
108 年新竹市綠屋頂/建築節能推廣計畫

中文摘要 本計畫今年度主要目標為輔導新竹市各單位參與綠屋頂及建築節能相關設施建置,並搭配宣導活動從不同面向向民眾推廣宣傳低碳家園及城市綠化的理念,將低碳家園與城市綠化執行成效逐年提升。本計畫工作內容包含:綠屋頂及建築節能示範補助推廣以及其他行政配合。計畫期程自民國108 年 06 月 03 日至 108 年 12 月 31 日止,經費共 6,618,500 元。本計畫期末成果摘要如下:綠屋頂及建築節能示範系統補助部分,協助新竹市環保局訂定「108年新竹市推動綠化節能及建築改造補助原則」,並於 7 月 23 日辦理一場「新竹市推動綠化節能及建築改造補助原則說明會」,使有意願前來申請的單位更能了解今年的補助內容及原則,說明會中也邀請到國立交通大學高正忠教授以及藍山園藝藍梁文先生至現場分享他們執行綠屋頂的多年經驗。後續輔導 35 個有興趣的單位提出申請,截至申請日共計有 22 個單位提出申請,並辦理六場現勘遴選作業,由遴選委員做綜合性的評分,最後環保局核定 19 個單位獲得補助,總補助金額為 3,400,000 元。今年執行成果豐碩,總計新增綠化面積 772.4m2 、二氧化碳固碳量 80,556.7 kg、節電 17,988.8度/年、減碳量 9,588.1 kgCO 2 e/年、節水量 24 公噸/年。在綠屋頂推廣部分,於 7 月 30 日在康樂里集會所辦理一場「綠化節能設計宣導活動」,以宣導會的方式進行推廣,邀請到新北市低碳社區進階規劃師江育賢老師及康樂里林再興里長分享屋頂綠化的改造手法。而為了推廣及鼓勵市民參與綠屋頂,發送小型種植箱給有提出申請補助的22個單位。其他行政配合方面,結合本市認證評等績優村里規劃辦理兩梯次低碳環境旅遊行程,9 月 19 日辦理體驗低碳飲食的「千甲農場低碳樂活之旅」及 9 月 26 日體驗低碳生活的「康樂社區低碳永續旅遊」。以及透過 11 月 2日於北大公園辦理 1 場新竹市社造聯合成果展,結合銀級康樂社區來展現今年綠屋頂及低碳永續家園推動之成果。另外配合完成三場次的宣導以及發布 3 則成果新聞資料至環保局環保新聞,使民眾瞭解市政推動績效。
中文關鍵字 綠屋頂、建築節能、低碳家園


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 6618.5 千元
專案開始日期 2019/06/03 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 鍾昭儀
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 曾香婷 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108 年新竹市綠屋頂建築節能推廣計畫_期末報告定稿.pdf 16MB 期末報告定稿

Hsinchu City Green Roof / Building Energy Saving Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The green roof and building energy demonstration system subsidy part assisted the Hsinchu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau in formulating the "108 Hsinchu City's Greening Energy Conservation and Building Transformation Subsidy Principles" and applied for a "Hsinchu City's Greening Energy Conservation and Building Transformation Subsidy" on July 23 Principles briefing session ", so that those who wish to apply You can better understand the contents and principles of this year's subsidy. During the briefing session, Professor Gao Zhengzhong of National Jiaotong University and Mr. Lan Liangwen of Blue Mountain Gardening were invited to share their many years of experience in implementing green roofs. Follow-up counseling applications from 35 interested units, as of the application date, a total of 22 units Apply for and conduct six on-site investigation and selection operations, and the selection committee will make a comprehensive score. Finally, the EPA approved 19 units to receive subsidies, with a total subsidy amount of RMB 3,400,000. This year's fruitful results have been achieved, with a total of 772.4 m2 of green area added, a fixed amount of carbon dioxide of 80,556.7 kg, electricity savings of 17,988.8 degrees / year, carbon reduction of 9,588.1 kgCO 2 e / year, and water savings of 24 metric tons / year. In the green roof promotion part, on July 30th, a “greening and energy-saving design promotion event” was held at the Kangleli Assembly Hall, and it was promoted in the way of the promotion conference. The low-carbon community in New Taipei City was invited to enter Mr. Jiang Yuxian, a planner, and Mr. Zai Xingli from Kangle Village shared the green roof renovation methods. In order to promote and encourage citizens to participate in the green roof, small planting boxes were sent to 22 units that had applied for subsidies. In terms of other administrative cooperation, two-level low-carbon management was implemented in combination with the city's excellent performance in certification and rating. Environmental tourism itinerary, the "Qianjia Farm Low-Carbon Live Trip" to experience a low-carbon diet on September 19 and the "Carbon Community Low-Carbon Sustainable Tour" to experience a low-carbon life on September 26. And through a Hsinchu City-made joint achievements exhibition in Peking University Park on November 2nd, combined with the silver-level recreational community to show the results of this year's green roof and low-carbon sustainable home improvement. In addition, it completed three publicity sessions and released three results news materials to the Environmental Protection Agency's environmental news, so that the public can understand the performance of municipal administration.
英文關鍵字 Green roof, building energy saving, low carbon homes