

中文摘要 本計畫共包含六個工作項目,茲分別說明各項工作成果。一、檢討有害事業廢棄物檢測及紀錄管理辦法,完成研擬管理辦法部分條文修正(草案)建議,修正重點為調整檢測頻率,新增再利用後衍生廢棄物需進行檢測。二、調查進大型焚化廠事業廢棄物種類,完成8件次樣品採樣分析作業,有6件可燃分達88-98%間;濕基低位發熱量介於4800~6900Cal/kg,並評估其再利用做為燃料之事宜性。三、完成戴奧辛分年調查追蹤作業(第2年期),本年度採集20件次廢棄物樣品追蹤其廢棄物流向,完成建立4類行業別戴奧辛圖譜資料。四、完成調查廢玻璃強化塑膠(FRP)清理現況,彙整相關資源化技術,研提處理及再利用建議。五、完成統計每季之爐碴、集塵灰、污泥、廢溶劑產出及資源化現況,及完成3家煉鋼廠每季追蹤訪視作業,研提重點廢棄物管理建議;六、完成每季4處環保科技園區追蹤查察作業,彙整園區營運概況。
中文關鍵字 工業廢棄物、輔助燃料、戴奧辛、工業污泥、電弧爐爐碴、廢溶劑、有害事業廢棄物、廢棄物衍生燃料、玻璃纖維強化塑膠


專案計畫編號 經費年度 108 計畫經費 8401.825 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/05 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 黃馨
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 鄧丕信 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 108年工業廢棄物清理管理專案計畫期末成果報告_上傳_修2.pdf 14MB

Evaluation on Industrial Waste Disposal Management,2019

英文摘要 The project included six major work items, the following described six parts results of the work. First, the analysis of Hazardous Industrial Waste and the Record Management Regulations were examined. The amendments of the“Hazardous Industrial Waste Record and Analysis Management Regulations (draft)” were also proposed. The amendment focuses on adjusting frequency of determination, and regulating the derived wastes after reuse which must be determined. Second, the types of industrial waste in the large incinerators were investigated. The physical and chemical characteristics of the eight waste samples were sampled and analyzed during the investigation. There were six items with flammable between 88 and 98% and their lower calorific value on wet basis were in the range of 4800 ~ 6900 Cal/kg. Moreover, the reuse of the industrial wastes as fuels were evaluated and its regulation and management were then proposed. Third, completed the project planned dioxin tracking investigations for five years( second year), including twenty sampling and analysis works, creating dioxin fingerprints data for 4 industries. Fourth, reviewed the fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) disposal and reuse situations, and synthesized the treatment and reuse method. Five, the cleanup and recycling status of industrial waste that difficult to cleanup, including furnace slag, dust, sludge, and waste solvent were investigated per quarter, by tracking the waste of three steel industries, this project has supported the management proposal. In addition, the quarterly inspection of four Environmental Science and Technology Parks was finished. Their operational data were also collected and organized.
英文關鍵字 Industrial waste, Refuse Derived Fuel,RDF, Dioxin, Industrial sludge, Electric Arc Furnace Slag, Waste solvent, Hazardous industrial waste, Fiber Reinforced Plastics