

中文摘要 2018年修正公布之空氣污染防制法(以下簡稱空污法)中,針對特殊性工業區主要增訂資訊公開及加重罰鍰規定,另因2015年5月起,全國5座特殊性工業區-林園、臨海及六輕工業區、南科臺南園區、中科臺中園區監測執行至今已達4年,期間監測作業、資料品質管制、紀錄申報及權責分工等執行情形,亦須進行檢討與調整,爰本計畫依空污法修正重點及過去管制推動之執行問題,全面盤點及檢討特殊性工業區相關法令,提出相應之法規研修及配套管理機制建議,主要包含依各層級應負責任強化紀錄申報規範與導入主管機關查驗與查核機制,另外同時考慮管制需求與資源之有效利用,合理調整監測要求,並針對裁罰規定,研擬特殊性工業區開發單位違反特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準之處理方式,完善管制程序。 考量管制作業之落實與推動,除法規之健全外,亦有賴地方主管機關之落實執行,本計畫協助從管制對象之判定至確認為管制對象後,其監測紀錄申報及數據管理之落實,建構特殊性工業區管理機制及配套措施,完成建立3項管理原則手冊,涵蓋特殊性工業區納管判定原則手冊、申報資料及數據檢核手冊、數據計算處理原則,可提供縣市主管機關及特殊性工業區開發單位管理參考依循。另一方面,追蹤掌握地方管理作業執行情形,定期彙整地方主管機關調查特殊性工業區列管結果,並完成2個地方主管機關管理作業及測站查核之現場輔導、提供相關單位管理及系統問題之諮詢服務、辦理教育訓練會議等工作,以持續督導及強化地方管理落實能力。而實際管理應用資訊系統部分,除持續維護特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管理系統外,依據修法建議及管理需求,擴充監測記錄、傳輸中斷及高值管理紀錄等4項資料之申報、審查功能及報表,並依管理權責分級提供相關單位管理使用,另建置特殊性工業區空氣品質監測資訊網、擴充既有公開平台之資料開放範疇及加快公開速度,使相關單位能有效執行申報、審查及數據管理工作,並落實空污法資訊公開精神。 此外,針對監測結果本計畫定期進行日常管理分析,掌握數據有效率及空氣品質概況,以2017年與2018年特殊性工業區監測結果比較,整體而言一般空氣污染物與環保署空氣品質監測站年平均值趨勢相同,濃度較為改善,另參考國際做法並以美國德州發展之空氣監測比較值(Air monitoring comparison values,以下簡稱AMCVs)作為篩檢值,篩檢監測結果顯示之重要污染物以揮發性有機物為主,進一步透過氣象資料分析傳輸特徵、比對固定污染源排放資料,作為推估工業區內潛在排放源之依據,此分析方法及結果可提供縣市主管機關後續執行特殊性工業區管制應用參考。
中文關鍵字 工業區監測、資訊公開、空品分析


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8900 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/29 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳怡君
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 朱肇安 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108A051.pdf.pdf 11MB 特殊性工業區空氣品質分析與資料維護期末報告

Project of Air Quality Analysis and Data Maintenance of Industrial Area

英文摘要 This project comprehensively reviewed and enhanced the Special Industrial parks related regulations to comply with the main amendments, the data open and the violation penalties requirements, of the Air Pollutant Control Act in 2018. Besides, the five Special Industrial Parks, including the Linyuan Industrial Park, the Linhai Industrial Park, the No. 6 naphtha cracking complex industrial park, the southern Taiwan Science Park and the central Taiwan Science Park have been monitored for 4 years since May 2015 and there were several management problems needed to be improved. Thus, this project completed the drafts on the revision of the recording and declaring requirements for industrial parks developers, introduction of the in-situ inspection and verification mechanisms requirements for local Environmental Bureau, development sanction criteria, and reasonably adjustment of monitoring requirements to raise the awareness of self-authority and self-responsibility, to lower regulatory cost and to improve the monitoring data quality. The rules and regulations are depended on the local Environmental Bureau to properly and thoroughly enforce and implement. Thus, this project established 3 management manuals, covering the manuals for the determination of special industrial parks, the manuals for declaration and data verification, and the principles of data calculation and processing, which can provide management references for local authorities and special industrial zone development units to follow. Besides, this project regularly collected monitored results and tracked the implementation status of special industrial area and environmental competent authorities. To enhance the management abilities of the environmental competent authorities, this project provided consultation service, held education training meeting, and also implement on-site coaching for 2 of the environmental competent authorities. At the same time, this project maintain the information system and established new spreadsheets and functions for reporting and reviewing the QAQC data, the reasons of transmission interrupt, and the air quality management actions on high-value monitoring data, which provide industrial areas developers and competent authorities to use. Also we constructed the air quality monitoring website of special industrial area for data opening. In addition, the project analyzed monitored data regularly to screen if the data effective rate meet the standards and have a full grasp of the status of air quality. Compared the 2017 and 2018 data monitored by special industrial park stations with the nearby EPA air quality monitoring stations, the average annual concentration of general air pollutants were in the same trends, and the 2018 concentrations are relatively improved than 2017. This project also used the Air Monitoring Comparison Values (AMCVs) developed by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as a screening value to observe the primary pollutants in the area. The results showed were mainly volatile organic compounds. Then, this project parsed transmission characteristic of weather conditions and compared with stationary pollution source emissions to identify potential emission sources. The data analyzation methods and results could provide a valuable reference on air quality management works for environmental competent authorities.
英文關鍵字 Industrial Area Monitoring, Open Data, Air Quality Analysis