

中文摘要 一、中文計畫名稱: 108年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗掃街計畫 二、執行單位: 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司 三、計畫主持人: 陳慕良 四、 執行期程: 108/01/31~108/12/15 五、 工作內容完成進度: 1.自108年3月4日開始執行洗掃作業,統計至108年12月15日為止,洗街作業執行15,035.1公里、掃街作業執行8,004.7公里,洗掃執行長度為23,039.8公里,累計達成率為100%。 2.洗掃街污染削減量效益推估: 本期累計洗掃街長度為23,039.8公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP可削減317.94公噸、PM10 59.90公噸及PM2.5 13.98公噸。另依據108年嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫書,本計畫歸屬之管制類別為「逸散污染源」,採行管制策略為「加強街道揚塵洗掃作業」,削減規劃方式為「執行洗掃街作業」(含局屬清潔隊作業),預定執行洗掃長度共80,000公里,預期可削減TSP 1,104.0公噸、PM10 208.0公噸及PM2.5 48.6公噸,本計畫執行及環保局清潔隊(統計至12月15日),共執行洗掃長度共80,219.3 公里,預期可削減TSP 1,107.03公噸、PM10 208.57公噸及PM2.5 48.69公噸,已達到預定目標之100%。 3.道路髒污情況普查: 為加強掌握及提升嘉義市道路髒污等級,並作為定期規劃洗掃街路線之參考依據,本計畫每月對嘉義市洗掃街道路進行全面性道路普查工作。從2月起開始進行道路普查工作,統計至12月共計進行371條次,普查總公里數達871.9公里,普查結果至12月A級道路佔91%以上、B級道路佔9%,並以道路髒污情況通報25件均完成改善。 4.洗掃街現場作業查核: 執行每週3次之道路查核,本年度統計至12月,洗掃街作業查核進行洗街64次與掃街作業查核進行56次,累計查核長度達779.4公里。 5.完成10條道路於洗掃作業前、後道路進行街塵負荷量檢測20點次,洗街作業前平均坋土負荷量為0.17g/m2、街塵負荷量為0.88g/m2,依環保署街塵負荷量管制目標劃分平均道路等級為A-B級,而洗街作業後平均坋土負荷量降低為0.08g/m2、街塵負荷量為0.38g/m2,平均道路等級提升全為A級。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵、洗掃街、削減量


專案計畫編號 1071191 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3190 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/31 專案結束日期 2019/12/15 專案主持人 陳慕良
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王怡評 執行單位 欣欣環保工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗掃街計畫期末報告-定稿.pdf 4MB 期末報告

The Project of Chiayi City for Strengthening Street Dust Cleaning in 2019

英文摘要 I.Plan Name:The Project of Chiayi City for Strengthening Street Dust Cleaning in 2019. II.Implement Company:Shin Shin Environmental Protection Engineering CO., LTD. III.Principal investigator:CHEN,MU-LIANG IV.Plan Time: January 31,2019 to December 15, 2019 V. The work content completes the progress: (I)The cleaning operation began on March 12, 2019 and, based on the statistics until December 15, 2019, the street washing operation reached 15,035.1kilometers with the length of street sweeping operation of 8,004.7kilometers as well as the cleaning execution length of 23,039.8 kilometers. The cumulative achievement rate was 95% (II)Estimation of the street cleaning benefits in pollution reduction: The total length of the sweeping street in this period was 23,039.8 kilometers. According to the EPA's reduction formula (reduction amount = length of sweeping street × reduction factor), total suspended particle (TSP) can be reduced to 317.94 metric tons, 59.90 metric tons of PM10 and 13.98 metric tons of PM2.5. In addition, according to the 2019 Air Pollution Control Plan of Chiayi City, the control category of the project is classified as “fugitive emission source”, which adopts a control strategy of “Strengthening Street Dust Cleaning Operation” with the reduction planning method of “Execution Street Cleaning Operation” (including the cleaning team work of the bureau). It is scheduled to perform a total cleaning length of 80,000 km, which is expected to reduce TSP 1,104.0 metric tons, PM10 208.0 metric tons and PM2.5 48.6 metric tons. The implementation of this project long with the EPA cleaning team (until December 15 statistically) with the results of a total of 80,219.3 km of washing length, is expected to reduce TSP 1,107.03 metric tons, PM10 208.57 metric tons and PM2.5 48.69 metric tons, having reached 100% of estimated objective. (III)Census of road fouling condition: In order to strengthen the mastery and improvement of the road dirt level in Chiayi City to serve as a reference for regular planning of the street sweep route, the project had conducted a comprehensive road census on Chiayi City's roads and streets sweeping operation every month. Road census work began in February, and a totaled 371 time/road had been surveyed by the end of December . The total number of kilometers in the census reached 871.9 kilometers. The results of the census accounted for more than 91% of Class A roads in December and 9% of Class B roads. The 25 cases (roads) were reported to have improved. (IV)Inspection to the field operation of street sweeping: The road inspection was carried out three a week. The statistics of this year were up to December . Investigation to the street washing operation had been conducted for 64 times and the street sweeping operation for 56 times, and the total inspection length has reached 779.4 km. (V)Completed 10 roads for street dust load detection 20 times before and after the street flushing. Before the street flushing, the average silt load was 0.17g/m2 and street dust load 0.88g/m2; the average road class was classified as Class A-B according to the street dust load control target of EPA. After the street flushing, on the other hand, the average silt load dropped to 0.08g/m2 and street dust load 0.38g/m2; therefore the average road class was improved to Class A.
英文關鍵字 street dusting, broom-washing, deducted ratio