

中文摘要 本年度建置平臺八大項執行主要成果如下: (一)強化主系統、GIS系統及子系統功能完整度 1.主系統 依使用者意見優化平臺友善度,重新調整與各業務單位資料彙整,透過平臺可快速檢視事業相關許可資料、申報資料及查處資料;配合EEMS頁面調修,同步變動主系統督察作業相關頁面;審核程序改採為自主式審核,由審核長官決定案件是否繼續陳核或決行;新增知識庫輔助資料,減少同仁至現場督察輸入時間;透過其他業務資料加值服務,利用視覺化軟體顯示案件異常點,以加強資訊顯示豐富度。 2.GIS系統 依使用者意見精進GIS友善度,導入地籍圖查詢功能及航照圖版次查詢及量測距離及面積功能、即時查詢督察人員所在位置,新增桃園水污染溯源,另外,亦導入空氣感測IOT資訊,強化GIS使用效益。 3.子系統 依使用者意見調修平臺友善度,新增定位功能且以頁簽方式及點選下拉方式減少同仁現場督察作業,並解構各污染別母法條文,環保法規共計12個,檢視法條數總計629條,解構條項目款共410項。 (二)配合資料分析運作需求,強化擴充所需資料 平臺已完成蒐集16個各業務單位資料,已全為自動介接方式取得。IMP共有386張資料表。 (三)滾動檢討及建置新智慧邏輯模組,運用人工經驗及資料科學方式,解構龐大系統資料 透過資深督察人員之專業知識、思維邏輯及多年經驗,並藉由電腦的進階分析,建立各種不同型態督察案件實績範例,以傳承現場督察經驗與提升督察效率,本計畫持續充實督察相關資料,建置事業異常資料分析平臺,以現有事業許可及申報資料為基礎建立分析模組,以利督察人員快速查找事業異常狀況並自動將分析結果導入子系統(APP)內,使其至現場時可依循異常項目進行督察。 (四)強化污染熱區判釋機制,結合不同風險因子合理性及相關性判定 透過經驗彙整,盤點取得所需分析資料,人員逐一比對及找出資料間關係邏輯並建立模組及制定基本項目與進階項目分數、權重制定等;並彙製污染熱區發展概念圖,使同仁快速了解污染熱區建構機制。 (五)研析Line AI智能客服導入可行性,打造7x24不間斷平臺服務 今年度已研析導入LINE@及LINEBOT智能客服,初步先從常見客服問題為中心,導入該類服務架構,作法逐一從語意研析、語意建模,語意訓練等方式,循環式建構開始,透過Server上整合Dialogflow 及Line平臺,逐步構築語音雛型。 (六)加強硬體設備廣度,再採購41組現場督察工具 今年度已採購採購Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 (2019),相關配件包含觸碰筆、平板保護貼(霧面)、平板皮套、皮板包、指環扣及車充共41組。另,與中華電信合作4G網路無通話功能。 (七)加強推廣平臺功能使用說明會,使督察同仁更能駕輕就熟 教育訓練主要內容以主系統及子系統使用說明。本案除依契約規定辦理3場次教育訓練,為了讓同仁快速熟悉多角度查詢功能,本計畫加開3場次工作聯繫說明會,總計進行了6場次(3+3)教育訓練,有效提升操作流暢度 (八)現場督察作業記實,製作6部8~10分鐘紀錄影片 蒐集三區督察大隊現場督察過程進行影片剪輯,主要分為資料分析前置作業、系統操作、蒐證出動、現場操作行動督察(APP)、現場督察實績過程等製作6部8~10分鐘紀錄影片。 (九)協調彙整客服意見及溝通管理 本計畫執行期間,仍秉持者服務精神繼續為使用者提供良好與暢通的服務管道進行意見反應或諮詢。持續進行其他行政作業,包含例行工作會議等行政事務工作處理。
中文關鍵字 督察、環保業務、資料取得、智慧邏輯


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 12260 千元
專案開始日期 2019/06/10 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 黃振峰
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 謝適鴻 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年督察工作管理平臺功能提升及維護案(定稿)-公開版.pdf 5MB

2019 Inspection Management Platform Promotion and maintenance

英文摘要 The eight tasks achieved by this project in 2019 are introduced as follows: (I) Enhance the functional integrity of the Main system, GIS system, and subsystem 1. Main system The user-friendliness of the system platform was optimized according to users’ feedback. Data of various agencies were readjusted and integrated so that the user could rapidly view the data related to business permits, declaration, and investigation. The system interface was adjusted to synchronize with the inspection data of the updated EEMS system. The reviewing procedure was modified so that inspecting officers had the autonomy to decide the subsequent arrangement of an ongoing case. A database of auxiliary knowledge was established to improve information demonstration by using visualization software to display abnormal data in inspection cases. 2. GPS system According to users’ feedback, the user-friendliness of the GPS system was optimized by incorporating inquiry function to retrieve the information on cadastral maps and versions of aerial photographs. The function of distance and area measurement and the real-time display of inspecting officers’ locations were also integrated into the system. A water pollution source-tracking system was newly established in Taoyuan. In addition, an IoT-based air quality monitoring system was created to incorporate into the GPS system to enhance the overall system performance. 3. Subsystem The user-friendliness of the system platform was optimized according to users’ feedback. GPS is added to the subsystem, and the inspection procedure was improved by demonstrating information by tabs and drop-down menus. This project also evaluated the enabling statutes of various pollution categories, including 12 environmental protection laws, 629 acts, and a total of 410 pieces of articles, sections, and items. (II) Collect necessary data based on the data analysis requirement The system platform has automatically acquired data from 16 agencies. The size of the IMP containing 386 datasheets. (III) Review and establish novel smart logic modules and analyze considerable data by adopting experience and scientific methods Examples were established through advanced data analysis based on the professional knowledge, logical thinking, and experience of senior inspecting officers. These examples provided onsite inspection experiences to improve inspection efficiency. This project continued to collect data for the inspection system and establish an analysis platform for examining unusual data. Analysis modules were created using existing business permits and declaration data to enhance abnormal data inquiry efficiency. The module could automatically introduce analytical results into the app of the subsystem so that inspecting officers could perform examination based on the unusual items onsite. (IV) Improve the identification of pollution hotspots by integrating the rationality and correlation between various risk factors This project reviewed previous inspections to determine the required data for analysis. The project personnel carefully identified the correlation logic among data, established modules, and formulated the score and weight of basic and advanced data categories. A conceptual graph of pollution hotspot development was created to enhance the personnel’s knowledge of related topics. (V) Analyze the feasibility of introducing the AI-based smart customer service of Line to create a platform to provide 24/7 service The feasibility of introducing LINE@ and LINEBOT smart service in the system was evaluated. This project established a prototype by repeating the processes of testing natural language processing, creating semantic data models, and semantics training to integrate Dialogflow and Line platform through a server. (VI) Upgrade the facility by purchasing 41 sets of onsite inspection tools This project purchased a total of 41 sets of Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 (2019), and the accessories included styluses, matte screen protectors, pouches, bags, phone ring holders, and car chargers. In addition, this project applied for an unlimited 4G internet access service from Chunghwa Telecom for these devices. (VII) Host seminars to promote the platform to inspecting officers Educational training courses were held to demonstrate the operation of the main and subsystems. In addition to holding three educational training courses, this project hosted additional three courses to familiarize the personnel with the multi-search function. Therefore, a total of six training courses were held to improve the inspecting officers’ system operation. (VIII) Record onsite inspection processes to put out six short (6–8 minutes) documentaries Three video clips were taken during the onsite inspection in three regions. The video recorded the processes of the pre-operation of data analysis, system operations, evidence collection, and onsite inspection using mobile technology. Six documentaries of a length of 8–10 minutes were edited from the videos. (IX) Assist on integrating customer feedback and communications management During project implementation, the project personnel kept the spirit of service and continued to provide users with a fine service channel for comments or advice. The project personnel continued to fulfill administrative tasks such as routine work meetings and so forth.
英文關鍵字 Inspection, environmental protection business, information access, Wisdom logic