

中文摘要 摘要 統計至108年12月31日,本計畫應執行總進度達100%,除污染管制對策研擬之空氣污染防制計畫書編印項目,因環保署於12月始公告針對109-112年撰寫方式故進度為0%外,其餘工作項目均能於12月31日前達成100%之目標,就目前執行之摘要簡述如下: 一、108年度空氣污染管制成效 (一)空氣品質維護與改善成果 截至108年10月為止本市空氣品質改善於空氣品質標準項目中,僅PM2.5項目未達外,其餘空氣污染物均符合標準;於改善率項目中,現階段有PM10(年平均)、PM2.5(年平均)手動、SO2(年平均)、NO2(年平均)、CO(小時平均)等5項目達成改善率≧5%,其餘3項目仍有加強空間。 細項 基準濃度 105-107年 當年濃度 106-108年 改善率(%) 標準 單位 臭氧(小時平均) 29.14 30.33 -4.1% 120 ppb 臭氧(8小時平均) 42.79 42.79 0.0% 60 ppb PM10(年平均) 37.12 35.16 5.3% 65 µg/m3 PM2.5(年平均)自動 17.57 17.38 1.1% 15 µg/m3 PM2.5(年平均)手動 18.41 17.09 7.2% 15 µg/m3 SO2(年平均) 2.26 2.12 6.2% 30 ppb NO2(年平均) 14.09 12.90 8.5% 50 ppb CO(小時平均) 0.38 0.36 5.2% 35 ppm (二)空氣品質改善污防書目標值達成情況 截至108年10月為止本市空氣品質改善成果彙整統計成果,除1.AQI比率、2.PM2.5年平均值及3.O3之8小時平均第8大值未符合空氣品質改善目標值外,其餘暫達本年度設定之目標值。 目標項目 目標值 實際值 說明 法規標準 AQI>100站日數比率 <10% 10.3% 尚未符合 - AQI<50站日數比率 >53% 51.4% 尚未符合 - PM10,年平均值 43.5 μg/m3 33.8 μg/m3 符合 65 PM10,日平均第8大值 96.5 μg/m3 56.4 μg/m3 符合 125 PM2.5,年平均值 15.0 μg/m3 15.8 μg/m3 尚未符合 15 PM2.5,24小時值 40 μg/m3 39.1 μg/m3 符合 35 PM2.5,紅色警戒日數比率 < 0.77 % 0.00 %(0站日) 符合 - O3,小時平均第8大值 96 ppb 92 ppb 符合 小時平均120 O3,8小時平均第8大值 82.5 ppb 86 ppb 尚未符合 8小時平均60 SO2,小時平均第8大值 11 ppb 5.3 ppb 符合 - NO2,小時平均第8大值 56 ppb 41.0 ppb 符合 小時平均250 CO,8小時平均第8大值 1.14 ppm 1.10 ppm 符合 8小時平均9 (三)清淨空氣行動計畫目標值達成情況 截至108年10月考評辦法所訂定之目標值執行成果顯示,其中於逸散源部分均能按進度辦理,為達成率較高之項目。本項目標值為環保署依照107年執行成果訂定,本市目標值與宜蘭縣並列全國最高值,本市為25%高於全國平均值。現階段達成率僅達69.1%,提高方式採以持續寄發檢驗暨汰舊通知,以提高納管率。鼓勵一~三期柴油車污染改善項目,目前達成率僅達39.4%,環保署已於5月27日公告修正「淘汰老舊大型柴修車補助辦法」為「大型柴油車汰舊換新補助辦法」,權責計畫亦於6月開始透過新聞稿發布、轄內車隊聯繫告知與保養廠協助宣導等三項作為,宣達中央已放寬補助條件之辦法調整,希冀讓民眾清楚了解相關補助辦理事宜,盼能提升一至三期柴油車污染改善成效。環保署修正補助辦法後,1~3期汰舊換新申請案件數,放寬補助辦法後,每月平均申請案件數比放寬前多。 空氣污染防制行動方案 單位 執行目標 實際執行 考評預估 商用鍋爐汰換或輔導改善 座 1 2 A 工業鍋爐汰換或輔導改善 座 3 6 改善民俗活動污染 公噸 500 580.4 A 稻草及果樹去化處理,減少燃燒面積 公頃 500 604.9 餐飲業增設油煙防制設備 % 82 86 A 營建工程空污防制設施符合率 % 83 84.4 鼓勵一、二期柴油車污染改善或汰除 輛 68 88 B 鼓勵三期柴油車改善或加裝濾煙器 輛 125 4 二行程機車淘汰率 % 100 153.6 B 二行程機車排氣定檢改善納管率 % 75 58.1 (四)空氣污染物削減量達成情況 針對108年度空污管制計畫執行成果統計至10月31日顯示,合計總削減量達656.10公噸,以污染物而言,NOx削減量達262.97公噸為最多,其次PM10削減量達226.50公噸,再其次為PM2.5達87.60公噸,SOx為最少僅8.01公噸;目前距離年度污染物削減目標PM10及PM2.5雖尚未達標,但進度已達約90%,其餘污染物均已達成削減目標。 (五)引領創新作為 1.CSR企業綠色運具推動 以提升園區企業環保績效為宗旨,如打造綠色供應鏈、行銷綠色產品或服務、推動節能減碳、加強廢棄物處理、維護生態環境、倡議氣候風險意識等。統計至10月底,已有76家企業提送資料,經篩選後,共有46家企業369輛柴油車符合推行資格,不符合原因為企業提送資料仍有使用一~三期車,故本團隊針對使用一~二期車輛僅1~2輛公司個別輔導,已有7家企業因而符合推行資格,本年度符合家數為53家合計389輛,並預訂於108年12月7日辦理頒獎事宜;另該推行方案與新竹縣一同辦理,在新竹縣執行成果部分,有31家企業提送資料,且均符合推行資格,共計591輛次。 2.加油站油槍殘油調查 藉由實地驗證將可獲的最佳的油槍自動跳停後之靜候時間,以及依現行使用習慣、宣導(靜候3秒)可能的揮發性有機物逸散量,如此除可提供民眾在落實正確加油觀念上的佐證數據外,亦可藉以推估其排放因子,以作為後續防制策略之參考。調查可得出其殘油量平均值約在10.7 ml/車次(立即收槍),以污染排放觀點來看,換算成揮發性有機物排放量為142.617公噸/年(汽油密度0.75 kg/L);如以經濟觀點來看,以目前平均油價30元/公升計,約造成價值為570,470萬元/年之經濟損失。而若於跳停後可停等3秒再收槍,其殘油量平均值將可下降至為0.5 ml/車次,換算約可減少135.486公噸/年的揮發性有機物排放以及570,470萬元/年的經濟損失,換算排放係數約為4.01×10-4 kg/車次。 3.物聯網空品感測佈建 已完成108年度新增150站空氣品質感測點位之布建,與本市於107年度布建之150個感測點一併持續維運;數據資料上傳至環保署指定資料平台,數據品質目標滿意度達91.69%,在108年各縣市排名中為第三名。未來透過數據分析平均值與標準差的方式進行告警,熱區分析以Z分數與平均值計算出300站的資料後,透過圖表分析離群值找出熱區位置,目前已判讀出鄰近公道五路、仁義路、工業三路、寶三路、園區三路以及金山東街等區域周遭為熱區,作為109年空污管制是否有可疑污染源存在盤查之依據。 二、環境現況分析 (一)環境負荷現況 新竹市人口數量最新統計顯示有447,359人;商業登記現有家數共計有有19,835家,以批發及零售業9,430家(48%)為最多。 (二)污染源特性分析 1.固定污染源 轄內固定污染源列管公私場所共計有268家,在科學工業園區外列管共計有191家。粒狀污染物總排放量為每年163.01公噸,硫氧化物總排放量為每年348.56公噸,氮氧化物總排放量為每年1009.37公噸,揮發性有機物總排放量為每年243.33公噸。 2.移動污染源 燃油機車總數為261,907輛(不含電動機車5,064輛),其中二行程機車為7,167輛,四行程機車約為254,712輛。計算機車排放量結果顯示,CO排放量合計排放量為2,479.67公噸;HC排放量合計排放量為841.73公噸。機動車輛已達424,894輛,其中按燃料別區分為大客車1,067輛、大貨車2,103輛、小客車142,038輛、小貨車11,610輛、特種車1,378輛及機器腳踏車266,698輛。今年度計畫汰舊柴油車計76輛,NOx削減34.9噸/年及PM2.5削減1.2噸/年。 3.逸散污染源 計有1,695處工程施工,平均每平方公里約有16.3處工程,今年1-10月污染排放量為965.99公噸,相較107年1-10月同期612.01公噸,增加近六成。 三、空氣品質現況分析 (一)空氣污染指標(AQI)分析(統計至10月31日) AQI平均值為59,以10月為74為最高值;AQI≦50(良好)共計有150站日數(51.4%),以7月份93.5%比例為最高;以AQI>100(不良)共計有30站日數(10.2%),以10月份19.3%比例為最高。 (二)空氣污染物濃度(統計至10月31日) 1.懸浮微粒(PM10):今年平均濃度為33.8 μg/m3。 2.細懸浮微粒(PM2.5) :今年平均濃度為15.71 μg/m3。 3.二氧化硫(SO2):今年平均濃度為2.06 ppb。 4.二氧化氮(NO2):今年平均濃度為11.67 ppb。 5.臭氧(O3):今年平均濃度為31.6 ppb。 6.一氧化碳(CO):今年平均濃度為0.35 ppm。 7.非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC):今年平均濃度為0.12 ppm。 四、空污防制計畫管理作業 (一)管理成果 大部分計畫因新聞議題未於當季刊登致使分數未能獲取,整體表現部分列出需加強項目,除請各計畫針對應達成之年度管制或空氣污染物減量目標加緊努力,以利達成本年度空污管制應達之成效外,也通知針對人員部分加強教育訓練及管理。 (二)專家/學者現勘作業 針對英迪格酒店及正隆股份有限公司新竹廠辦理現勘作業,已請權責計畫後續持續追蹤相關建議辦理情況。 (三)工作檢討會議 計辦理11場次工作檢討會,討論的主題共計有:本年度亮點工作制定、考評成績檢討改善、本年度考評作業辦理、新聞議題及空氣污染防制作業執行成果等。 (四)環境污染防制基金委員會議 於108年6月24日及10月25日辦理兩次「新竹市環境污染防制基金委員會」,會議內容包括:空污管制、水污防治及環境保護等計畫執行情況與基金現況說明及提案討論等。 五、空氣品質淨化區推動作業 (一)維護評量 完成6次現場查核,整體維護良好,唯部分因季節性因素造成植栽有枯萎或雜亂情況,均經維護單位完成改善;另針對千甲空氣品質淨化區持續增加查核頻率並針對缺失部分請認養單位進行修繕及環境維護作業。 (二)認養推動 透過鄰里與企業聯合機制,媒合在地企業現階段已完成3處空氣品質淨化區之認養作業。 (三)宣導與清淨活動 完成辦理8場次空品淨化區宣導。 (四)碳匯調查作業 完成2處空氣品質淨化區合計調查500株樹木,其中海天一線觀景區整體含碳量約為0.43公噸,二氧化碳(CO2)吸存量1.60公噸;南寮環保公園整體含碳量約為157.55公噸,二氧化碳(CO2)吸存量577.70公噸。 六、其他空氣品質管理相關事項 (一)道路分級普查作業 無C級道路,多為因車流量狀況而成為B級道路,每月平均僅8條路段達A級。 (二)掃街車作業 執行掃街作業車輛共計有3輛,洗街作業車計有1輛,合計執行41,808公里掃街作業,重點路段加強掃街共計10,330公里,推估掃街作業所削減之TSP達576公噸,PM10達108公噸,PM2.5達25公噸。 (三)竹竹苗空品區空氣品質維護計畫 於108年7月12日完成本市辦理一次竹竹苗空品區空氣品質維護計畫會議。 (四)跨局處會議 於108年5月22日針對空品嚴重惡化應變辦理跨局處兵棋演練;於108年10月21日辦理本市跨局處空氣污染減量小組會議。 (五)空氣污染防制網頁維護 定期維護更新本計畫網頁,並請各管制計畫更新網頁內容,包含年度變更、每月須定期上傳執行成果及相關資料。 (六)宣導品購置 採由環保局統一購置,本計畫配合相關辦理方式及繳款期程,完成108年度宣導品購置作業。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質


專案計畫編號 10802014-1 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3748.5 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/01 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 劉瑋廷
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 吳金蓉 執行單位 承晏環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年新竹市空氣品質綜合管理計畫期末定稿.pdf 24MB 期末定稿

Hsinchu City Air Quality Management Plan

英文摘要 According to statistics, as of December 31, 108, the total progress of the plan should reach 100%. The air pollution control plan book project prepared by the pollution control countermeasures has been published. In addition to the annual writing method, the progress is 0%. The remaining work items can reach the goal of 100% by December 31. A summary of the current implementation is as follows: I. Effectiveness of Air Pollution Control in 108 (I) Results of Air Quality Maintenance and Improvement As of October 108, the city's air quality has been improved. Among the air quality standard projects, only PM2.5 projects have not been achieved, and the remaining air pollutants have met the standards. Among the improvement rate projects, PM10 (annual average), PM2.5 (annual average) manual, SO2 (annual average), NO2 (annual average), CO (hourly average) and other five projects reached an improvement rate ≧ 5%, the remaining three projects still have room to strengthen. (B) the achievement of the target value of the pollution prevention book for air quality improvement The statistical results of the air quality improvement results of this city as of October 108, except for the 1.AQI ratio, 2.PM2.5 annual average and 3.O3 8-hour average 8th largest value does not meet the air quality improvement target value , The rest temporarily reach the target value set this year. (III) Achievement of the target value of the Clean Air Action Plan As of October 108, the results of the implementation of the target values ​​set out in the evaluation methods show that the part of Yu Yiyuan can be processed according to progress, which is a project with a high rate of achievement. The target value of this project is set by the Environmental Protection Agency based on the implementation results of 107 years. The target value of this city is tied with the highest national value of Yilan County, and this city is 25% higher than the national average. The achievement rate at this stage is only 69.1%. The improvement method is to continue to send inspection and decommissioning notices to improve the management rate. Encourage the first to third phase of diesel vehicle pollution improvement projects, the current completion rate is only 39.4%. The Environmental Protection Agency announced on May 27 that it will revise the "Measures for Eliminating Old and Large Diesel Vehicle Repair Subsidies" as "Subsidy for Large Diesel Vehicles." "Measures", the rights and responsibilities plan also began in June through the release of press releases, the notification of the contact of fleets within its jurisdiction, and the maintenance plant's assistance in advocacy. Xuanda Central has relaxed the conditions for subsidy adjustments, hoping to let the public clearly understand the relevant The subsidy is expected to improve the effectiveness of the pollution improvement of diesel vehicles in the first to third phases. After the EPA revised the subsidy measures, the number of applications for decommissioning and replacement in the first to third periods was increased. After the subsidy measures were relaxed, the average number of applications per month was more than before the relaxation. (4) Achievement of air pollutant reduction According to the statistics of the implementation results of the 108-year air pollution control plan, as of October 31, the total reduction was 656.10 metric tons. In terms of pollutants, the NOx reduction was 262.97 metric tons, and the PM10 reduction was 226.50 metric tons. Secondly, PM2.5 reached 87.60 metric tons and SOx was at least 8.01 metric tons. Although the annual pollutant reduction targets PM10 and PM2.5 have not yet reached the target, the progress has reached about 90%, and the remaining pollutants have reached the reduction target. (V) Leading innovation 1. CSR Enterprise Green Vehicle Promotion The purpose is to improve the environmental performance of enterprises in the park, such as building green supply chains, marketing green products or services, promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction, strengthening waste treatment, maintaining the ecological environment, and advocating climate risk awareness. As of the end of October, there were 76 companies submitting data. After screening, a total of 369 diesel vehicles from 46 companies were eligible for implementation. The reasons for non-compliance are that companies still use the first to third-phase vehicles, so the team For the individual coaching of companies using only one or two vehicles, there are already 7 companies that are eligible for implementation. This year, the number of eligible companies is 53 and a total of 389 vehicles, and bookings will be made on December 7, 108 for awards; In addition, the implementation plan was handled together with Hsinchu County. In the implementation results section of Hsinchu County, 31 companies submitted data and all were eligible for the implementation, with a total of 591 vehicles. 2.Residual oil survey of gas guns at gas stations By field verification, the best waiting time after the automatic oil gun can be automatically stopped, and according to the current usage habits, the possible emission of volatile organic compounds (wait for 3 seconds) can be provided. In addition to implementing the supporting data on the concept of correct refueling, it can also be used to estimate its emission factors as a reference for subsequent prevention strategies. According to the survey, the average value of residual oil volume is about 10.7 ml / car trip (immediately take the gun). From the perspective of pollution emissions, the amount of volatile organic compounds is 142.617 metric tons / year (gasoline density 0.75 kg / L) ; From an economic point of view, based on the current average oil price of 30 yuan / liter, it will cause an economic loss of about 5.7470 million yuan / year. If you can stop and wait for 3 seconds after the jump, then the average amount of residual oil will be reduced to 0.5 ml / trips, which will reduce volatile organic compounds emissions by about 135.486 metric tons per year and RMB 5.74.7 billion / The annual economic loss is about 4.01 × 10-4 kg / car trip. 3. IoT air quality sensing deployment The construction of 150 new air quality sensing points in 108 years has been completed, and it will continue to be maintained along with the 150 sensing points deployed in this city in 107 years. The target satisfaction rate is 91.69%, ranking third in the counties and cities in 108. In the future, an alarm will be issued through the means of analyzing the average and standard deviation of the data. After hot zone analysis calculates the data of 300 stations based on the Z score and the average, the outliers will be analyzed through the graph to find the location of the hot zone. Road, Renyi Road, Industry 3rd Road, Baosan Road, Yuansan Road, and Jinshan East Street are hot areas around, as the basis of the 109 air pollution control for the existence of suspicious pollution sources. Analysis of current environmental conditions (I) Status of environmental load According to the latest statistics on the population of Hsinchu City, there are 447,359 people; there are a total of 19,835 business registrations, with 9,430 (48%) being the largest in the wholesale and retail business. (II) Analysis of pollution source characteristics Fixed source of pollution There are a total of 268 public and private places managed by fixed pollution sources within the jurisdiction, and a total of 191 managed outside the Science and Industrial Park. The total emissions of particulate pollutants are 163.01 metric tons per year, the total emissions of sulfur oxides are 348.56 metric tons per year, the total emissions of nitrogen oxides are 1009.37 metric tons per year, and the total emissions of volatile organic compounds are 243.333 metric tons per year. 2. Mobile pollution sources The total number of fuel locomotives was 261,907 (excluding 5,064 electric locomotives), of which 7,167 were two-stroke locomotives and approximately 254,712 were four-stroke locomotives. The computer vehicle emissions results show that the total emissions of CO emissions are 2,479.67 metric tons; the total emissions of HC emissions are 841.73 metric tons. The number of motor vehicles has reached 424,894, of which 1,067 buses, 2,103 vans, 142,038 minibuses, 11,610 minivans, 1,378 special vehicles and 266,698 bicycles are divided by fuel. This year, we plan to use 76 old diesel vehicles, reducing NOx by 34.9 tons / year and PM2.5 by 1.2 tons / year. 3. Fugitive pollution sources There are 1,695 projects under construction, with an average of about 16.3 projects per square kilometer. The pollution emissions from January to October this year were 965.99 metric tons, which was an increase of nearly 60% compared with the 61.01 metric tons in the same period of January to October of 107. Analysis of Air Quality (1) Analysis of Air Pollution Index (AQI) (statistics to October 31) The average value of AQI is 59, with the highest value of 74 in October; AQI ≦ 50 (good) has a total of 150 station days (51.4%), with the highest rate of 93.5% in July; AQI> 100 (bad) has a total of The number of days at 30 stations (10.2%) was the highest at 19.3% in October. (II) Air pollutant concentration (statistics to October 31) 1. Suspended particles (PM10): This year's average concentration is 33.8 μg / m3. 2. Fine suspended particulates (PM2.5): This year's average concentration is 15.71 μg / m3. 3. Sulfur dioxide (SO2): This year's average concentration is 2.06 ppb. 4. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2): The average concentration this year was 11.67 ppb. 5. Ozone (O3): The average concentration this year was 31.6 ppb. 6. Carbon monoxide (CO): The average concentration this year was 0.35 ppm. 7. Non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC): The average concentration this year was 0.12 ppm. 4. Management of air pollution prevention plan (A) management results Most of the plans failed to obtain points due to news issues that were not published in the current quarter. The overall performance section lists items that need to be strengthened. In addition, each plan is required to intensify its efforts to achieve the annual control or air pollutant reduction goals that should be achieved in order to achieve In addition to the results that air pollution control should achieve this year, it also notified the strengthening of education and training and management for personnel. (II) Current survey work by experts / scholars For Indigo Hotels and Hsinchu Plant of Zhenglong Co., Ltd., to conduct on-site survey operations, the company has requested rights and responsibilities to plan to follow up the relevant recommendations. (3) Work review meeting There are 11 work review meetings planned, and the topics discussed in total include: the establishment of highlights this year, review and improvement of assessment results, the handling of assessment work this year, news issues, and the implementation results of air pollution control operations. (4) Meeting of the Environmental Pollution Control Fund Committee The "Hsinchu City Environmental Pollution Control Fund Committee" was held twice on June 24 and October 25, 108. The meeting contents included the implementation of plans for air pollution control, water pollution prevention and environmental protection, and the current status of the fund and Proposal discussions, etc. V. Air quality purification zone promotes operations (A) maintenance assessment Completed 6 on-site inspections, and the overall maintenance is good. Only part of the plants withered or cluttered due to seasonal factors have been improved by the maintenance unit. In addition, the inspection frequency of Qianjia Air Quality Purification Zone continues to increase, and please adopt for the missing parts. The unit performs repairs and environmental maintenance operations. (II) Adoption promotion Through the joint mechanism of neighborhood and enterprises, the local enterprises have completed the adoption of 3 air quality purification zones. (3) Propaganda and purification activities Completed 8 times of air product purification area publicity. (IV) Carbon sink investigation Completed a total of 500 trees surveyed in two air quality purification zones. The overall carbon content of Haitian First-line Viewing Area is about 0.43 metric tons, and the carbon dioxide (CO2) storage is 1.60 metric tons. Carbon dioxide (CO2) storage capacity is 577.70 metric tons. Sixth, other air quality management related matters (I) Road grading survey Non-C roads are mostly B roads due to traffic conditions, with only 8 roads reaching A level on average per month. (II) Street sweeper operation There are 3 vehicles performing street sweeping operations and 1 vehicle for street sweeping operations. A total of 41,808 kilometers of street sweeping operations are carried out. 10,330 kilometers of street sweeping enhancements have been carried out on key sections. It is estimated that the TSP reduced by street sweeping operations is 576 metric tons and PM10 It reached 108 metric tons and PM2.5 reached 25 metric tons. (3) Air quality maintenance plan for the empty area of ​​Zhuzhumiao On July 12, 108, the city completed a meeting on the air quality maintenance plan for the Zhuzhumiao empty product area. (4) Inter-office office meetings On May 22, 108, he handled the inter-departmental warfare drill for severe deterioration of air products; on October 21, 108, he handled the city's inter-departmental air pollution reduction team meeting. (V) Maintenance of Air Pollution Prevention Website Regularly maintain and update this plan's webpage, and ask each regulatory plan to update the content of the webpage, including annual changes, monthly implementation results and related information must be uploaded regularly. (6) Purchase of propaganda products It is purchased by the Environmental Protection Bureau in a unified manner. This plan cooperates with relevant processing methods and payment schedules to complete the procurement of 108 propaganda products.
英文關鍵字 air quality