

中文摘要 本計畫工作期程自民國108年1月4日至108年12月31日止,本計畫各項工作進度目標達成情形詳如表1所示,並說明執行成果如下: 一、建置本縣餐飲業基本資料庫 本計畫共完成350家餐飲業稽巡查輔導作業及基本資料建置,若以調查對象之經營型態進行分析,共有中式餐飲佔最高約共160家、複合式餐飲共88家為次之、第三為速食共60家、其餘為西式餐飲共22家、日式餐飲共8家、其它餐飲共6家。 若以調查對象之污染防制設備設置情形進行解析,設有擋板、濾網及水幕式煙罩等業者為18家(佔5.1%)及設有集氣罩及其他處理設備業者為246家(佔70.2%),合計裝設前處理設備共264家,裝設管末設備業者為182家(佔52%)。 二、餐飲業維護改善進度追蹤作業 本計畫共進行201家餐飲業維護改善進度追蹤作業,以電訪、傳真或書面回覆改善之情形,訪查之內容應包含餐飲業者油煙廢氣處理設施之設置、防制設備操作紀錄及後續維護頻率與情形,以有效遏止餐飲業之空氣污染行為發生。 三、餐飲業實際改善作業 本計畫共輔導84家餐飲業實際完成前處理及管末設備之設置及相關改善作為,經分析改善後實際減量部份(NMHC約10.54噸、TSP約7.43噸、PM10約7.12噸、PM2.5約6.69噸),並於執行稽巡查輔導作業時,向餐飲業者宣導加強污染防制設備定期維護保養之工作。 四、餐飲業專家學者減量輔導協談 本計畫已辦理6場次減量輔導專家學者協談會議,以大型餐飲業或環保局指定業者為優先輔導對象,每場次至少邀請1位專家學者至現場進行輔導,專家學者於現場進行專案性輔導後之建議,提供業者進行參考;本計畫將持續督促餐飲業者,進行污染防制設備改善之工作。 五、持續完成環保無煙餐廳分級作業 本計畫已完成3家次環保無煙餐廳鄰選評鑑作業,待環保局辦理年度成果發表會時進行頒獎及表揚作業。 六、執行餐飲業周界異味官能測定 本計畫已執行5點次異味官能測定之分析作業,其中共有4家餐飲業分析結果超過法規標準,本計畫已將名單報請環保局進行後續裁處作業,本計畫將持續追蹤後續改善之情形。 七、餐飲業油煙減量輔導教育講習 本計畫已完成6場次餐飲業減量輔導教育講習,本計畫邀請相關領域之專家學者,針對「餐飲業空氣污染防制技術與相關法令宣導及說明」之主題進行演講,使與會業者了解廚房油煙,對空氣及人體傷害之重要性,同時提供小型餐飲業簡易式水洗設備進行相關改善之作為,減少業者成本負擔;並針對現階段餐飲業執行現況與未來相關政策進行說明,促使業者改善意願及配合環保局相關政策推廣。 八、餐飲業跨局處宣導說明 本計畫已完成11場次餐飲業跨局處宣導說明,本計畫邀請相關領域之專家學者,針對「餐飲業空氣污染防制技術與相關法令宣導及說明」之主題進行演講,使與會業者了解廚房油煙對人體傷害之重要性。 九、維護及更新餐飲業查核資料庫及宣導網站 本計畫已完成餐飲業查核資料庫及宣導網站之資料建置作業,再持續更新餐飲業相關宣導資訊及相關案例資訊放入網站後供民眾參考,並將歷年查核資料匯入與於本縣餐飲業資料庫中,供環保局或相關計畫人員查詢使用。 十、餐飲業宣導文宣製作 本計畫共完成餐飲業油煙宣導文宣2,000份之製作,並於計畫執行查核期間發放給接受輔導之餐飲業者或參與相關活動之民眾參閱。 十一、成立本縣第七條環保餐飲示範街 本計畫依實際查核及各種評鑑之結果,已於108年4月於潮州鎮圓環商圈成立第七條環保餐飲示範街之地點,期望能將餐飲業者輔導改善完成,並塑造屏東縣餐飲業之觀光形象,後續將提出環保餐飲示範街相關改善行為及辦理成果。 十二、持續追蹤歷年成立之環保餐飲示範街 經本計畫歷年輔導成立之環保餐飲示範專區(街),除新增家數或歇業外,大多數已完成相關改善工作,然中正路商圈及屏東科技大學前尚未完成改善之餐飲業者,本計畫將加強未改善業者之查核比例並限期業者進行改善,若業者有安裝困難,本計畫將報請環保局邀請專家學者輔導進行專案性輔導,若不願意配合進行改善,將報請環保局依違反空氣污染防制法之規定進行查處,若為事實將進行告發裁處或執行異味官能測定與分析,確認業者污染之情形,促使業者進行相關改善工作。
中文關鍵字 餐廳、餐飲業、烹飪油煙、烹飪臭味、惡臭污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 3850 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/04 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 黃志宏
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年度屏東縣餐飲業空氣污染管制計畫_期末報告定稿本.pdf 19MB

Restaurant catering air pollution control and consultation Plan at Pingtung County

英文摘要 This project started from January 4, 2019 to December 31, 2019. The project achievement was presented briefly as following: First, the project had completed the construction work of database for restaurants catering activities among the county, for a total of 350 on-site inspections and counseling and background information update. The inspected restaurants included the category of Chinese food by 160 as a most and Compound food by 88, fast food by 60 and the others of 6. Among these, 264 restaurants as a 75.3% had taken the exhaust gas collection and pre-treatment measurements. 182 of them as a 52% had installed exhaust gas after-treatment facilities such as EP, wet scrubber or activated carbon trough. Second, the tracking by wire communication or internet for the improvement of 201 restaurants catering air pollution and facilities installation, maintenance and record, had been conducted for reduction of nuisance and maintenance of good air quality. Third, The results 84 of them had taken the exhaust gas collection and treatment measurements. And this program had contributed a total air pollution emission reduction of 10.54 tons for NMHC, 7.43 tons for TSP, 7.12 tons for PM10 and 6.69 tons for PM2.5. Fourth, 6 case studies and consulting meetings by expertise for the improvement of restaurant catering exhaust gas treatment had been performed. Many practical measurement suggestion for each restaurant had been proposed and will act as a guideline for next stage improving works and tracking. Fifth, the establishment of non-smoking environmental restaurant grading work was implemented. 10 out of 277 restaurant candidates had been re-evaluated as fine quality of contribution to air quality maintenance. The result 3 restaurants gained the excellent non-smoking environmental restaurant grade and a reward ceremony was held and announced in public on 2020 afterwards. Six, 5 restaurants catering exhaust gas odor sampling at perimeter had been performed. The results demonstrated 4 restaurants were not in compliance of regulation standard. A further penalties and request for improvement action had been conducted and the control audit will be followed and tracked. 7th , the project had completed 17 sessions of restaurant catering air pollution reduction and improvement counselling meetings. 4 expertise were invited to make speeches and knowledge training for restaurant owners or representatives. 8th, the establishment of environmental catering demonstration street had been planned and implemented. According to the on-site evaluation and audit, a restaurant grouping area located at Circle Business District in Chaozhou Town was selected for the promotion candidate for the establishment of environmentally friendly demonstration street location. 9th , the database of project related information had been completed and will be kept updated on the EPB website, including the case guidance and regulation for restaurant control measurement or environmental inquiry reference. 10th , This plan has completed the production of 2,000 copies of the fume propaganda statement for the catering industry, and distributed it to the catering industry who received counseling or the people involved in related activities during the implementation of the plan.
英文關鍵字 Restaurant , Foodservice , Cooking fume , Cooking Odor , Odorous Pollution