

中文摘要 本計畫之執行,係為掌握臺北市空氣品質長期變化趨勢,經由工作成效評核及技術支援,進而研擬適當之空氣污染管制對策;整合並辦理各項空氣品質防制策略宣導工作,加強並提升市民配合改善本市空氣品質觀念;協助執行「臺北市空氣污染防制基金」運作及空氣污染防制業務之行政事宜。協助修訂「臺北市空氣污染防制計畫」以及「臺北市清新空氣行動白皮書2.0」之污染減量行動。本計畫之執行期間自108年1月23日起至108年12月31日止。 依據合約之規定,彙整各項各項工作進度成果提送期末定稿報告,各項重要工作項目之執行成果摘要如下: 一、空氣品質指標與空氣品質變動趨勢 (一) 空氣品質指標(AQI):統計本市AQI之趨勢顯示,108年1-11月本市空氣品質不良的站日為67站日(不良率4.0%)。其中PM2.5空品不良20站日(1.2%),臭氧8小時空品不良47站日(2.8%);統計103年-108年11月空氣品質不良比例由10.9%改善至4.0%;良好的比例亦由33.9%提升到60.9%,顯示臺北市空氣品質逐年改善中。 (二) 懸浮微粒(PM10)年平均濃度:本市近年來懸浮微粒(PM10)年平均濃度由99年最高值47.9μg/m3、呈現逐年下降趨勢,107年年平均值下降至32.5 μg/m3,顯示本市懸浮微粒年平均濃度呈現持續改善的趨勢。108年1-11月之平均濃度為29.2μg/m3。 (三) 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度手動測值:本市細懸浮微粒之長期目標為109年達成空氣品質標準(15 μg/m3)及119年達世界衛生組織建議值(10 μg/m3),由本市士林及萬華手動測值顯示,104年之年平均值為18.6 μg/m3,107年下降至14.4 μg/m3。108年1-11月之平均濃度下降至13.0 μg/m3,本市細懸浮微粒年平均值濃度於107年首度達成空氣品質標準,108年度持續降低,三年連續平均值亦低於空氣品質標準。 (四) 持續改善臺北市空氣品質以維護市民健康,本市80-90年代,空氣污染以懸浮微粒為主,89-99年間則以臭氧污染為主,目前懸浮微粒及臭氧均已達到符合空氣品質標準的二級空氣污染防制區;本市細懸浮微粒被環保署公告為「三級防制區」,106年細懸浮微粒年平均濃度15.3 µg/m3,尚未符合空氣品質標準,因此本市推動「臺北市清新空氣行動計畫」之各類污染源減量減量措施,規劃在109年達到PM2.5空氣品質標準15 µg/m3之目標,截至107年已首度達到符合空氣品質標準的目標。(五) 近5年本市空氣品質改善24-36%:分析臺北市過去5年之空氣品質資料顯示,108年11月底,各項空氣品質與103年相比呈現逐年改善的趨勢,其中PM10由45.3 μg/m3降為29.2μg/m3,改善率36%;手動PM2.5由19.6 μg/m3 降為13.0 μg/m3,改善率 34%;二氧化硫由3.0 ppb降為2.0 ppb,改善率 33%;二氧化氮由21.8 ppb降為16.5ppb,改善率24%。二、協助彙整臺北市清新空氣行動計畫成果 環保局執行臺北市清新空氣行動計畫,推動10項減量行動方案、涵蓋移動源、固定源及逸散源等三個面向,公告本市低污染排放示範區,加強稽查高污染車輛;推動淘汰老舊柴油車以及三期柴油車加裝濾煙器;加嚴鍋爐程序硫氧化物排放標準,降低松山機場航空燃油硫含量並新購小型掃街車改善都市揚塵。107-108年度,持續滾動檢討各項減量措施,推動清新空氣行動2.0。協助彙整環保局所推動「清新空氣行動」之主要推動成果: (1)於1線2站6處強力稽查高污染車輛,至108年11月老舊柴油車減少三成。(2)二行程機車淘汰9.2萬輛;全市定檢率達77.4%。(3)二行程機車總數減少69%,其PM2.5減量25%,碳氫化合物減量22%。(4)加嚴鍋爐硫氧化物排放標準,由300ppm降至50ppm,已淘汰所有重油鍋爐。(5)協商松山機場航空燃油硫含量自主減量四成,SO2減量8公噸/年。(6)公告餐飲業油煙異味防制設備技術指引,至108年11月油煙防制平均效率達80%。(7)108年11月完成322套濾煙器加裝公務車,平均排煙改善率達99%。(8)引進具有抑制懸浮微粒功能的16臺機械及6臺電動小型掃街車加強街道洗掃。(9)優化洗掃路線擴大洗掃能量年增加7.01萬公里(提升31.6%)。三、環境負荷變動 - 周邊大型電廠減排周邊大型電廠的操作排放對於本市的空氣品質也有影響,蒐集基隆協和電廠103-107年的空污費排放量顯示,103-106年基於電力調度排放污染物較高,107年為改善空氣品質,全面採用3%的低硫燃料油,使得硫氧化物排放量明顯減少。本市位於大型電廠的下風處,因此減排對於本市的空氣品質有正面的效益。四、研擬修訂臺北市空氣污染防制計畫 環保署為配合107年8月1日修正公布之空氣污染防制法修正內容,擬具空氣污染防制法施行細則修正草案,其中有關區域空氣品質管制,新增中央主管機關所應訂定之空氣污染防制方案,環保署之「空氣污染防制方案」甫於108年10月公布,並與縣市研商。 108年度針對「臺北市空氣污染防制計畫」進行統計資料更新與目標之修正調整,並針對固定污染源、機車/汽車/柴油車等移動污染源的管制,提出近程與中程的管制實施方案。 對於104-108年之空氣污染防制計畫書,針對長期的願景策略及改善目標進行研擬,並預先針對空氣品質分析、污染成因探討、模式模擬規劃等進行彙整,針對未來之減量方案提出構想供各計畫進行深入之探討並編列相關之減量方案計畫。 配合環保署106年6月9日公告「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」修正發布,修正本市空氣污染防制書第八章之空氣品質嚴重惡化之各等級濃度及應變管制作為。 本市未來因應之對策為延續並強化各項管制措施包括:1.機動車輛(擴大實施本市低污染排放示範區、淘汰老舊柴油車、淘汰二行程機車及持續航空燃油污染減量);2.民生產業污染管制餐飲業油煙;3.都市揚塵管理:提升洗掃效率;4.營建管制結合全市綠美化抑制揚塵。 五、考評相關執行作業 本計畫除了定期追蹤分析空氣品質變化,每季召開工作檢討會彙總工作成效之外,配合環保署績效考評作業進行1次空氣污染防制計畫書面查核作業;已於3月份完成召開空氣品質淨化區維護管理說明會(1場次)並完成進行四季32處次之現場查核及重點複查,協助污染管制工作之推動。 六、宣導與交流作業 為使議員、媒體及關心環保的市民了解本市未來推動「臺北市清新空氣行動白皮書」所規劃之藍圖與執行內容,本計畫協助環保局製作清新空氣行動2.0之中文及英文文宣手冊。 辦理空氣品質淨化區創意性活動「內雙溪自然中心植物探索體驗營」(108年4月28日辦理),透過參與式的體驗,設計與植物有關的藝術創作活動來讓小朋友參與。藉由這些活動,除了能讓小朋友對植物有更進一步的認識,也瞭解本市設置空氣品質淨化區的區位。 108年7月27日於花博舞蝶廣場辦理清新空氣都會親子觀星活動;「空氣污染防制縣市交流座談會」1場次,於108年11月27日辦理,針對各縣市污防書好鄰居條款進行會商溝通。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質指標、空氣品質變動趨勢


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 1925.426 千元
專案開始日期 2019/02/27 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪鈺涵 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 台北市空氣品質監測計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 21MB

2019 Taipei Air Quality Forecasting Projec

英文摘要 The implementation of this project is to master the long-term trend of air quality in Taipei City, through the evaluation of work effectiveness and technical support, to develop appropriate air pollution control measures; to integrate and handle various air quality control strategies. Enhance and enhance the public's understanding of improving the city's air quality concept; assist in the implementation of the operation of the "Taipei Air Pollution Control Fund" and the air pollution prevention business. To assist in the revision of the "Taipei Air Pollution Control Plan" and the "Taipei Clean Air Action Plan 2.0" pollution reduction action. The implementation period of this plan is from January 23, 2019 to December 31, 2019. According to the provisions of the contract, the results of the work progress will be summarized and submitted to the final report. The summary of the implementation results of the important work items is as follows: 1. Air Quality Index and Air Quality Trend (1) Air Quality Index (AQI): The trend of the city's AQI shows that the number of days with poor air quality in the city from January to November 2019 was 67 days (non-performing rate 4.0%). Among them, PM2.5 was bad for 20 days (1.2%), and ozone 8-hour was bad for 47 days (2.8%); statistics from 2014 to 2019 were improved from 10.9% to 4.0%; good proportion also from 33.9% to 60.9%, it shows that the air quality in Taipei is improving year by year. (2) The average annual concentration of particulate matters (PM10) in recent years in the city has been decreasing year by year from the highest value of 47.9 μg/m3 in 2010, and the average value in 2018 has dropped to 32.5 μg/m3. The average annual concentration of particulate matters in the city shows a continuous improvement trend. The average concentration from January to November 2019 was 29.2 μg/m3. (3) Manual measurement of fine particulate (PM2.5) concentration: The long-termgoal of fine aerosols in this city is to achieve air quality standards (15 μg/m3) by 2020 and recommended by the World Health Organization (20 μg/m3) in 2030. According to the manual measurements of Shilin and Wanhua in this city, the average annual value in 2015 is 18.6 μg/m3, and it is down to 14.4 μg/m3 in 2018. The average concentration in January-November 2019 has dropped to 13.0 μg/m3. The annual average concentration of fine particulate reached the first air quality standard in 2018, and continued to decrease in 2019. The three-year continuous average is also lower than the air quality standard. (4) In the 1990s and 2000s, the air pollution was dominated by particulate matters. In the 2000s and 2010s, ozone pollution was the mainstay. At present, the second-level air pollution control zones that have reached the particulate matters and ozone meet the air quality standards. The city's fine particulate have been announced by the EPA as “third-level control zones”. In 2017, the average annual concentration of fine aerosols was 15.3 μg/m3, which has not yet met the air quality standards. Therefore, the city promoted the “Taipei Clean Air Action Plan”. It is expected to achieve the PM2.5 air quality standard of 15 μg/m3 by 2020, and has achieved the goal of meeting air quality standards for the first time by 2018. (5) In the past five years, the city's air quality has improved by 24-36%: Analysis of the air quality data of Taipei City in the past five years shows that at the end of November 2019, the air quality has improved year by year compared with 2014, in which the concentration of particulate matters from 45.3 μg/m3 to 29.2 μg/m3, the improvement rate is 36%; manual PM2.5 is reduced from 19.6 μg/m3 to 13.0 μg/m3, the improvement rate is 34%; sulfur dioxide is reduced from 3.0 ppb to 2.0 ppb, the improvement rate is 33 %; nitrogen dioxide decreased from 21.8 ppb to 16.5 ppb with an improvement rate of 24%. 2. Assisting the DEP in promoting the Taipei Clean Air Action Plan The DEP TAIPEI implements the Taipei Clean Air Action Plan, promotes 10 reduction action plans, covering mobile sources, stationary sources and fugitive sources, announces the city's low-pollution emission demonstration zones, strengthens inspections of highly polluting vehicles, and promotes elimination. Old diesel vehicles and third-stage diesel vehicles are equipped with Diesel PM filters; the boiler sulfur oxide emission standards are tightened, the aviation fuel sulfur content of Songshan Airport is reduced, and new small street sweepers are newly purchased to improve urban dust. In 2018-2019, we continued to review the various reduction measures to promote the Clean Air Initiative 2.0. Helping to consolidate the main driving results of the "Clean Air Action" promoted by the Environmental Protection Bureau: (1) Strongly inspect high-pollution vehicles at 6 stations on the 1st line and 2 stations, and reduce the number of old diesel vehicles by 30% in November 2019. (2) The 2-stroke scooter eliminated 92,000 vehicles; the city's inspection rate reached 77.4%. (3) The total number of 2-stroke scooters decreased by 69%, the PM2.5 reduction was 25%, and the hydrocarbon reduction was 22%. (4) The sulfur oxide emission standard of the boiler is increased from 300ppm to 50ppm, and all heavy oil boilers have been eliminated. (5) Negotiate Songshan Airport's aviation fuel sulfur content by 40%, SO2 reduction of 8 metric tons per year. (6)Announced the technical guidelines for the fume and odor control equipment for the catering industry. By November 2019, the average efficiency of fume control was 80%. (7) In November 2019, 322 sets of filter filters were installed to install official vehicles, and the average smoke improvement rate was 99%. (8) Introducing 16 machines with the function of suppressing suspended particles and 6 electric small street sweepers to enhance street cleaning. (9) Optimize the sweeping route and expand the sweeping energy by 70,100 km (up 31.6%). 3. Environmental load changes - reduction of emissions from large power plants The emissions from large power plants in the surrounding area also have an impact on the city's air quality, collecting data on emissions from the air pollution charges of Keelung Concord Power Plant from 2014 to 2018. In 2014-2017, based on electric power dispatching, pollutants are discharged. In 2018, in order to improve air quality, the power plant uses 3% of low-sulfur fuel oil, which significantly reduces sulfur oxide emissions. The city is located in the downwind of large power plants, so emissions reduction has positive benefits for the city's air quality. 4. Research and revision of the Taipei City Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan To comply with the amendments to the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Act promulgated on August 1, 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency plans to draft a draft amendment to the Air Pollution Prevention Law, including the air quality control of the central competent authority. The pollution prevention and control program, the "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Program" of the Environmental Protection Agency was announced in October 2019 and was studied with the county and city. In 2019, the statistical update and target adjustments were made to the "Taipei Air Pollution Prevention and Control Project", and the control schemes for short- and medium-range control were proposed for the control of mobile sources such as fixed pollution sources, locomotives/automobiles/diesels. For air pollution control plan during 2015-2020, conduct a long-term vision for the strategy elaboration and improvement objectives, to conduct air quality analysis, to explore the causes of pollution, be aggregated mode simulation and planning, for future reductions proposed project ideas for each project carried out and explore the depth of the provision related to the planned reduction program. Coordinate with the EPA's 2017.06.09 announcement "Emergency Control Measures for Severe Air Quality Deterioration", and amend the various levels of concentration and strain control of the air quality deterioration of the eighth chapter of the city's air pollution control plan. The countermeasures for the future will continue and strengthen the various control measures including: 1. Motor vehicles (expanding the implementation of the city's low-pollution emission demonstration zone, phasing out old diesel vehicles, eliminating two-stroke locomotives and continuing aviation fuel pollution reduction). 2. Pollution-control restaurant emissions of soot pollution. 3. Urban dust management: improve cleaning efficiency. 4. Construction control combined with the city's green beautification to suppress dust. 5. Implementation of Annual Projects Evaluation In addition to regular follow-up analysis of the planned changes in air quality, meets monthly review will summarize the effectiveness of the work outside, work with the EPA performance evaluation was performed twice to check air pollution control plan related records; completed held air quality parks meeting (1 sessions) and the completion of 32 parks check, followed by on-site checks and focused review, to help promote the work of pollution control. 6. Advocacy and promotion In order to enable city councilors, the media and environmentally conscious citizens to understand the blueprint and implementation content of the city's future “White Paper on Clean Air in Taipei”, the project assists the DEP in producing the Chinese and English brochures for the Clean Air Action 2.0. In the air quality purification area creative activity "Nei-Shuangxi Nature Center Plant Exploration Experience Camp" (April 28, 2019), through the participatory experience, design plant-related artistic creation activities to engage children. Through these activities, children can have a better understanding of plants and understand the location of the city's air quality purification area. A family star-watching event was held to promote the fresh air of Taipei City at the Butterfly Square of Flora EXPO Taipei on July 27, 2019; The "Air Pollution Prevention and Control County and City Exchange Symposium" was held on November 27, 2019, and communicated with each other in the prefectures and cities.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Forecasting