

中文摘要 本學會已依本年度契約要求完成各項計畫工作內容,主要執行工作成果包括機場周圍地區噪音管理與最大音量管制、綠色節能建築之控制式通風隔音窗、建置機動車輛超音偵測照相測量系統等共三大部份,分述如下: 一、機場周圍地區噪音管理與最大音量管制 (一)本計畫依據運量、機場特性、所在地區已完成了8個國家的12個機場個案分析,探討各機場對周圍地區噪音管理作法與措施,以及最大音量管制標準及監測方法等,瞭解多數機場在噪音管制方面,實施「離場、到達、引擎測試及宵禁」之噪音管制措施。其中約有半數採用量測之起飛噪音,半數採用量測之全部噪音,法國戴高樂機場、英國數個機場均採用國際民用航空組織(ICAO)認證噪音值。除此之外,僅有英國的機場,對於超出最大噪音限值之航空器有實施罰款或附加費之制度;另外,本計畫亦完成機場管理單位及機場所在地縣市環保局「航空噪音監測資料判讀工具及航空噪音監測資料審查分析教育訓練會」之工作。 (二)航空噪音最大音量管制方面,已完成蒐集各國機場作法包括:靜飛計畫之自主管理措施、降落費依照飛機噪音計算、單一噪音量限制、夜間噪音限額、持續下降操作、優先跑道使用規劃、噪音優先路線及居民感受指標等。自主管理措施方面,已完成蒐集各國機場採用指標如:各機型ICAO噪音認證值、主要監測站之噪音值、夜間航班及偏離航道等,研提完成初步航空噪音最大音量管制方案。本研究計畫建議可針對各機型ICAO噪音認證值、主要監測站之噪音值、夜間航班等三種指標持續進行資料之蒐集與分析,以做為飛機噪音自主管理之參考指標。 二、綠色節能建築之控制式通風隔音窗 本計畫已完成蒐集國際現有各類控制式通風隔音窗相關系統、原理及相關應用技術(至少10種類別)和比較8個國家或地區在過去5年間的進展,並於南湖高中設置控制式通風隔音窗,且對低頻音改善有幫助,兼具通風效益;計畫中亦邀集專家學者或相關目的事業主管機關辦理2場次採用控制式通風隔音窗改善環境交通噪音對民眾影響之成果示範及觀摩活動。因本計畫屬環保署推動之創新研發概念與想法,初步以高速公路旁之學校場所來測試噪音改善效果,設置主動式隔音窗後約可比原先降低3分貝,且對低頻音改善有幫助,兼具通風效益。針對公共場所裝設主動式隔音窗進行改善噪音,是今年度科技計畫初步研究成果與創新想法。 考量主動式隔音窗尚未商品化,且國際上尚仍處在研究階段,本計畫建議未來可再針對主動式控制隔音系統之民生實務上應用與可適用空間大小等進行後續相關研究,希望未來能降低成本並實際應用於環境噪音改善,以有效維護環境安寧與生活品質。後續建議可再針對主動控制系統應用改善對象(例如:其他陸上運輸系統噪音、工廠噪音等)與場所(例如:住家)及適用空間規格(例如:屬較封閉空間之列車駕駛室、大窗戶)等進行後續研究,期降低成本以應用於相關噪音改善。 三、建置機動車輛超音偵測照相測量系統 本計畫已完成建置機動車輛超音偵測照相測量系統及彙整我國陸上運輸系統沿線歷年改善前後之量測成果數據並進行各類運輸系統噪音量測結果比較研析,供環保署未來擬訂管制策略及管理措施之參考;並配合環保署完成3場次觀摩活動,與各界進行技術交流分享,邀集縣市環保局或相關目的事業主管機關,辦理2場次高噪偵測照相測量系統說明會。 建議未來可針對行駛中車輛音量與原地噪音檢驗結果(標準)間之關聯性進行瞭解,依現地環境狀況,精準設置噪音觸發位準以提高執勤效率。為執行聲音照相科技執法高噪音車輛查證取締,未來可與「機動車輛噪音量測方法(中華民國國家標準CNS 5799機動車輛噪音量試驗法)」進行比對測試,訂出「聲音照相科技執法系統及機動車輛噪音量試驗法比對規範」,在民眾陳情高噪音車輛出没熱點地區及時段,擺放聲音照相設備,篩選高噪音車輛進行查證取締,以守護民眾生活安寧。
中文關鍵字 主動式噪音控制、麥克風陣列


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 4100 千元
專案開始日期 2019/05/29 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 台灣聲學學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 機場周圍地區噪音管理與控制式通風隔音窗對環境交通噪音示範改善計畫.pdf 35MB 機場周圍地區噪音管理與控制式通風隔音窗對環境交通噪音示範改善計畫.pdf

Plan for Demonstration and Positive Effect of Noise Management and Controlled Acoustic Ventilation Windows on Environmental & Traffic Noises in the Vicinity of Airports

英文摘要 The Association has completed various project work contents in obedience to the contract requirements for this year. Main results of our work are described as follows: 1. Noise management and maximum noise level control in the vicinity of airports The Project has completed case analysis for 12 airports of 8 countries based on traffic volume, airport characteristics, and locations to explore the noise management practices and measures, maximum noise level control standards, and monitoring methods adopted by various airports to address the aircraft noise issue in the vicinity of the airport. As a result, in terms of noise management, most airports adopt noise control measures on airport operations involving “departure, arrival, engine run-up, and curfew”. We have also completed work relating to the “Training Workshop on Review and Analysis of Aircraft Noise Monitoring Data and Their Interpretation Tools” with the support of the airport management and local Environment Protection Bureau where the airport is located. In terms maximum noise level control, we have completed collection of noise control practices adopted by airports of various countries, such as self-management measures, and preliminary proposal for the maximum aircraft noise control program. 2. Controlled acoustic ventilation windows on green or energy efficient buildings We have completed collection of information on related systems, principles and application techniques of various controlled acoustic ventilation windows (at least 10 types) and compared the progress of such type of acoustic ventilation windows over the past 5 years in 8 countries or regions. We have set up controlled acoustic ventilation windows at Taipei Municipal Nanhu High School, which have proved to be effective for low-frequency noise improvement and ventilation. Since the Project is based on the concept and ideas of innovation research promoted by the Environmental Protection Administration (EVA), primarily we selected schools on the side of the freeway to test the effectiveness of controlled acoustic ventilation windows in reducing noise. With the installation of ANC acoustic ventilation windows, the noise level reduced by 3 dB. Therefore, ANC acoustic ventilation windows have also proved to be effective for low-frequency noise improvement and ventilation. In view that ANC acoustic ventilation windows are still in the stage of research and have not been commercialized in the world, we suggest that further researches on the use of ANC acoustic ventilation windows, such as practical living application and applicable space size, be conducted in the hope of reducing the cost and actually using ANC acoustic ventilation windows to improve environmental noise in the future. 3. Implementation of the ultrasound detection camera system on motor vehicles We have completed implementation of the ultrasound detection camera system on motor vehicles and compilation of measurement data on environmental noise before and after improvement over the years along the ground transportation systems in our country. We have also compared and analyzed the noise measurements of various transportation systems to serve as reference for EVA in drawing up noise control strategies and management measures in the future. Furthermore, in obedience to EVA’s instruction, we have conducted 3 observation seminars and 2 public meetings on high noise detection photogrammetry system to exchange and share views with people from all walks of life. In the future, we suggest of exploring the relevance of noise measurements (standards) between moving and static vehicles and accurately setting up noise trigger levels based on the existing environmental conditions in order to effectively screen out, verify, and outlaw high noise vehicles so as to maintain a quiet living environment for the public.
英文關鍵字 Active Noise Control, Microphone Array