

中文摘要 為加速改善PM2.5污染問題,行政院於106年12月21日通過「空氣污染防制行動方案」,針對PM2.5之主要貢獻來源,提出具體減量行動,以期達到至108年,PM2.5年平均濃度符合空氣品質標準及紅害日數減半之目標。有鑑於此,本計畫主要工作為協助環保署持續推動「空氣污染防制行動方案」中為改善與民生相關污染源所施行之「改造或汰換商業鍋爐」、「餐飲油煙管制」、「改善燒紙錢文化之衍生問題」、「減少稻草露天燃燒面積」等重點策略,並持續蒐集、彙整各項管制策略之執行成果,協助環保署有效改善與民生相關污染源之排放情形。 本計畫執行期間,針對「改造或汰換商業鍋爐」,已完成31廠次鍋爐實地訪查作業,並持續追蹤、掌握鍋爐改善推動成果,以及評估「鍋爐空氣污染物排放標準」修訂方向;針對「餐飲油煙管制」,則已完成國內、外各項餐飲油煙排放係數文獻資料之蒐集、彙整,並完3種烹飪類型(燒烤、油炸、快炒)各4家餐廳之排氣特性調查以及完成3種控制設備之效能驗證測試,同時提出「餐飲業空氣污染物防制設施管理辦法」(草案)修訂內容;針對「改善燒紙錢文化之衍生問題」,則已蒐集、彙整國內、外管制紙錢及香枝焚燒相關管制資料以及提出金、銀紙及香品國家標準修訂建議;針對「減少稻草露天燃燒面積」,則已完成蒐集、彙整國內、外露天燃燒管制相關資料,以及「農業廢棄物露天燃燒管理資訊系統」圖資更新及農業廢棄物露天燃燒月管制報表系統功能優化。此外,亦完成辦理4場次專家諮詢會議與8 場次研商、討論或說明會議以蒐集專家與相關單位之意見,做為後續推動民生相關污染源管制作業之參考。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制行動方案、餐飲業油煙、環保友善祭祀


專案計畫編號 EPA-108-FA12-03-A072 經費年度 108 計畫經費 14650 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/30 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 陳依琪
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林冠銘 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-108-FA12-03-A072.pdf 16MB 期末報告

Implementing Air Pollution Control Action Plan─Reducing Air Pollution from Livelihood Sources, Including Boilers, Cooking Oil Fumes and Open Burning

英文摘要 Action Plan for Air Pollution Control which details specific control and prevention measures for every air pollution source was passed by the Executive Yuan on December 21, 2017. The EPA aims to reduce the annual average PM2.5 concentration from 22 μg/m3 (in 2015) to 18 μg/m3, and to decrease the yearly number of red alert days from 997 station/days (in 2015) to 499 station-days. Therefore, the major tasks of this project include (1)assistance in implementing the strategies to reduce emissions from boilers, food and beverage enterprises, burning of joss paper and agricultural wastes; (2)collecting the results of strategies including "boiler control", "control of oily smoke", "amelioration of problems caused by burning of joss paper" and "reuse and treatment of agricultural wastes". During the project period, field research and counselling of 31 enterprises in boilers replacement have been conducted. Composition of cooking oil fumes of 12 restaurants have been analyzed and the performance verification tests of three types of pollution control devices have been conducted. Regarding the air pollution problems caused by burning of joss paper and joss sticks, control strategies of different countries have been collected. Moreover, revisions of CNS standards - Joss sticks and Joss papers have been proposed. In order to control the opening burning of agricultural wastes, control strategies of different countries have been collected and the geographical information and the declaration functions of "Agricultural Waste Open Burning Information System" have been updated. In addition, four advisory consultation meetings and eight discussion meetings have been held to collect opinions and advises on air pollution control strategies.
英文關鍵字 Action Plan for Air Pollution Control, Cooking Oil Fumes, Environment Friendly Folk Activity