

中文摘要 本計畫目的在於包括購置新車時與銀行貸款之利息補貼、購車時資金信用保證以及列舉減免關稅以降低車價等。本計畫依相關要點與辦法,訂立相關細部審查流程及規範。本計畫已成功受理信用保證案件43案、利息補貼案件314案及減免關稅案件3案,並全數完成審查。同時具體審查結果為已分別核定信用保證23案以及利息補貼240案,逐案依審查結果提列書面初審意見。本計畫對信用保證案件主要為進行資格審查,合格案件送至信保基金委員會進行實質審查。在辦理時效部分,自案件受理至初審完成整體平均審查時效僅3.9日,受理至發函僅9.4日。針對案件後續進行現場訪查及抽驗作業,完成信用保證案件10案之銀行現場訪查,及利息補貼30案車輛抽驗作業,且皆符合核定內容。完成汰換共333輛車,推估削減量PM2.5可達46.95公噸;NOx可達1,172.9公噸。 對外之宣導專區已於108年11月22日申請網址(網址:https://dvs.epa.gov.tw),審查子系統之管理端部分均已於109年3月17日建置完成,新案件之審查及客服作業皆透過資料庫整合後之系統執行。資安防護部分,本計畫系統上線前進行源碼檢測作業,檢測項目包括:已被資訊安全組織公布易遭駭客攻擊之弱點,如OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) 最新版前10大安全問題種類。以確保應用程式安全。 本計畫於宣導部分,已完成3場次政策推廣會之辦理,以多元方式進行宣導包裝,包括設計政策懶人包與單張等,將大量政策資訊細節進行濃縮,透過簡單視覺化圖與簡單文字結合,表達政策核心,以不同管道廣為散布以提高曝光度達到業者知道且心動之宣導效益。
中文關鍵字 信用保證,利息補貼、減免關稅,大型柴油車汰舊換新,資料庫整合


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 17250 千元
專案開始日期 2019/10/25 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 胡令賽
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 駱易琳 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108A433(公開版).pdf 8MB

Review Plan for Promoting Loan Credit Guarantee, Interest Subsidies and Tax Reduction and Exemption for the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to accelerate the replacement of old heavy-duty diesel vehicles in Taiwan through economic incentives. Incentives include subsidies for purchasing new vehicles and interests on bank loans, credit guarantee when purchasing vehicles, and tax reductions and exemptions to lower the vehicle price. This project establishes detailed review procedures and standards according to related guidelines and regulations, so that the incentives can be widely promoted based on the principles of fair, just, and open. Application documents are reviewed and adjusted during the project duration. Total of 43 credit guarantee cases, 314 interest subsidy cases, and 3 tax reduction and exemption case were processed and reviewed. A total of 23 credit guarantee cases and 240 interest subsidy cases were approved after review, and written preliminary review opinions were provided for each case based on review results. In terms of processing efficiency, it takes an average of only 3.9 days from when a case is accepted to when the preliminary review is completed, and only 9.4 days from when a case is accepted to when a letter is issued. A total of 333 vehicles have been replaced, and the estimated reduction of PM2.5 46.95 tons; NOx 1,172.9 tons. To determine if approved cases are being successfully carried out, including whether or not companies that received subsidies are using and properly maintaining the newly purchased vehicles, and whether or not credit guarantee and interest subsidies are being successfully provided on the banking end, this project conducts on-site inspections and sampling inspections of cases, and submitted the "proposal for conducting on-site inspections and visits for old diesel vehicle replacement cases and on-site sampling inspections of vehicles" on June 9, 2020. This project completed on-site inspections of banks for 10 credit guarantee cases and sampling inspections of vehicles for 30 interest subsidy cases. As for system implementation, the promotion section was completed on November 22, 2019. The management end for 3 review sub-systems was completed on March 17, 2020, and the review of new cases and customer service operations are all carried out using the system. Source code analysis was conducted for information security before this project's system was launched. Items that were analyzed include vulnerabilities announced by information security organizations, such as the latest version top 10 security issues of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), in order to ensure application security. This project has completed 3 events for policy promotion, including key points of related laws. Information on guidelines and subsidy regulations, how to apply in accordance with the law, consulting customer services, and the guidance application function of the promotion platform are explained during promotion events, which have a Q&A as well. Feedback from different parties are also collected and serve as a basis for subsequent improvements. In addition, this project uses a variety of methods for promotion, including designing a policy introduction for dummies and flyers, which condense details of policies and using simple descriptions with graphics to express the core spirit of policies. The materials are distributed through different channels to increase exposure, so that companies not only become aware, but are also interested.
英文關鍵字 credit guarantee, interest subsidy, tax reduction and exemption, eliminating old diesel vehicle replacement.