

中文摘要 「108年低碳社區暨減碳機制推動專案工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)藉由蒐集國際間溫室氣體減量方法學進行簡化。計盤點15項適用企業及社區部門方法學,及研蒐12個國際案例作為後續推動參考,並研提簡化既有方法以利適用微型規模抵換專案,降低文件審查及成本,提升申請意願。 本計畫簡化「AMS-I.A用戶自行發電」方法學,建議將再生能源類別侷限於太陽能發電,且必須替代既有化石燃料發電,設定裝置容量上限為5 MW及節能類型年節電量小於2,000萬度。簡化「TMS-II.001工業設施採高效率燈具」方法學,建議將高效率設備限定於照明設備,並排除新設及移動式燈具可能性,以排除洩漏情況。 與陽光伏特家合作,協助桃園市復興區比亞外部落建置太陽能光電系統,以AMS-I.A方法學申請抵換專案,以方案型提出抵換專案,完成比亞外部落抵換專案確證,比亞外部落抵換專案於10年計入期確證之總減量為315 tCO2e。預估專案總減量約539 tCO2e。共計辦理14場次抵換專案之相關諮詢交流會議。 研蒐6處國際碳中和社區案例,強調減量的執行過程,碳中和宣告屬於自我宣告。彙整國內外減量措施,社區排放源以外購電力為主,建議優先以建構社區能源基線,作為社區盤查基準。協助信義房屋5處門市,以及桃園市比亞外部落推動碳中和,共計召開12場次相關會議,並取得碳中和宣告聲明書。 以偏鄉或原鄉地區的社區為主要對象,輔導16處偏鄉社區以及4處社福機構,彙整7項地方政府、3項企業針對弱勢家庭或族群提供的節能設備補助資訊,提供給受輔導單位參考,另盤點部落設備需求,並公開於溫室氣體減量抵換資訊平台,後續將資訊移轉至所屬環保局,由環保局協助媒合企業及社區。 辦理4場次低碳種子培訓課程,累計參與學員共224人次。為擴展不同年齡層新制一組減碳雙熊人偶裝,及3式(雨衣、運動服、正式服裝)不同服裝。辦理4場次的宣導說明會人數達181人,以及5場次的雙熊出任務,另與荒野保護協會合作推出「地球日番外篇-建築綠化降溫成果推廣巡迴活動」,辦理5場次巡迴活動144人參與。 研蒐10個國內外低碳節能成功案例,以及更新20則低碳社區營造小故事,並於低碳永續社區粉絲頁經營宣導,及製作3分鐘的社區綠化成果短片,與一支北投國小推動海綿校園影片,透過影音方式吸引民眾注意力,共同推動及營造低碳永續家園。
中文關鍵字 永續低碳社區、減量措施、微型專案計畫


專案計畫編號 108A162 經費年度 108 計畫經費 10190 千元
專案開始日期 2019/04/08 專案結束日期 2020/06/07 專案主持人 范鑫榆
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 許值蓉 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 本文.pdf 13MB

The promotion program of low-carbon community and carbon reduction mechanism

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Agency has collected international case studies and simplification the methodologies of CDM to calculate the amount of GHG reduction in the project of "2019 Plan of promote Low-Carbon Communities and Carbon Reduction Mechanism ". The total of 15 methods that may be applicable to small enterprises and communities was chosen to simplify and 12 international case studies were served as follow-up promoting references. The cost for reviewing documents and verifying the carbon credits will be significantly reduced and the willingness to apply for the credits should be largely increased by using those simplifying methodologies for micro scale project. In the project, the CDM methodology AMS-I.A. (Electricity generation by the user) was chosen. It is proposed to be limited to solar power generation, and must be replaced the existing fossil fuel power generation. The capacity of solar power is limited to 5 MW and annual power saving is less than 20 million. Another localization methodology TMS-II.001 (high efficient lighting system in the industrial) was also chosen but only limited to high-efficiency lighting pipes and bulbs. The new installations and mobile lamps should be excluded to eliminate the leakage. Cooperated with Sunny Founder to assist the construction of photovoltaic system in Biyawai Tribe, Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City, applying for this project by AMS-I.A methodology and the estimated total reduction of the carbon emission will be about 315 tonCO2e within 10 years. There were 14 consultation and exchange meetings related to this carbon offset program were convened. The project had studied 6 international cases about carbon neutral community. All of the international cases emphasized on the implementation process of carbon reduction. The carbon neutral declaration belongs to the third category or self-declaration. From the study no matter with international of domestic communities, the main source of carbon emission was come from electricity that was purchased from outside sources. It is recommended that prioritizing task is to establish the community energy baseline as the benchmark for community inventory. Promote 5 stores of SINYI Realty and Biyawai Tribe of Taoyuan City and complete carbon neutrality which involved 12 related meetings with Stakeholders. Taking the community in the underdeveloped country sides or the tribal area as the main target, 16 local communities and 4 social welfare institutions were consulted. In addition, integrate 7 local governments and 3 enterprises provide information about the subsidies of energy-saving equipments for vulnerable families or ethnic groups, and provide data to the counseling units for reference. We also disclosed the stock of tribal equipment needs on the greenhouse gas reduction exchange information platform. Local EPA may assist the communities and enterprises to work together and reach their goals. Take place 4 sessions of low-carbon seeds training courses, with a total of 224 participants. In order to expand the different age groups, a new set of carbon-reducing double bears’ puppet costumes and 3 different types (including raincoat, sportswear, formal clothes) costumes was designed. Handle 4 sessions of propaganda activities with a total of 181 participants and 5 missions by carbon-reducing double bears to cooperate with the Society of Wilderness to carry out the "Earth Day Extras-Building Greening and Cooling Achievement Promotion Tour" with a total of 144 participants. Study 10 international and domestic successful cases of low-carbon energy conservation, and update 20 small stories about building a low-carbon community. Produce promotional videos from pages for the management of low-carbon sustainable fans. Produce 3-minute short video showing the achievements of greening community, and a video promoting the Sponge Campus by Beitou Elementary School. By means of audio-visual propaganda can attract citizen to jointly promote and build a low-carbon and sustainable hometown.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon Sustainable Community, Reduction Measures, Microscale Project Activity