計畫完成五階段再生PVB的提純技術流程設計與經濟評估。利用所分選的再生PVB,試量產出再生PVB皮革與30個應用產品外出隨身包,合計20公斤。
中文關鍵字 廢車膠膜玻璃、聚乙烯醇縮丁醛、再生


專案計畫編號 EPA-108-XA01 經費年度 108 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/11/30 專案主持人 劉邦弘
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 蕭友淨 執行單位 工業技術研究院


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期末報告 EPA-108-XA01期末報告.pdf 5MB EPA-108-XA01期末報告電子檔PDF

Recycling of waste automotive laminated glass

英文摘要 PVB (polyvinyl butyral) is expensive and has recycled value. However, there is no recycling system of waste automotive and building laminated glass in Taiwan. Domestic producer of PVB application products are mainly imported recycled PVB from abroad. It is a pity that there are about 300~400 thousand end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) generated in Taiwan each year, with 300-400 tons of discarded PVB within laminated glass (3,300~4,400 tons), all entering the automobile shredder residue (ASR) by means of waste incineration. If we can develope a PVB recovery technology of laminated glass of automotive waste, we can establish the recycling system in Taiwan, in addition to reducing the amount of ASR. This project has developed the PVB recycling technology of waste automotive laminated glass in Taiwan. This project has firstly disassembed the windscreens of ELVs in the ELVs recovery factory. Afterward, Industrial Techloogy Research Institute (ITRI) has established the designation of PVB recovery process (separation and purification, etc.). A PVB recovery pilot plant test has also been proceeded. Finally, a recycling PVB application product has been demonstrated. This project had disassembed and separated 120 pieces windscreens of ELVs , and 66 Kg of PVB have been recovery. After purification, the recycling PVB are comparable to the properties of recycling PVB abroad. The recycling PVB is expected to be used by domestic PVB application product factory. Using the recycling PVB, 20 Kg of PVB leather and briefcase had been produced. A five-stage separating flowsheet of windscreens of ELVs have been proposed.
英文關鍵字 Laminated glass of automotive waste, Polyvinyl butyral, Recycling