

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容執行項目包含: 一、落實環保設施工程檢核制度;二、辦理提升工程品質教育訓練及經驗資訊分享;三、建構環保設施工程品質查核標準程序之執行體系;四、辦理工程施工查核小組品質管理系統ISO9001輔導及編制相關手冊;五、提供環保署有關改進工程施工查核作業之績效措施及創新作為等具體建議並協助執行,及配合環保署參與行政院公共工程委員會有關工程施工查核小組年度績效考核工作及印製相關書面資料;六、辦理環保署交辦系統網頁維護、資料備份及更新、功能擴增相關事項。 110年度甲等比例73%、平均分數80.3與109年度甲等比例69%、平均分數80.0相比,甲等比例略微上升,推測原因為110年度5000萬以上工程場次占多數(44%),其承攬廠商等級較高,管理較具規模。109年度又與108年度甲等比例81%、平均分數80.6相比,109年度甲等比例則有略微下降趨勢,推測其原因為109年度1,000萬以下工程較108年多另加上承攬廠商執造等級為乙級、丙級、土木包工業或其他類別,也較108年多造成承攬廠商水準較難掌握。108年度甲等比例81%與110年度甲等比例73%相比時,108年度甲等比例又與110年度甲等比例明顯較高,推測其可能與施工廠商等級有關,如108年甲級營造廠商比例48%與110年甲級廠商比例33%,廠商等級較高相對管理及品質有一定水準,故108年度甲等比例較110年度高。 除上述原因外,另查業務單位有無事先輔導亦有影響甲等比例關係,於108年度環管處及水保處事先輔導比例均為100%,甲等比例為73.68%及96.3%,109年度事業輔導比例環管處52.6%、水保處82.1%,甲等比例為68.4及85.7%,明顯看出業務單位事業輔導比率與查核成績有關聯性,故業務單位事先輔導顯著影響查核成績及工程品質。 查核時文件常見缺失分析大致可分類如下:主辦機關工程督導文件資料常見缺失以【4.01.01】契約內未編列品管費用,或品管人員訂有專職及人數等規定者,未以人月量化編列….或未編列空氣污染防制設施經費。監造單位缺失以【】有無抽查施工作業及抽驗材料設備,並填具抽查(驗)紀錄表,或有無製作材料設備檢(試)驗管制總表管控,或有無對檢(試)驗報告判讀認可項目為最高,查核48件就高達32件佔66.67%。顯見監造單位未落實抽查施工作業及材料設備等,而使兩造各行其事致使效果不彰。承攬廠商品管自主檢查表未落實執行,或檢查標準未訂量化、容許誤差值,或未確實記載檢查值【4.03.04】,高達83.33%,顯見承攬廠商對於品管自主檢查表普遍不重視而流於形式,應依實際檢查情形量化填寫於自主檢查表。 工程品質現場常見缺失則為【5.09.08】無工程告示牌或內容未符合規定為最多,其次為【5.01.05】 施工縫及伸縮縫留設不當或施作不當或未設置、【5.01.01】混凝土澆置、搗實不合規範,有冷縫、蜂窩或孔洞產生、【5.01.03】混凝土完成面垂直及水平度不合規範及【5.01.02】混凝土養護不合規範,塑性收縮造成裂縫 等現場缺失較多,故主辦機關與監造單位應加強二級品管及現場督導,以維護工程品質。
中文關鍵字 環保設施工程、品管、檢驗


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8500 千元
專案開始日期 2019/09/04 專案結束日期 2022/09/03 專案主持人 張名毅
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 蔡明翰 執行單位 尚竑工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108-110EPA查核期末定稿本全v含封面插頁.pdf 24MB 期末定稿

Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities (2019-2022))

英文摘要 The main objective of this project includes: 1、implement a project inspection system executed by environmental protection facilities,2、hold seminars and training course on the quality improving and experiment sharing of the construction,3、develop inspection system of engineering quality standard procedures for environmental protection facility,4、establish the ISO 9001 system for the quality inspection the of environmental construction, 5、provide necessary suggestion for improvement in construction quality and innovation ,and 6、manage the Web system for the quality control of environmental construction for Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The result show that the percentage of the sample which have reach class A with an average respective score and as follows 82% with 81,73% with 80.3, 69% with 80, 81% with 80.6 , for the year of 2022,2021,2020,2019,respectively ,from the above results ,it can be found that the ratio of class A has reached 3/4,with a score of around 80. Due to an increase in the frequency of counseling and supervision, the audit performance has maintained a certain level, However there is limited room for progress although the engineering review is class A. In the future for better improvement for implementation ,more attention needs to be drawn to the supervision system of the owner and the frequency of spot checking by the design and supervision as well as the independent inspection by the contractor for each project. In addition to the above reasons, checking whether the business unit has prior counseling will also affect the ratio of A-level. In 2010, the proportion of prior counseling by the Environmental Management Office and the Soil and Water Conservation Office was 100%, and the proportion of A-level was 73.68% and 96.3%. In 2010 The proportion of career counseling is 52.6% for the Environmental Management Office, 82.1% for the Soil and Water Conservation Office, and 68.4% and 85.7% for Grade A. It is obvious that the business unit’s career counseling ratio is related to the audit results. Therefore, the business unit’s prior counseling significantly affects the audit results and projects. quality. The analysis of common lack of documents during the inspection can be roughly classified as follows: the common lack of project supervision documents of the host organization is because the quality control fee is not listed in the [4.01.01] contract, or the quality control personnel have full-time and number of regulations, and the number of people and months is not specified. Quantitative provision of …. or no provision for air pollution control facilities. If the manufacturing supervision unit lacks [] whether there is a random inspection of construction operations and materials and equipment, and fill in a random inspection (inspection) record form, or whether there is a master control list for inspection (trial) inspection of production materials and equipment, or whether there is a parallel inspection (test) ) inspection report interpretation and approval items are the highest, and 32 cases are as high as 48 cases, accounting for 66.67%. It is obvious that the supervisory unit has not implemented the random inspection of construction operations, materials and equipment, etc., and the two manufacturers have gone their separate ways, resulting in ineffective results. The contractor's commodity management self-checklist has not been implemented, or the inspection standards are not quantified, allowable error values, or the inspection value has not been recorded [4.03.04], as high as 83.33%. It is obvious that the contractors generally do not pay attention to the quality control self-checklist It is a mere formality, and should be quantified and filled in the self-check form according to the actual inspection situation. The common lack of engineering quality on site is [5.09.08] No project notice board or the content does not meet the requirements is the most, followed by [5.01.05] Construction joints and expansion joints are improperly left or improperly implemented or not set, [5.01.01] Concrete pouring and tamping are not up to standard, cold joints, honeycombs or holes are produced, [5.01.03] The vertical and horizontality of the concrete finish surface is out of specification and [5.01.02] Concrete curing is out of specification, plastic shrinkage causes cracks, etc. There are many defects on site, so the organizer and the supervision unit should strengthen the secondary quality control and on-site supervision to maintain the quality of the project.
英文關鍵字 Environment protection facilities, Quality control, Examination