

中文摘要 一、研析國外使用太陽能板於交通運輸系統隔音牆之應用情形 本計畫已完成蒐集包括:歐洲、美洲及亞太共計15個國家,參考及整理出國外於太陽能板隔音牆之空氣污染與交通噪音改善及碳排放減量之推動作法特色與研究方法,以做為我國之參考。本計畫於實地示範測試安裝,參考國外發展趨勢係採用「雙面垂直式太陽能板(傾斜90°)」之方式,並規劃創新採取「單面太陽能板 + 單面吸音板」之作法。 二、實地示範及測試改良型太陽能板應用於交通運輸系統隔音牆 本計畫已與交通部臺灣鐵路管理局合作於北湖車站設置完成全國第一座陸上運輸系統之太陽能板隔音牆(包括:展示亭及顯示看板)。太陽能板合計225片(包括:展示亭屋頂設置太陽能板6片),總面積約405m2,太陽能板隔音牆之總建置容量約64.2 kW,隔音牆產電為北湖車站內線併網使用。108年7月至12月之半年間累計發電量約15,564.4度,平均85度/日,約減少SOx 2.8公斤、NOx 3.5公斤、PM 0.3公斤及CO2 8.3公噸排放量;而太陽能板隔音牆「現地實測」的插入損失約有10 dB(A)。 三、評估太陽能板應用於交通運輸系統隔音牆之減污減噪減碳等環境改善效益 本計畫已完成召開2場諮詢會,透過與相關專家及機關意見交流以提出本計畫執行上更精進之作法。若各方面條件皆可配合,政策上仍可參考本計畫執行的成果,建議可再尋求於中南部適合處Scale-up試做或推動。政策上可在相關的研發計畫(如:科技部空污計畫、環保署科技顧問案)探討尋找新材料,使之除了具有原太陽能板功能外,應尋找可吸收如(非吸附)CO、HC之材料。以期達到綠能、減碳、環保、減音等效益之綠色運輸(Green Transportation)目標。
中文關鍵字 改良型太陽能板、太陽能隔音牆、減污減噪減碳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 16100 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/08 專案結束日期 2020/03/07 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 何佳祥 執行單位 環境永續工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 以改良型太陽能板應用於交通運輸系統之空氣污染減量暨減碳減噪效益評估計畫.pdf 36MB 以改良型太陽能板應用於交通運輸系統之空氣污染減量暨減碳減噪效益評估計畫

Efficiency Evaluation Plan on the Reduction of Air Pollution, Carbon, and Noise by Applying Modified Solar Panels to the Transportation System

英文摘要 1.Research and analysis of the current situation of applying solar panels to acoustic barriers for the transportation system in foreign countries This Project has completed collection of information in 15 countries in Europe, America, and Asia-Pacific, and sorted out the promotional practice characteristics and research methods in these countries in terms of application of solar acoustic barriers to reduce air pollution, traffic noises, and carbon emission, which may be used as a reference for our country. This Project has conducted field demonstrative installation testing and proposed an innovative practice of “single-sided solar panels + single-sided sound absorbing panels”, making reference of the practice of “double-sided vertical solar panels (90° inclination)” adopted in foreign countries. 2.Field demonstration and testing on application of modified solar panels to acoustic barriers for the transportation system With the cooperation of Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC, this Project set up the first system of solar acoustic barriers for the transportation system in our country at Beihu Station (including the show kiosk and display board). Totally, 225 solar panels are used (including 6 on the roof of the show kiosk) for the purpose with a total area of around 405m2. The total installed capacity of these solar panel acoustic barriers is around 64.2 kW, which is used for internal grid connection at Beihu Station. During the 6-month period between July and December, 2019, the accumulative total power generation of the system was around 15,564.4 kWh, averagely 85 kWh per day, resulting in a remission reduction of around 2.8 kg SOx, 3.5 kg NOx, 0.3 kg PM, and 8.3 tonne CO2. The insertion loss of noise with the solar panel acoustic barriers in “field measurement” is around 10 dB(A). 3.Evaluation of the efficiency on environment improvements, such as reduction of air pollution, noises, and carbon emission, by applying solar panels to acoustic barriers for the transportation system In this Project, the Project team has organized two advisory meetings and, through exchange of opinions among related experts and authorized representatives, proposed more advanced practices for the implementation of this Project. In the case that all conditions are fulfilled, the government may as well take the implementation results of this Project as reference in future policy making. We recommend that more scale-up trials or demonstrations be conducted at proper places in Central and Southern Taiwan. It is advisable to create policies that facilitate exploration of new materials through related R&D plans (such as air pollution plans initiated by MOST and technology consulting programs by EVA) to make solar panel acoustic barriers capable of absorbing (instead of being adhered to) chemical substances, such as CO and HC, apart from generating power with solar panels, in order to achieve the goal of green transportation with such benefits as green energy, carbon reduction, environmental protection, and noise reduction.
英文關鍵字 Improved Solar Panel、Photovoltaic Noise Barrier、Reduction Pollution、Noise and Carbon