

中文摘要 本計畫循全方位環境物聯網發展架構分階段執行,期最終能符合智慧政府角色以資料為核心,運用大數據、人工智慧、物聯網、雲端運算等新興科技,主動發掘及解決民眾問題,創造公共價值。 服務受眾大致可分兩類,中央、地方稽查人員與一般民眾,工作項目涵蓋三大面向服務,包含感測資訊分析和服務監控管理,公眾應用服務與推廣,以及業務決策支援與溝通推廣。 維運與擴充將以四個系統平台為主:環境感測數據分析平台、環境感測數據展示平台、環境感測數據公開服務網站以及圖資整合查詢入口網。維運重點在於提供對內對外如質如量服務,並因應即時需求;希望能夠透過後端數據分析平台的運作產出,持續提升政府決策品質,前端展示與服務網站強化公民社會參與深度、提高民眾生活便利性,推動智慧環境相關應用。 再者,利用環境相關時空資料、運用空間資訊技術與運算,搭配環保署行動端運用,提供民眾進階的數位服務。此外,配合環保署環境感測數據儲存中心,因應相關基礎軟硬體設施與新興服務趨勢,導入智慧環境決策應用所需軟體工具或技術,感測資料。期能透過本計畫多元廣泛工作項提供環保署一創新整合式服務,邁向智慧環境治理的下一階段。
中文關鍵字 空氣網、感測、空間資訊應用、數據分析


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 14105 千元
專案開始日期 2019/01/31 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 徐承原
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 王士榮 執行單位 宸訊科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-108A028_結案報告書(公開版).pdf 10MB

Environmental Sensor Data Analysis and Display Service Application System Maintenance and Development Project

英文摘要 The main purpose of this plan is to integrate big data generated by huge amount of distributed sensor and different applications. Through the database, Web of Things, artificial wisdom and cloud computing technologies, environmental inspectors can find and solve public problems in more active ways. In order to improve the quality of the governmental decision making through the back-end side and encourage citizen to participate the social innovation through the fornt-end side, four web platforms including environmental sensor data analytics platform, environmental sensor data visualization platform (aiR), environmental sensor data public website and integrated map information website entrance, will be maintained and expanded in this year. This project include three service items: sensor management and data alaysis, public service promotion, and governmental decision making support. According to different clients, central government, local bureau or general people, the system will provide two versions with different features. Also, the sensor data will be transformed into geographic information system to calculate and analyze the environmental space-time related results for inspectors and people who want to get more advanced digital information. Eventually, more environmental sensor data can be integrated and the fundamental software / hardware technology can be enhanced during the excecution time.
英文關鍵字 aiR, IoT, GIS, data analysis